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    Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline (IPP) News & Updates.

    Good News. I thought pakistan is self sufficient in gas as it has highest per capita consumption of gas in Indian subcontinent.
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    The Double Game.

    Only thing the author truing to prove is 2+2 =22
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    Rlys pay Rs 22.5 lakh to Pak dad who lost 5 kids in Samjhauta blast

    The money can never bring his children back to him, but this will lessen his pain and GOI's guilt for not being able to protect the guests.
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    Referred by Pak docs, Afghan woman cured of cancer in Delhi

    As you wish. But if you find any soul in distress , please refer Indian Doctors/Medical treatment to them. Vo aapko dua dete nahi thakange. I wish Akram had taken the flight to Chennai/Singapore a little earlier.
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    It’s back!

    see the the replies in the following thread http://www.defence.pk/forums/strategic-geopolitical-issues/44371-holbrooke-concerned-over-anti-us-sentiments-despite-aid.html green buck can do "wonders" to ones conscious :usflag: Why blame zardari. :pakistan: Dare to refuse the aid.:pakistan:
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    AL-55I engine test flight 2010, Ready for India

    If I'm right , they are for the IJT Sitara.
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    pakistan economy past and present

    The high growth of pakistan's economy is Ayub's era were primarily because of easy credit available to it , Thanks to pakistan joining US led block ( was it called SEATO ?). Unfortunately it didn't use the money to build industries. On the other hand India invested in big projects and...
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    Cabinet approves 2,250MW rental power projects

    What is "rental power project" ?
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    All Muslims are not terrorists but all terrorists are Muslims, a myth or a media hype

    Media talks in present tense or "slight" past tense. Far past is left to history books and visited primarily by researchers. ( you didn't name Ghinges Khan- a Buddhist , in the list ) Your list starts from 1930-40s. But If you make the list of terrorist activities 1990 onwards( the time...
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    All Muslims are not terrorists but all terrorists are Muslims, a myth or a media hype

    I wish he had compiled the other list too.... just for comparision......:undecided:
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    Why is the US suddenly attacking the TTP now?

    Why of lately the Americans have tuned the gun on the TTP ?! Simply because PA is incapable to counter them. With US help, PA may succeed.
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    Gen Ayub, Zia, Musharaf, whose policies were better

    IMO, Ayub Khan wanted to build a modern pakistan...in line with Turkey. If he had succeeded, pakistan could have been a more vibrant , modern country. Unfortunately , Zia influenced it the most, for which it is still repaying....
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    New Suzuki Product (Suzuki Swift)

    The market is the best judge for any new product. People in India were also little apprensive ,because of it's "different looks" ( 5 years back), but it became a hot cake in months. BTW, if imported swifts are already available in pakistan, then suzuki must have done some market research...
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    Holbrooke concerned over anti US sentiments despite aid

    If pakistan doesn't want the aid, then why they accept this ? why so much noise over KL bill? Why double talk ?why ask US to release more money for WOT, which has become more in more pakistan's survial intrest than US. Without drone attacks, there could have been little pak could have done...
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    Anti-terror war has paralysed Pakistan economy, US told

    "Peace and Friendship" is to be cultivated and it need good intentions. It can not be demanded. If pakistan is serious about them, stop protecting 26/11 and other masterminds and discard terror as state policy. How would U justify rockets being fired from pakistan to India and upon...
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    Opposing India a habit of some people in Bangladesh: Hasina

    Bangladesh is an independent country and should/would have an independent foreign policy which favour it's growth the most. BD can have good ties with China and India and can gain a lot out from this. Hope they get a good, even better deal from China. Unfortunately , many in BD links their...
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    Anti-terror war has paralysed Pakistan economy, US told

    Well, pakistani economy is hurt because terrorism is down worldwide, not because of WOT. After all, terrorists and related services were the pakistan's biggest export. :) :)
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    Manmohan Singh opens door to Pakistan

    What has been pakistan gov's reply to the India's offer? I'm not expecting any positivities from them. Back to old lines.
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    Balochistan halts $3.5bn copper project

    Please clear some points: As per the caption..Pakinstan "Threats" to withdraw. Why this threat? What do they want? If pakistan wants to “protect the country’s national interests”, then simply cancel the deal....why threat? As I understand..threat is given.if U want something...
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    Manmohan Singh opens door to Pakistan

    Sometime ago pakistan wanted world to ask India to start the talk. Now ,since, India has initiated , let's see pakistan's response.
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