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  1. Fact_ur_mine

    Can Pakistan become another Asian tiger

    It seems he is trying to please the pakistani nationals and delude them from real BOMB BLAST world started after 2003 marriot bombing ,he just wanted to give them some bogus hope.
  2. Fact_ur_mine

    How long will Israel exist?

    Just bit off topic..Paul the octopus also makes prophecies, and his prophecies also turn out TRUE. Just saw news on NDTV if he would have been in India (same for pakistan ) he would have been regarded as BABA or SANT or GURU and in his name a TEMPLE would have come up on an illegal roadside...
  3. Fact_ur_mine

    How long will Israel exist?

    I never claimed that other religions are BETTERthan islam. Because you and i are not right person to Judge.
  4. Fact_ur_mine

    Hindu families evicted for drinking water from mosque

    Although all religions from very start had taught to be tolerant towards other religion, in this case it was something OUT OF BOX. Leave tolerance its for when someone does wrong, a poor non-muslim guy drinking water from cooler would have given blessings and would have loved the people who had...
  5. Fact_ur_mine

    How long will Israel exist?

    See dont get me wrong buddy, you believe in your faith and so you hold this belief of destruction of Dajjal. Correct me if i am wrong, Islam is only religion which gives prophecies, and i have seen attitude of muslim people that they FIRMLY BELIEVE A PROPHECY and than put hand on hand and remain...
  6. Fact_ur_mine

    How long will Israel exist?

    Israel is gonna stay as long as there is US of A. Since nothing is gonna happen to US..ISRAEL WILL BE THERE FOREVER!!!
  7. Fact_ur_mine

    Russia blocks sale of engines for Sino-Pak fighter jets

    Buddy you are BIT WRONG here, the design had drawbacks like slow burner startup speed as compared with russian engine, and in hurry to LEAD they didnt cared enough and started its induction in J-11. ITS BETTER TO BE LATE THAN SORRY. By the way original LOGIC by RescueRanger was ODD one.
  8. Fact_ur_mine

    US offers top of the shelf weapon systems to India

    Its been hell of times the pakistan saying that India cries over defense equipments it gets from US. Ever noticed because of this CRYING the changes US makes in its foreign policy towards india and pakistan :woot::woot: Its time that pakistan understands the diplomacy games of 21st centuary...
  9. Fact_ur_mine

    PAF receives first batch of F-16 Block-52 Aircraft

    I have seen some pics you posted on Indian defense which where just out of this logic world. I really cant figure out why you joined this forum, you should be either in Jungle or Seriously In CIRCUS.:wave::wave:
  10. Fact_ur_mine

    PAF receives first batch of F-16 Block-52 Aircraft

    I appreciate it :cheers: , just curious to know how much is pakistan paying for current induction of single F 16 block 52?
  11. Fact_ur_mine

    PAF receives first batch of F-16 Block-52 Aircraft

    I am new, and i used to think that here at defence.pk we make healthy and meaningful discussions, A senior member supported by another senior made me felt that my perception was wrong:confused:
  12. Fact_ur_mine

    PAF receives first batch of F-16 Block-52 Aircraft

    WOW sir, what a logic, am sure all big and powerful air forces of world would regret their decisions made about twin engine jets:disagree::disagree: I used to think that a mission is based upon specific "role" of specific jet. Sir i dont think that an air force needs jet for use in just...
  13. Fact_ur_mine

    PAF receives first batch of F-16 Block-52 Aircraft

    Yes there are quite a big chances for J 10, but i suggest that need of hour is that PAF should now seriously look for Aircraft with 2 pipes.
  14. Fact_ur_mine

    PAF receives first batch of F-16 Block-52 Aircraft

    I have heard it and the guy claimed that its PAF source, J 10 deal would happen if, India doesnt select Mig 35 in MMRCA deal, than there are chances that deal could be struck in 2015.
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