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    Kashmir polls

    Ok agreed. But recognising a government that is not recognised by the United Nations. Well for starters that is a non adherence to the UN system when it suits you best. IPF
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    Is IAF planing limited airstrikes inside Pakistan?

    Cold start >>How about having a follow up to the message we just sent to our neighbours. After all these years one still fails to understand the objectives of Parakram. But rest assured India achieved what it wanted..
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    CNN Reporter Harrased by Crowd in Mumbai

    Err Id actually put it as busty
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    Captured CST Terrorist

    Is an agreement between hijackers valid ? Is there any international law governing this aspect? As far as I remember we did not sign any agreement with Pakistan. Also It simply drives home the point that There are terrorists from Pakistani origin They had logistical base in Pakistan...
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    Captured CST Terrorist

    Add to that there was a massive collsal failure in areas such as coordination, interoperability and modularity of operation.
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    Captured CST Terrorist

    \ So Palistan was happy to host a terrorist released by India. Also since our talks were through Afghani government(Not recognised by international community), I don't see the legality of hosting a known criminal, since we did not agree anything with you. Also the point here is Terrorists...
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    Q+A: Who could be behind the Mumbai attacks and why?

    Did they kill the coast gaurd?
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    Is IAF planing limited airstrikes inside Pakistan?

    Ok Tell me the objectives of Parakram IPF
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    Pakistan Economy - News & Updates - Archive

    That seems pretty expensive for dozen eggs
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    Is IAF planing limited airstrikes inside Pakistan?

    Dear Batmannow thanks for pointing out. Point taken
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    Is IAF planing limited airstrikes inside Pakistan?

    Blahh .. Read my post again if you can. I visualising a situation in case if LET is implicated. Why would India waste its cash to hunt ghosts
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    Is IAF planing limited airstrikes inside Pakistan?

    Lame .. He thinks he is such a stud, runs off when he cannot sustain a debate, belittles other if he is discovered to be well whatever.. Once got himself exposed arguing about AESA guess what he resorted to personal attacks. Derives pleasure seeing Indians dead. Flaming right from the beginning...
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    Pakistanis subjected to brutality in Indian jails

    I accept what Neo has posted. Too bad this happens. The only difference is that Indian Police subject all criminals to brutality so I don't see the point of isolating the issue to Pakistanis alone. Wannna check, ask any pickpocket who was arrested by the police hell tell you. How about...
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    Is IAF planing limited airstrikes inside Pakistan?

    You are Naive to think that success comes from all guns blazing. What would Parakram achieved except for few odd miles of barren land and thousands dead. The motive of Parakram was to send the message"India is willing to use disproportionate force in a asymmetircal conflict". The message has...
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    Is IAF planing limited airstrikes inside Pakistan?

    What if LET is clearly implicated, will Pakistan after years of investment in grooming millitantant group like Let let go of it? Does it have the will to deport senior Let commanders in case it is proved beyond doubt that Let was involved. I highly doubt that Pakistan will do any of the...
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    Is Indian Aggresive Posturing Prelude to a Fourth War with Pakistan

    Agreed and I hope so. But you forget that emotion has been a huge variable that had considerable influence in a nations decision to go to war. Let us see . I for one am sure that when Pakistan envisaged asymmetirical war against India because of what it could not achieve conventionally.
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    Is Indian Aggresive Posturing Prelude to a Fourth War with Pakistan

    Ooops I just thought you blamed us for each and every misfortne of yours. Balochistan, NWFP, Wziristan, Afghanistan. All this without even a shread of evidence..
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    ISI rep to New Delhi only if India shares information first

    It sounds sensible from Pakiistani POV. It makes life easier for them to wash the trail. No wonder the moment hijackers of Indian airlines wanted Mazood Azhar, Pakistani establishment was very quick to transport his family back to Pakistan into a secret loacation or a safe haven. What makes you...
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    Is IAF planing limited airstrikes inside Pakistan?

    China will give two hoots about Pakistan. It is you who fight their war not vice versa.
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    Captured CST Terrorist

    Does it even matter, we let him off because we had no other choice, as your nationals had had good number of Indian citizens at gun point. Hijacking and killing of an Indian civilian is by itsef a crime. Omar Sayeed shake had confessed to the killing of Indian Nationals and Mazood Azhar a...
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