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  1. Z

    Bollywood by Pakistani Student

    that is the stupidest thing i have ever heard in my life. even for an indian, that was pretty stupid logic.
  2. Z

    Bollywood by Pakistani Student

    with all this research they all came to the same conclusion that was given by Islam. like i said, first read those proofs about how Islam is the correct religion, then come back.
  3. Z

    Bollywood by Pakistani Student

    Actually i am western educated. and much much more educated than you. IIT standard. it was this western knowledge that enables my excellent command of english and also this very same western knowledge that led me to proofs that Islam is the correct religion.
  4. Z

    Bollywood by Pakistani Student

    Doesn't mean crime doesn't exist in every nation. and using criminals of any nation to describe the entire common population, logically doesn't make sense. just becoz your religion was proven wrong doesn't mean you have to go around trying to prove that everyone else's religion is wrong. in...
  5. Z

    Bollywood by Pakistani Student

    yep..in Islam we have scientific proof that Islam is the correct religion. but for that you have to go read about them :)
  6. Z

    Bollywood by Pakistani Student

    come on! just becoz your hindu pandits were proven wrong by science n modernization doesn't mean you have to project your failures to other religions. admit that worshiping idols n lingams was wrong n you were led astray.
  7. Z

    Bollywood by Pakistani Student

    i never said i watch it or illegaly download it. these things are coming in your head becoz you are the one who does this! caught! in urdu we call it "chor ki darhi mein tinka" . means the culprit always shows his guilty signs :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. Z

    Bollywood by Pakistani Student

    you can focus on whatever. but deep in your heart you know that things don't change. the watcher is the always the Master. and the dancer/actor is the entertainment and that is FACT. that is why they dance for people. for their Masters
  9. Z

    Bollywood by Pakistani Student

    What twisted logic! Motherland concept comes from hinduism that made people worship everything: sun, fire, monkeys, cows, land, lingam etc. i can see you are slowly becoming more n more hindu with each generation. becoming more n more away from Islamic knowledge. becoz indians will only...
  10. Z

    Bollywood by Pakistani Student

    who says we blast people at mosque?? those are criminals, not common Pakistanis. they break the LAW. Learn the difference. or go to a better school. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  11. Z

    Bollywood by Pakistani Student

    Pathetic! you know i am right: No father, even an indian father, likes to admit that his son is an actor. that is fact. WIN
  12. Z

    Bollywood by Pakistani Student

    You are just shocked that i know so much about your society and religion that you are ashamed to admit. :D link proves my point: ranking according to whom? westerners?. pathetic. doesn't change the GLARING FACT that india has the HIGHEST gap in male:female sex ratio. shows the anti-woman...
  13. Z

    Bollywood by Pakistani Student

    No actually at the end of the day: acting is not a respectable profession that's why Pakistanis don't venture into it. but its fun to see that you indians think we Pakistanis would think like you Indians that nach ganay is somethign to be proud of. like i said: No father, even an indian father...
  14. Z

    Bollywood by Pakistani Student

    don't get your hopes too high. bollywood is all plagiarized from hollywood.
  15. Z

    Bollywood by Pakistani Student

    According to whom? Jews? Westerners? Indians? India has the largest gap in male:female ratio. that says a lot about the biased mentality of indian people. women are not welcome in their own households. under orthodox hinduism a woman cannot own anything except jewellery. denying them property...
  16. Z

    Bollywood by Pakistani Student

    what a twisted mentality! the watcher is always the master. the one who is dancing n acting is always the subject entertainment. the nawabs used to watch the tawaif dancing. the nawabs were the MASTER , the dancing tawaifs were the ENTERTAINMENT. indian muslims only supporting india becoz...
  17. Z

    Bollywood by Pakistani Student

    backup your arguments with proof if i am wrong. saying "i think you don't know abt my religion" without any proof is a cheap n quick way to exit the truth.
  18. Z

    Bollywood by Pakistani Student

    Lol troll.. hint: Forever Alone face
  19. Z

    Bollywood by Pakistani Student

    mujras? again generalizing.. fancy weddings? so what? its a festive occassion. unless you have a "medieval prude europe" mentality. and stop bringing peace tv scholar as a basis . its pathetic. those scholars have (a) an agenda to appease Indians. (b) they are nothing but tv monkeys. Talk...
  20. Z

    every country's strategy

    Lamest excuse.. that reasoning is accurate for North Korea but Iran is strong enuff to match horns with Israel. that's why America is afraid to go against Iran. America only went after iraq and libya becoz they weren't strong enuff to go after Israel. otherwise America would never have dared.
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