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American native citizen's arrogance !!!


Apr 2, 2008
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Comments of american native citizen copied from "War in Context" to share woith fellows here. Just imigine the problems & feelings of common peoples every where in the world (even in the so called largest democracy USA), are same. This is self explainatory

Comment from alan stuart
Time: August 14, 2008, 12:57 pm

just how much more arrogant can bushco and his minions get?
why is it that all of our government and worthless media decided to change the entire story of what initiated the current mess between russia and georgia?
why during all of the endless blather from pundits galore has no one thought to mention much less bring up the billion dollar sale of weapons to georgia by isreal?
why is it a forbidden topic to consider just what in the hell all of those israeli advisors are doing in georgia in the first place?
why is nobody talking of the american advisors in georgia as well?
why does the main stream media devote so much air time to this nitwit president from georgia to spout his nonsense considering the only thing that both he and bush share in common is the mentality of a turnip?
hopefully this time the good old usa has over reached its boundries in its attempt for world domination. perhaps the time has finally come that the rest of the world will realize that we who have recently started wars of aggression with two foreign soverign countires are in no position to speak of russia as if they did something wrong.

when the day comes and americans wake up from their dazed stupers and realize that idiots such as bush, mc cain and obama do not speak for we the people but only for themselves concerning political ploys and games.

this upcoming election will wind up being another sham or travisity to the principles our country was founded on. it appears that with all of the new laws and permission given to those in control have made the public even stupider than before not even realizing just how many of their rights are now gone. everday you hear of yet more ways being created to eliminate registered voters from the roles they are currently on. disabled vets are the latest in this assault, it seems that disenfrangement is the new came in town.

wake up fellow americans and for once finally accept the reality that that there is no war on terror but a war of terrorism against our country not by outsiders, but from the very powers we allegedly elected.
I have said it a million times the people here are the most ignorant people when it come to world events. We only hear what the media says and no one questions it.

By the way America is a Republic not a democracy as many call it. Heck most dumb Americans don't know that due to the fact all they want to do is be entertained not educated.
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