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  1. M

    Not battle-ready before 2027, admits Indian Army

    as per projections by 2050 India,China,US are going to be the top three econimies.... so at that time it will be a relation of EQUALITY between them... and one that of Inter dependency.... so thats for future... though there will be differenct between them.. but they wil all be right up...
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    China urges India to maintain peace in border areas

    nuaamachao i appreciate your feelings for peace n development.....:tup: Yes its welcome development for India and China to live peacefully....:tup: also India should just develop its own areas...its India's internal matter.... China has developed its border areas really well.... whereas...
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    some fool has twisted the things.... the video just mentions that the fleet has been grounded and an enquiry is underway to look into cause of defect.... well that is a fact....and also the tright thing to do.... but it has to be some empty minded junk person to label the video as "Impotent...
  4. M

    Chinese military team visiting India to boost ties

    so will be china.... if it were to be foolish enough to attack India....the damage done to China will be immense and on the side of unacceptable damage.... so it will be both which will loose... hope the chinese govt can sheds its policy of unnecessarily interfering in Indian matters...which...
  5. M

    Chinese military team visiting India to boost ties

    It is good that the trade between the two countries is increasing...:tup: but there should always be a balance of power b/w India and China...not only India but China should also think that it is better to engage with India than to confront with it ..... and there are two ways to achieve...
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    Agni-5 can target our Harbin city: Chinese daily

    :taz:wow does it hurt to hear India developing Agni V..???:cheesy:.....ur post shows that only.... we are developing it... if it gives u wet sl..p so be it.... but why r u concerned at all if u dont think it can be made by India...Live in ur dream world... enjoy.. U can wake up when...
  7. M

    China urges India to maintain peace in border areas

    India made the mistake that it allowed China to take Tibet then....now its too late.... India will not take such a stand in nearby future...... the relations are not that bad between the two countries.... but it could be a reality in future if... India were to be really pushed into doing it...
  8. M

    China urges India to maintain peace in border areas

    :taz: i hope they start to develop again..i think thats the right thing to do...they thinking of peace with China....but i think chinese govt dont understand language of peace(though commom chinese like common indians will be mostly peaceloving)...they policies are not in line with peace... yes...
  9. M

    China urges India to maintain peace in border areas

    give me the source for what u r saying.... if that is the case i am ready to remove my post buddy... but i dont think it was the case... i think it was within Indian controlled area....that is why i have asked u for a source... but nonetheless India should always develop whatever areas are...
  10. M

    China urges India to maintain peace in border areas

    china doesnt want peace with India....it has itself done every possible thing to improve infrastructure on its own side.... at that time it didnt see the area as disputed......or did it..???? secondly it continues to build roads and dams in Kashmir... Does anyone on this forum has the gut to...
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    Mumbai Attacks

    it was a failure on the part of the indian intelligence and failure of India's maritime security... thats just it... even border is secured and in a much much much more better manner than the coastal waters...still there is infiltration...? that does not mean India is first sending them across...
  12. M

    KALI 5000 - Enemy Missiles - Here we come!

    do you generally find any missile named Gandhi..? Nehru..? or Bhagat singh..? or Manmohan singh..? or Jesus Chrish..? Prophet Muhammad...? or Shiva...??? or Krishna..?? or Guru Nanak...?? or Rajiv Gandhi..? or Gautum Bhudha..?....or any other name..????? NOOOOO YOOOOU DONTTTTT.. so thats it...
  13. M

    India/Pakistan one soul, we should unite again

    dear friend.. this is an issue which is very close to the hearts of my indian and pakistani friends...and so must be in you case surely...it is expected that there will be some emotions outburst here..... but please no one should bring china into this discussion...kind request..
  14. M

    India/Pakistan one soul, we should unite again

    dear both please stop this......and i request not to pick on these comments furthur.....and concentrate on smthing else... on the need for us to support each other ...and the need to love each other....and the need to care for each other... "the question is one of loving and helping each...
  15. M

    India/Pakistan one soul, we should unite again

    no need to deride each other......the question is not what one has done..what the other has done....the question is not who is interfering in whose issue and who is not.... the question is more than that here..... its one of loving and helping each other...the question is of a vision of...
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