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  1. luckyy

    No admission for Sikhs plucking eyebrows: court

    soon , even pant-shirt will also not be allowed.. admission to be given to only those True-Sikhs who will be wearing only a KACCHAA ! please ,take it lightly , but it was not a joke .
  2. luckyy

    Suspected ISI agent arrested from Rajasthan

    Jaipur: A suspected Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agent, who allegedly carried out printing work for the Indian Army, was arrested in Rajasthan’s Bikaner district on Sunday, a senior police official said. Mohammad Sajid, 29, a resident of Bilalganj at Lahore in Pakistan, was living in...
  3. luckyy

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    does the change in USA political senario from Bush to Obama makes any diffirence in the prospect of F-16/18 in MMRCA ? with Bush in the office , it was almost certain that MMRCA if going F-18SH's way..
  4. luckyy

    China Army Comes Armed With Killer SRK Songs

    even pakistani like SRK songs i guess . what diffrence it makes in relations ..
  5. luckyy

    Bangla seeks India to restructure BDR

    re:Bangla seeks Indian aid to restructure BDR first , the working of boarder_patrolling_forces and army , need to be clearly defined ..
  6. luckyy

    Boeing Says Congress Re-Election May Boost India Defense Market

    obama administration might have other ideas..
  7. luckyy

    Arjun News & Discussions

    DRDO has vertually chalanging T-90 in a comparitive trials. IA always has the taste to choose the best. they has given Arjun MBT their confidence , says it all.
  8. luckyy

    India working to make Bangladesh a desert

    there are a total of 127 rivers/subrivers enters bangladesh from indian side. Bangladesh a desert or a waterloob ?
  9. luckyy

    Bangladeshi spy agency DGFI claimed , ULFA have close links with Pakistan’s intellige

    The top leaders of ULFA have close links with Pakistan’s intelligence agency ISI and have been enjoying patronage of Bangladeshi spy agency DGFI, a former senior leader of the banned outfit claimed on Friday. “The top ULFA leadership has close links with ISI, DGFI and some Islamic...
  10. luckyy

    Arjun News & Discussions

    after Arjun MBT , now it's turn of Tejas-LCA...
  11. luckyy

    Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline (IPP) News & Updates.

    india is not a party in the deal.. request to pakistani members on this forum , to be specific , it's not a Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI) pipeline , it's now a Iran-Pakistan pipeline...
  12. luckyy

    bangladesh killed myanmar-bangladesh-india gas pipeline ....

    01-01-2009 as the bangladesh remain uncertain over the gas pipeline Myanmar finally signed gas pipeline deal with china...
  13. luckyy

    bangladesh killed myanmar-bangladesh-india gas pipeline ....

    26. 07. 2005 The growing energy needs of India have prompted it to explore newer sources of supply. In this quest of India, Myanmar has now emerged as an important partner. Huge reserves of oil and gas has been found in that country. Most importantly, India has a stake in these findings and...
  14. luckyy

    bangladesh killed myanmar-bangladesh-india gas pipeline ....

  15. luckyy

    Why is this site banned in India??

    why some firewalls do not allowing this site. is there any security/virus issues with this site ? is this site safe for surffing ? please clearify. thanks in advance.
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