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How long will Israel exist?

Can anyone predict future? NO. So what's the point in asking this? I hate doomed prophecies. Because of all countries, our country gets the most number of doomed prophecies.

My Dear, I am talking about what our beloved Holy Prophet said about Dajjal.

It is not doomed prophecy by the way.
Israel is creation of Satan.

Dajjal will come out sooner or later and Zoinist will be his followers.

Iman Mehdhi will lead Army agaisnt Dajjal.

Hazhat Masih will come from skies and will kill Dajjal.

The Day Dajjal will be killed - Israel will cease to exist.

I wish to be the part of the Army of Aman Mehdhi and Hazrat Masih.

Are you shia?
Israel is gonna stay as long as there is US of A. Since nothing is gonna happen to US..ISRAEL WILL BE THERE FOREVER!!!
The Population of PALESTINE from the Dead Sea at the East to the Mediterranean at the west

Arab & Jews in Palestine at 2006

The Population Total in 2006


The Population Percentage in 2006


Arab & Jews in Palestine at 2050

The Population Total in 2050


The Population Percentage in 2050


its very Obvious that the year 2050 will be the year that Israel will Swept off the Middle East map and this region will Eventually return as it was before 1948 :yahoo:

the resources of these figures are:
- Israeli Central Bureau of Statistices
- United Nations World Population Prospects
The Population of PALESTINE from the Dead Sea at the East to the Mediterranean at the west

Arab & Jews in Palestine at 2006

The Population Total in 2006


The Population Percentage in 2006


Arab & Jews in Palestine at 2050

The Population Total in 2050


The Population Percentage in 2050


its very Obvious that the year 2050 will be the year that Israel will Swept off the Middle East map and this region will Eventually return as it was before 1948 :yahoo:

the resources of these figures are:
- Israeli Central Bureau of Statistices
- United Nations World Population Prospects

Which is why Israel does not and will not claim the West Bank and Gaza. The only areas they will claim in those areas are one where they are building Jewish settlements!!
This is not very far.

I think beginning of end of Israel has begun.

I see Turkey leading all Arab and Muslim Countries in this campaign.

I agree with most of what you have said with the following corrections.

Although the turks will have a pivitol role, but the forces have to come from the east.

Kharasan is the name given.

Secondly, they are characterized as the ones under the black flag, who will start from Kharasan and no one will be able to stop them until they reach Jerusalem.
According to Holy Prophet (SA) Dajjal/Antichrist is a Jew... So when he comes he will rule Israel...

But when Hazrat Isa (AS) kills Dajjal the terrorist state of Israel will be destroyed for ever...

According to Islamic Scholars who have studied the signs of time of Imam Al Mahdi, Hazrat Isa (AS) and Dajjal , they say that we are living in the age of these three personalities, and that's true because if you all study the hadiths and Quranic ayats you will also believe that we are living in the age of Dajjal... So according according to them and what i believe is that we can see Dajjal and the destruction of Israel very soon...

For more information please see the lecture on the following link:

Abaut dajjal
I feel Israel has just as much right to exist as the Palestinian state. However, there actions past and present have not won them any friends either in the Muslim world or the wider community.

A lot more needs to be done from the Israeli side to achieve peace and re-enforce sustainable development.
Israel is gonna stay as long as there is US of A. Since nothing is gonna happen to US..ISRAEL WILL BE THERE FOREVER!!!

We have seen big powers and empires collapsing throughout our history... So undoubtedly USA will not be an exception here Insha Allah....

Undoubtedly Israel can't be destroyed unless US is there.. but Holy Prophet (SA) have told us about the destruction of Dajjal , who is a False Jewish Messiah , by Hazrat Isa (AS) .. So before Israel's destruction, it is a definite thing that USA will collapse as the ruling state in the world... Then only Israel will be destroyed by the Army from Khorasan (land that consists of Parts of Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan in today's world map)..
We have seen big powers and empires collapsing throughout our history... So undoubtedly USA will not be an exception here Insha Allah....

Undoubtedly Israel can't be destroyed unless US is there.. but Holy Prophet (SA) have told us about the destruction of Dajjal , who is a False Jewish Messiah , by Hazrat Isa (AS) .. So before Israel's destruction, it is a definite thing that USA will collapse as the ruling state in the world... Then only Israel will be destroyed by the Army from Khorasan (land that consists of Parts of Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan in today's world map)..

See dont get me wrong buddy, you believe in your faith and so you hold this belief of destruction of Dajjal. Correct me if i am wrong, Islam is only religion which gives prophecies, and i have seen attitude of muslim people that they FIRMLY BELIEVE A PROPHECY and than put hand on hand and remain seated, waiting for things to just HAPPEN. In this sense i find other religions like JAINISM and SIKHISM too good which put alot of emphasis on doing work one self and carving out their destiny the way one wants.
My Dear, I am talking about what our beloved Holy Prophet said about Dajjal.

It is not doomed prophecy by the way.

You are right. But can you give this reason to a Non Muslim? How will you convince them about the end of Israel by giving religious references? Hope you get my point.
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Israel will exist as long as the Arab world.
According to Holy Prophet (SA) Dajjal/Antichrist is a Jew... So when he comes he will rule Israel...

But when Hazrat Isa (AS) kills Dajjal the terrorist state of Israel will be destroyed for ever...

Do Islam religious texts actually talk about Israel ?? Just curious to know...
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