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Fatwa against Nilofar issued

Just to show that mullah's really have a dirty mind. Do they think that this innocent hug implies that Nilofer is ready to commit adultry ???

When I was living in a chak in Sargodha, mullah was a derogatory term. It implied people who sodomise young childern and would agree to do what ever if they are treated with 'Halwa'. At that time we took as a joke, but now I find that it was based on observation of hundreds of years and had a lot of truth.

To think that these myopic bigots want to run Pakistan ???. They might even suceed because of the inaction of the silent majority, but it wouldn't be the Pakistan that I grew and would sacrifce my life for. It would be a hell on earth, just having the name of Pakistan.
Just to show that mullah's really have a dirty mind. Do they think that this innocent hug implies that Nilofer is ready to commit adultry ???

When I was living in a chak in Sargodha, mullah was a derogatory term. It implied people who sodomise young childern and would agree to do what ever if they are treated with 'Halwa'. At that time we took as a joke, but now I find that it was based on observation of hundreds of years and had a lot of truth.

To say that these myopic bigots want to run Pakistan ???. They might even suceed because of the inaction of the silent majority, but it wouldn't be the Pakistan that I grew and would sacrifce my life for. It would be a hell on earth, just having the name of Pakistan.

Every country will wake up sir, they have to there is no other way. They will believe in conspiracy theories for some time, but when they see the true light, you can expect them to fight on your side. It is just a matter of time, everybody needs a renisannce
Even if she did hug that dude. who cares she we dwell in a free country nobody has a right to tell anyone what to do and how to act.
bill clinton and monica also lived in a state which is champion of freedom,then why they make a scandle
Extremists are extremists and they are every where, yesterday Sindhi community in India in a Jirga announced that their girls can not cover face, can not ride motorbike and cant use phones because many of them were running away with Muslim guys.

The story is on BBC.

Now whats wrong if a girl marries of her own or even hugs some body of free will, but here in this case, it was not a love story and just a gesture of good will, but moron extremists can not digest it and start making it an issue.
Just to show that mullah's really have a dirty mind. Do they think that this innocent hug implies that Nilofer is ready to commit adultry ???

When I was living in a chak in Sargodha, mullah was a derogatory term. It implied people who sodomise young childern and would agree to do what ever if they are treated with 'Halwa'. At that time we took as a joke, but now I find that it was based on observation of hundreds of years and had a lot of truth.

To think that these myopic bigots want to run Pakistan ???. They might even suceed because of the inaction of the silent majority, but it wouldn't be the Pakistan that I grew and would sacrifce my life for. It would be a hell on earth, just having the name of Pakistan.
I feel for the woman, her good name is being maligned here. I'm guessing someone who'd jump off a plane to raise money for the victims of the earthquake is a good woman. A hug won't get me doubting her chastity. But these Mullahs are ruining a woman's name.
Folks have u all seen the picture of the tourism minister acting in a un-accetable manner ?

Its quite clear that not only did she hug the guy , she is making herself at home in his lap!

Also she is not a juvenile that she needs to be chuckling and giggling in a suggestive and lecherous manner.

In her own private capcity she can paint the town red BUT she is holding a public office , traveling on public funds and a representative of Islamic republic of Pakistan

This idiot should be sacked
Folks have u all seen the picture of the tourism minister acting in a un-accetable manner ?

Its quite clear that not only did she hug the guy , she is making herself at home in his lap!

Also she is not a juvenile that she needs to be chuckling and giggling in a suggestive and lecherous manner.

In her own private capcity she can paint the town red BUT she is holding a public office , traveling on public funds and a representative of Islamic republic of Pakistan

This idiot should be sacked

Do you understand what a tandem jump is? The instructor is essentially tied to your back and you load up on the aircraft sitting right in his lap. Both jump out together. You cant expect the lady minister to do solo so therefore she is sitting right in front of him. Maybe she should not have jumped at all, however guilty of immorality is something that at least I can't brand her knowing how tandem jumps are conducted with the instructor.
Folks have u all seen the picture of the tourism minister acting in a un-accetable manner ?

Its quite clear that not only did she hug the guy , she is making herself at home in his lap!

Also she is not a juvenile that she needs to be chuckling and giggling in a suggestive and lecherous manner.

In her own private capcity she can paint the town red BUT she is holding a public office , traveling on public funds and a representative of Islamic republic of Pakistan

This idiot should be sacked

As I have stated in my previous post (and Blain just reiterated) She is doing what is called a Tandem jump where you are attached to a instructor.

As for the laughing and giggling in a lecherous manner.......ever heard of nervousness? Try jumping out of a aeroplane and see how your composure holds up.

As for public office....I believe she was trying to raise funds for the earthquake and was doing the said jump to raise awareness as well as raise funds.

Frankly this shows your insecurity rather than any REAL political point.
Extremists are extremists and they are every where,

yesterday Sindhi community in India in a Jirga announced that their girls can not cover face, can not ride motorbike and cant use phones because many of them were running away with Muslim guys.

The story is on BBC.

You missed the other part of the story as well, The Muslim community has disowned the boy because he married her. :rolleyes:
She is not in his lap! She is TIED to him! That's how you jump with the help of an instructor. You are NOT ALLOWED to jump solo.

LOL @ "making herself at home in his lap!"
Isnt people educated enough to know, the excitement that surrounds you when you jump out of the aeroplane for the first time, The Rush that you get, cuz you feel as if you are risking your life,South Asian women are never adrenalin junkies, And about her Lap, SHe is tied to him, You are not allowed to jump alone, unless and until you are a professional jumper

I feel that Mullah is trying to get his 15 mins of glory
As a true son of the soil , I can say with great surity that the minister's claim that she 'represents the 160 million' people of Pakistan is absloulty false

She is from that 2% sleeveless-capsleeve-yousaf-sallahudin-haweli-hai-allah-gora-char-gaya crowd and in NO way represents the vast majority of Pakistanis.

Its a well known fact that Musharraf has a taste for tarts and reason for putting an air head like this dofus minister is perhpas Musharaf's own likes and dislikes and not what the people want.

The report that the Web Master posted is a Reuters report , filed by Pakistan bureau. The head of the Reuters agency in Pakistan is a woman who, not surprisingly, belongs to the same 2% crowd that I mentioned above

Convinietly in the report they portray as if its the 'maulvi' that is oppose to this and the common people are actually supportive. What load of balony.

Maybe the student wing of Jamat-e-Islami needs to pay these idiots a visit.

She is bringing more shame to the country by giving stupid remarks , it'll be best if she shuts up and is scaked for her non-representative behaviour of Pakistani society while holding a public office and nothing should be heard of her publicly ever again.
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