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  1. S

    Legend Indian Muslim artist doesnt trust India

    Why because my culture has taught me God is there everywhere ,inside every person. We do not have any separate rules for Gods :) Hey even drawing nude picture of my neighbor is so much offending , then think of offending God who represents a religion and which represent a billion people ...
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    Legend Indian Muslim artist doesnt trust India

    I think you have got the wrong meaning of democracy , may be because most of the time you guys were under dictatorship :) One has the right to express the anything he wants which does not hurt the feelings of others.Just because I have freedom I cannot go to my neighbors home and start...
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    Legend Indian Muslim artist doesnt trust India

    You are wrong , he should definitely apologize for what ever he has done. Of course arts has no limits ,but in the name of arts how can some one hurt feeling of millions of people. If you guys do not know, Sarasvathi is the goddess of all arts in Hinduism.Even before joining the school or...
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    Legend Indian Muslim artist doesnt trust India

    Since India is a very matured and civilized society he is still alive. If he has done the same kind of offending to any other religion which has origin of other than India he wouldn't have survived . M.F. Hussain should apologize because he has hurt feeling of millions of Hindus and not...
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    Legend Indian Muslim artist doesnt trust India

    Hey come on man , Do you have any law restricting pornography contents in internet ? hehe... Feeling better for being born in India :rofl: No religion will ban nudity , then how come our human race would survive :azn:
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    UN says India's Caste-System is a human rights abuse

    you know what, I can get a income certificate from GOI that I earn 1000 Rs per year !!! Hey I am serious :) Many people do get this.
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    UN says India's Caste-System is a human rights abuse

    First thing we need to understand is in India, money gets the least priority unlike other countries. Based on money divide people is just a worst idea (To give benefit to poor ,first step is to divide them) . Its worse than caste based discrimination.Trying to do this just going to add one more...
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    China may give india a taste of it's own medicine

    Hey guys this is a worst thread I have ever seen in this forum,Why cant mods pls have a look the messages,it just degrades the quality of pdf. Guys fighting like a Kid,Thread is about China trying to divert water from Brahmaputra and I cannot see anything related to that. Dear Chinese friends...
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    UN says India's Caste-System is a human rights abuse

    Hey what happened ? This thread is really funny :) , Come on guys , Lets discuss about Caste system in India and will it benefit the society or not :) Why to fight like this. I can see a common thought , Guys you all are thinking that caste system just harms the society and I am trying to to...
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    UN says India's Caste-System is a human rights abuse

    Yes I do agree with you, But why to remove the caste system ? You can just remove the caste based reservation ( I would say time bound caste based reservation is very good for society) . Caste system is not only for the past thats for future too... There is a big difference between the...
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    UN says India's Caste-System is a human rights abuse

    I am not confused , Caste System is not Caste based discrimination.Whats not clear in this for you? Caste system is to bring people together and work together. You talk about all people being united and work together as Indians . Do you really think its possible ? Caste based units are...
  12. S

    UN says India's Caste-System is a human rights abuse

    Caste system is not at all banned by our Law.Its not bad system too.Only caste based discrimination is banned by law.There is no need to remove caste system from our country. I am from TamilNadu - India. In rural side we will see "society" units representing the caste helps a lot in improving...
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    UN says India's Caste-System is a human rights abuse

    First question why do you think caste system is wrong ? Never say anything about low caste or upper caste. I argue the discrimination purely based on the economic status only. Its not 1947 that you cannot leave your home town and have to stay accepting the discrimination. It has been 60 years...
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    UN says India's Caste-System is a human rights abuse

    SICK of you...How can you give such a comment about Hindusim,Are you mad? I can absolutely find your knowledge about this issue, Its really interesting to me that you think there are no Dalits among Muslims in India. We have caste and community system everywhere in every religion.Hinduim...
  15. S

    How strong is India's Defences towards the chinese Boarder

    I did not understand clearly, You mean to say Chinese troops in Tibet is just waste of money ? I am sure people of Arunachal Pradesh believe in Indian democracy - check out the voting % :) Hey do you know anything about voting :rofl:
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    Everyone in India is a Hindu, says RSS chief

    Have you gone mad? What do you mean by "feeling ashamed of RSS" ? Its realy strange to me that you want a religious organization to be secular . Its not RSS to be secular but its BJP. This is how our politicians turned our people blind by this word secular.
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    Everyone in India is a Hindu, says RSS chief

    My Fried, you have complete misunderstanding of Hinduism. Hinduism of course encouraged caste system 1000s of years ago but nowhere it says "upper cast" or "lower caste".Nowhere its mentioned that some one belong to a caste by birth. A son of Kshatriya can become Brahman if he follows life style...
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    China's problems in Xinjiang are forcing it to reach out to India

    I am from TamiNad - India and really did not understand what do you mean by "independence" from India :rofl: Believe me , you are reading some articles written in China I think. When our Prime minister Rajiv Gandhi killed by LTTE , ruling party of Tamil Nad wiped out in the election because...
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    Chinese helicopters enter Indian air space twice; dozens of incursions in Leh

    Its very simple , Let it be Chinese or Pakistanis India will never be an aggressor , cuz we are a republic country and cannot intrude into others' territory and do not have any compulsion to convince the people "We are winning the race" or keep them slaves by brainwashing "Communism /...
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    Pakistan is one of the handful of countries to support us (Sri lanka)

    People of Pakistan should be ashamed of this, Still Tamil people are not allowed to go back to their homes and forced to stay under government watch in the camps. The same government which praised Pakistan reported UN not taking care of Tamilians who are forced to live in the camps arranged by...
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