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How long will Israel exist?

This is irrelevant to Pakistan whatever happens to Israel. We do not host Palestinian refugees and neither we have any trade relation with Israel. Israel does not owe us money and neither we owe any money to Israel. How many Pakistanis know what do Knesset or Shekel mean ? Neither most Pakistani know what Talmud is . I believe that the right question should be what the future of Pakistan is in a Pakistani defence forum than about a country which has nothing to do with Pakistan.

Haahaa, well said.

Let Christ, Messiah or what ever name he would be known as come, then at least in this age we would also have a glimpse of a prophet, what he really is and how he has been able to form various religions and turn man against man.

My Observation
So the future war would be fought on religion..interesting, back to medieval days.
Wish you the best of luck Christians, Jews and Muslims. May the mightiest win.:angel:

Thank God we Hindu, Sikh, Jain, Buddhist figure no where on the hit list.:D
Haahaa, well said.

My Observation
So the future war would be fought on religion..interesting, back to medieval days.
Wish you the best of luck Christians, Jews and Muslims. May the mightiest win.:angel:

Thank God we Hindu, Sikh, Jain, Buddhist figure no where on the hit list.:D

There will be far less war in the future as people will become more civilized. Atheism will flourish as part of the natural evolution. Ironically, Jainism and Buddhism are defined as atheism(nastika) under Vedic context which does not have any conflict with atheism.
Haahaa, well said.

Let Christ, Messiah or what ever name he would be known as come, then at least in this age we would also have a glimpse of a prophet, what he really is and how he has been able to form various religions and turn man against man.

My Observation
So the future war would be fought on religion..interesting, back to medieval days.
Wish you the best of luck Christians, Jews and Muslims. May the mightiest win.:angel:

Thank God we Hindu, Sikh, Jain, Buddhist figure no where on the hit list.:D

do some research hindu and budhist scriptures also prophesized about the last war and arrival of messiah,,as far as hindu scriptures are considered plz read vedas as it is written in it about Kal ki Avtaar..
There are many people who have studied dajjal. And nearly all of them say that dajjal is not a person, but an organization. The best way for you to understand that is to search this movie in google. "The Arrivals".
Religions are Man-Made, so There is no questions which one is better and people use to fight on a FACT WHICH IS NOT a fact , i mean Religion.


If Quran is written by some human in your opinion ! Then why do not you or others like you write some book like that ?
If Quran is written by some human in your opinion ! Then why do not you or others like you write some book like that ?
Just bit off topic..Paul the octopus also makes prophecies, and his prophecies also turn out TRUE. Just saw news on NDTV if he would have been in India (same for pakistan ) he would have been regarded as BABA or SANT or GURU and in his name a TEMPLE would have come up on an illegal roadside land, a buisness of parsad would have started and than TRUST to collect money would have Groomed.. Thats story of "IF" paul would have been in here.
But Germans want to Kill him and eat him.
Now i have no doubt why so many religions were born in sub-continent.
Quran is not prophecy !!!

A boy in Madina at the time of Prophet use to tell what one is thinking. Such knowledge are not so uncommon.

Quran is way of living for mankind.
Quran is not prophecy !!!

A boy in Madina at the time of Prophet use to tell what one is thinking. Such knowledge are not so uncommon.

Quran is way of living for mankind.

And you people claim to be living by that way??? If you say YES then you cannot be a Muslim. Quran never says to kill or hate people who are other than Muslims which means Hindus, Jews, Christians,etc...
If NO better then dont bring holy scriptures while discussing..
And you people claim to be living by that way??? If you say YES then you cannot be a Muslim. Quran never says to kill or hate people who are other than Muslims which means Hindus, Jews, Christians,etc...
If NO better then dont bring holy scriptures while discussing..

Those killers, Taliban and terrorists have nothing to do with Islam.

Plz exclude Kashmiri freedom fighters from above list as they are fighting for their legitimate right against foreign occupation.
Those killers, Taliban and terrorists have nothing to do with Islam.

Plz exclude Kashmiri freedom fighters from above list as they are fighting for their legitimate right against foreign occupation.

The topic is about Israel.
How can you call those morons as freedom fighters?? those violence started only 3 decades ago till then there is no problem. Were the separatists dumb till then?? Why they(separatists) want freedom when every Indian work for the people of Kashmir?. Name one separatist group in kashmir that doesn't have Islamic background.
even when you ask to Talibans, Al-Qaeda,etc they will say as freedom fighters.... If those terrorists in J&K can be called as why cant the Talibans be called so???
And you people claim to be living by that way??? If you say YES then you cannot be a Muslim. Quran never says to kill or hate people who are other than Muslims which means Hindus, Jews, Christians,etc...
If NO better then dont bring holy scriptures while discussing..

Dear Solomon2 :wave:

First: Do not confuse playing cards . . we are here talking about Israel and Jews not about christians, hindus, buddhism . . .erc

Second: Quran never says to kill or hate people who are other than Muslims . . . under one Condition that the no one of those people accupy Muslim lands and Abandons its peopel from thier homes . . like what the jews done in palestine.:coffee:

Third: When you say Quran never says to kill or hate people who are other than Muslims i can Guess that you know something from the Holy Quran . . so as amuslim i Encourage you to Continue reading about Islam and Holy Quran With an open mind and Perhaps you reach the point of understanding Islam or at least To be fair Toward Muslims causes
Those killers, Taliban and terrorists have nothing to do with Islam.

Plz exclude Kashmiri freedom fighters from above list as they are fighting for their legitimate right against foreign occupation.

plz exclude bla,and tibetans
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