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  1. MirBadshah

    Justice Rare for Victims of Christian Persecution in India

    Please put some details about missionaries killing people in India, it is quite surprising. How do they violate constitution? Do they have any authority which they abuse?
  2. MirBadshah

    Kashmir The Freedom of Struggle

    You think they would admit that Per capita income in China and Pakistan is higher then India? They would never, it would hurt their ego, so they would rather talk about the price of report.
  3. MirBadshah

    Justice Rare for Victims of Christian Persecution in India

    Justice Rare for Victims of Christian Persecution in India Dr. John Dayal New Delhi, March 26 (International Christian Concern) - Victims of Christian persecution from across India shared their horrific stories and highlighted the denial of justice to them before an independent people's...
  4. MirBadshah

    Myanmar ditches India for China in gas deal

    Myanmar ditches India for China in gas deal Sanjay Dutta [ 9 Apr, 2007 0000hrs ISTTIMES NEWS NETWORK ] NEW DELHI: India has lost the match to China for getting natural gas from Myanmar. Despite India's efforts at pampering the ruling junta with increased military aid, Yangon has...
  5. MirBadshah

    Kashmir The Freedom of Struggle

    BTW how is your place these days, improving or stuck with these same kids?
  6. MirBadshah

    Kashmir The Freedom of Struggle

    I am not sure because my Enghlish is not good as well, but "Freedom Struggle" makes a lot of difference on ground..............lol
  7. MirBadshah

    Fatwa against Nilofar issued

    Extremists are extremists and they are every where, yesterday Sindhi community in India in a Jirga announced that their girls can not cover face, can not ride motorbike and cant use phones because many of them were running away with Muslim guys. The story is on BBC. Now whats wrong if a...
  8. MirBadshah

    India's Defense Lab Seen as National Industry Failure

    No Bro, According to ADB it is 23%, according to indipendent sources its between 18-20% and governments claims are 18%, which I think are more acurate, but even if we believe ADB, even then its great achievement. Now they guy ADX is claiming that India have lower number while they are...
  9. MirBadshah

    India's Defense Lab Seen as National Industry Failure

    Adux, any link to support your claim or its just one liner? In Pakistan people below pocerty line are 18% while in India it is 32%. We have reduced poverty level by 10% in last 5 years. Give me some link, dont make claims in air.
  10. MirBadshah

    India's Defense Lab Seen as National Industry Failure

    got something to do, would come back to you.
  11. MirBadshah

    Nuclear terrorism chance in Pakistan low: expert

    Then what the hell they were doing inside the Nuclear reserch Institute? they were on picnic there or what? From where you are talking MAOISTS controll 14 states out of 29 states and have killed more then 11,000 people. You are saying thay are not military threat but a social threat>>>>>...
  12. MirBadshah

    Nuclear terrorism chance in Pakistan low: expert

    This kid do not have idea about anything he talks, the incidents of nuclear prolifiration have been happening in world since the tech came in existance. It have happened a dozen time in US, India and every other place, most of the time such incidents do not go public. I have asked him what he...
  13. MirBadshah

    India's Defense Lab Seen as National Industry Failure

    And earns world titles in return for being the biggest in everything which makes civilised society ashamed. What a genius you are making your nation proud, you ignored all things and came to blame game like kids.
  14. MirBadshah

    Nuclear terrorism chance in Pakistan low: expert

    Last week a tube containing highly enriched material was stolen from Indian labs, the police says it is enough to effect one and a half mile area, few months back a truck carrying radioactive material was hijacked in India and have not been found yet. Same is situation with former SU...
  15. MirBadshah

    Nuclear terrorism chance in Pakistan low: expert

    hahaha You are realy funny, I would only say that, i dont want to conevrt this thred in to offtopic. I would request mods to take care of your habit pushing each thread off topic. Let us go to Kashmir thread I have posted about security situation of India and pakistan over there, next time...
  16. MirBadshah

    India's Defense Lab Seen as National Industry Failure

    Try to understand the difference in "spending" and "conflicts which push for spendings", it would help you a lot, that is my point. Dont make speaches, dont you think that in all above things you are on top in world? HIV, Blindness, Malnutrition, Lack of Health care, lack of sanitation, lack...
  17. MirBadshah

    Nuclear terrorism chance in Pakistan low: expert

    No chance, extremists are being terminated too quickly. BTW have you read the repot two weeks back that MAOISTS net wrok have been found in Indian Nuclear reserch Institute? That is the reason, i said it is never 100% secure, we can secure such facility only to human capacity. And Pakistan...
  18. MirBadshah

    India's Defense Lab Seen as National Industry Failure

    Let me make it clear, my post was not directed towards GDP share, it you make another attempt to understand it is about "Conflict"..........and that conflict is pushing the region towards arms race. Now comming back to your new logic, Pakistan is spending 4% of GDP on education started this...
  19. MirBadshah

    Nuclear terrorism chance in Pakistan low: expert

    No where in world it is not existant. There is always a possibility, how secure it is, but as the person have explained that any such thing is a remote possibility. that is what we can do on human level.
  20. MirBadshah

    India's Defense Lab Seen as National Industry Failure

    There are several points in that post, just tell me where do you disagree, It was actualy a response to webby, but i would be glad to answer if you make it clear what is your point actually?
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