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every country's strategy

lol, but bear in mind that israel itself is very very powerful.
Good strategy - "If I'm going down, that other guy over there is too!"

OP forgot one thing, Israel is more powerful than many countries combined in Middle-East. :sniper:
with mentality like this is it any wonder , why people do not want to give you the benefit of the doubt mate?:rolleyes:
Well thought out - plenty of research - results in a ban. Not well thought out - obviously not enough research.
Enjoy the break mate.
This is why America never dares to attack Iran. coz they know if they attacked Iran, Iran will just throw all missiles at Israel. and they have more firepower than Arab Middle-East armies. That's why America is afraid to attack Iran.
That's why America is afraid to attack Iran.

It's not a matter of fear... wrong word. It's a matter of "There's no need to attack Iran. We don't like each other but that's not reason enough to go to war."
It's not a matter of fear... wrong word. It's a matter of "There's no need to attack Iran. We don't like each other but that's not reason enough to go to war."

Lamest excuse.. that reasoning is accurate for North Korea but Iran is strong enuff to match horns with Israel. that's why America is afraid to go against Iran.

America only went after iraq and libya becoz they weren't strong enuff to go after Israel. otherwise America would never have dared.
if every country developed its arsenal with the sole purpose of israel attacking capability, the jewish Congress will pull back America from every war in the world.
Lamest excuse.. that reasoning is accurate for North Korea but Iran is strong enuff to match horns with Israel. that's why America is afraid to go against Iran.

America only went after iraq and libya becoz they weren't strong enuff to go after Israel. otherwise America would never have dared.


Welcome to the board----iran's only strength is attacking oil tankers in the straits of hormuz----as for attacking israel----it is wishful thinking----.

My good man---it is good to be a patriotic muslim----but one must never go blind to the reality in his zeal and belief.

Welcome to the board----iran's only strength is attacking oil tankers in the straits of hormuz----as for attacking israel----it is wishful thinking----.

My good man---it is good to be a patriotic muslim----but one must never go blind to the reality in his zeal and belief.

if Iran was incapable of attacking Israel, America would have invaded Iran a long time ago just like they did with Iraq and Libya.
instead America tries to put sanctions on Iran to economically damage it. but they dare not attack Iran directly. that's becoz Iran's arsenal if strong enuff to destroy Israel. if America attacked Iran, they would blow up Israel.

that's why the Congress is afraid to move against Iran but quick to invade weaker countries like Iraq and Libya.

its not about muslim or patriotism. its about freedom for all. the only way to stave off an American invasion is to develop an Israel attacking capability and scare off the Congress.
if Iran was incapable of attacking Israel, America would have invaded Iran a long time ago just like they did with Iraq and Libya.
instead America tries to put sanctions on Iran to economically damage it. but they dare not attack Iran directly. that's becoz Iran's arsenal if strong enuff to destroy Israel. if America attacked Iran, they would blow up Israel.

that's why the Congress is afraid to move against Iran but quick to invade weaker countries like Iraq and Libya.

its not about muslim or patriotism. its about freedom for all. the only way to stave off an American invasion is to develop an Israel attacking capability and scare off the Congress.


Indeed you have a great insight into the capabilities of iran---and only you know of them----.

Indeed you have a great insight into the capabilities of iran---and only you know of them----.


Indeed your only response to a true statement is lying via sarcasm.

what's the matter? afraid that if every country developed Israel attacking capability, then America won't be able to invade and install puppets anymore? the world would be free? that is the truth isn't it?

if every country was able to attack Israel, then America won't be able to attack anyone. that's what you're so afraid of.
that's why new members are banned so quickly they dont know how the world affairs are run may be they are just naive to begin
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