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  1. East Asia United

    I was Raped in China (An American's Perspective)

    Yes, they should only be reserved for us. Too bad, we don't like Indians... :omghaha: On a more serious note, Indians actually do have a rape, gang-rape, dog marriage, and sexual harassment epidemic. The articles being posted are taken from such sites as the BBC, CNN, and India Times!! LOL You...
  2. East Asia United

    I was Raped in China (An American's Perspective)

    It's attributed to you because it's quite clear that this story has a lot of holes. There isn't a rape culture in East Asia like with your people; there is no culture that "considers rape a women's fault" either (again like with your people); more BS from this BLOGGER (What? Are you too stupid...
  3. East Asia United

    I was Raped in China (An American's Perspective)

    @Aeronaut @WebMaster He should be perma-banned. He opened up yet another one only seconds after you closed down his first.
  4. East Asia United

    India on the brink of its own financial crisis

    Post some references... that's right.. no one from the region has the same culturally inferior, unhygienic, sicking mentality that you do. It would be good for you to know that the people who built Hong Kong, and still maintain it to this very day, the city you are a *guest* in, are the same...
  5. East Asia United

    I was Raped in China (An American's Perspective)

    I found this comment right under the blog; very conveninet for JayAtl's trolling: So, let me get this straight. You went out to a nightclub with a group of friends. A complete stranger offered to buy you drinks and you accepted. You drank too much. He 'drug you' through an entire crowd of...
  6. East Asia United

    I was Raped in China (An American's Perspective)

    Wow, another rape thread, seconds after your other one was closed. I will feel great pleasure in watching your screen name turn pink. Post reported.
  7. East Asia United

    Govt measures are HOPELESS, I am not optimistic on India: Jim Rogers

    Yes, it was good for the 15 years that it lasted. Now play time is over, the easy gains have been accomplished, and Indians should have been progressing up the technical and economic ladder. Unfortunately, Indians don't seem to even have the brains to understand that there are problems in their...
  8. East Asia United

    India on the brink of its own financial crisis

    A toilet? What is that says the Indian, as he defecates on the streets of Hong Kong.... Did they teach you what a toilet is after your first 'overseas Indian experience'? Wow! You guys are fast learners!
  9. East Asia United

    India sexual harassment: American student shares horrific experiences

    Deport yourself out of Hong Kong you lower scum. Why do you masturbate to such things? Do all of the Asian girls make fun of the way you look in HK? Do they think you are disgusting and ugly, short and stunted? Do you go there to live off of there success? And yes I agree, all races have an...
  10. East Asia United

    What I Felt After Getting Raped in China

    Why wasn't it reported anywhere Indian transplant in America? Unlike you, I'm 100% proud of my Korean roots, and have none that are Chinese to speak of. Come on, explain why the facts are so obscure due to their being not a SINGLE reference on the entire internet for us to refer to. I will just...
  11. East Asia United

    What I Felt After Getting Raped in China

    Exactly! :omghaha: He really had to dig dip into the dark and obscure alleyways of the internet to find a story (not even comparable) to the mass gang-rapings of his fellow brethren. And this is in a country of 1.4 billion people, which in effect should make it pretty easy to find hundreds of...
  12. East Asia United

    Govt measures are HOPELESS, I am not optimistic on India: Jim Rogers

    Govt measures are hopeless, I am not optimistic on India: Jim Rogers By Biswajit Baruah & Baiju Kalesh, ET Bureau | 20 Aug, 2013, 08.00AM IST http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/opinion/interviews/govt-measures-are-hopeless-i-am-not-optimistic-on-india-jim-rogers/articleshow/21924773.cms
  13. East Asia United

    What I Felt After Getting Raped in China

    Wow you must be desperate... A fictional story, and you didn't even notice it.... you idiot. Not to mention it's more than a year old. Post reported.
  14. East Asia United

    Over half of all Indians without electricity

    Same thing with Tibet you imbecile. And where is "Southern China". Are you daft?
  15. East Asia United

    India puts off re-launch of failed satellite

    Yep, BBC is Chinese in origin. BBC News - India puts off re-launch of failed satellite I think it's the low Indian IQ.... Hey, retarded Indian, the BBC is not Chinese. In fact, more of your people work at the BBC than do anyone else except for the English.
  16. East Asia United

    Economic crisis in India 2013 | ALL Updates & News

    I agree. They have been the only people known to boast on a national level about things that are so far out of their reach that they just come off as jingoistic, arrogant, and over-confident high school dropouts.
  17. East Asia United

    Type 052D DDG News & Discussions

    So you subscribe to the belief that it is the 12,000t model, with 128 VLS? I've heard this rumor, and it's hopefully going to come true, but in looking at the past vessels the PLA has launched, it doesn't seem to be the way they operate. There seems to be only a marginal increase in...
  18. East Asia United

    Shenzhen public urinal users face fine for poor aim

    Brah, you kinda went off topic with your insult there. I just responded to you brah.
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