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Over half of all Indians without electricity

Huge number of Indians live in bihar/UP/MP/WB which are poorest... some of these states have surplus electricity because people cant afford it.
These are noticeable things that strike me when I come to this third-world country. Lack of basic infrastructure - Electricity, Purified water, Wi-Fi internet, lack of common courtesy, people spitting paan everywhere, beggars and annoying hawkers, unhygienic streets, dogs, pigs and cows everywhere (to say Indian cities have gone to the dogs will be an understatement).

It's a pain moving from one corner of this country to another without feeling pity for you people forced to live in these conditions. That begs the question, why don't you Indians do something about it? Well, there are no easy answers but I strongly believe that Indians are genetically predisposed to litter and live in this manner. You can't help being dirty, it's now in your DNA.
Some Indian states are power surplus but dont get electricity because of corruption and mis handling of power lines, and electricity chor
Some Indian states are power surplus but dont get electricity because of corruption and mis handling of power lines, and electricity chor

Just curious why do you have this Babba Ramdev on your photo ID, what are you trying to showcase? Is he popular in Pakistan
It is misleading.

Some of the most populous states of India are:

Uttar Pradesh: Most populous - Only 36.8% households have electricity.

Bihar: Third most populous - Only 16.4% households have electricity.

West Bengal: Fourth most populous - Only 54.5% households have electricity.

Madhya Pradesh: Sixth most populous - Only 67% households have electricity (3% less than 10 years ago).

Rajasthan: Eighth most populous - Only 67% households have electricity.

Odisha: Eleventh most populous - Only 43% households have electricity.

These are 5 of the 10 most populous states (except for Odisha, which is 11th most populous).

Total population of these states: 575 Million (approx.) - Almost half of India, and the collective percentage of households without electricity comes about 52.5%.

If we were to consider the urban areas as having greater number of households with smaller families than the ones in rural areas by the smallest factor of 3:4, and then almost a quarter of Indian population is without electricity within these 6 states.

If we were to take into account all the states of India with their respective percentages, then at 67.2% of the households that have electricity, the majority of the households getting electric power are nuclear (read: smaller) families that reside in the urban areas.

At 3:4 population ratio per family (urban:rural) with one-third of households without electricity, the percentage of Indian population without access to useful electric supply would go up from 33% straight to 50%.

I suppose for an economic giant like India, this is not a picture that should instill any pride in the heart of Indian nationals.
I am not proud of the statistics. I just gave the real data so that people won't fight over cooked up ones. No opinions. All the mumbo jumbo calculations for what? To prove that more or less than half of Indians do not have access to electricity? Even your calculations have a problem. Larger families can afford to have an electricity connection because as a group, they have a larger pool which can be spent on comforts like this. What about this hypothesis? Any scientific way to convert household count into families will be based on some assumptions. And of course the largest states will have to be way below national average. How else would the average be dragged down to 60s when the median is above 80%.

So the situation is bad as it is. No need to waste time arguing about 50% mark. Because that would be misleading.

The problem with electricity coverage is two fold.
1. People not able to afford an electricity connection. Obviously, this has deeper underlying reasons.
2. Government not able to provide transmission. In India, state governments are responsible for this. As you can see the states with the worst leadership have the worst coverage(if we exclude states like Arunachal Pradesh and Rajasthan where terrain matters).
Our governments both at central and state level are busy offering freebies so there is no hope for infrastructure in the near future. All they do is to offer poor people cheap food(meaning of low quality) at an artificially lower price, while the market prices go up every day.

Trust Wikipedia over BBC ? :laughcry:

You should read 'Wikipedia for Dummies' if there is such a book. Read the page again to see the source of the figures.
Some Indian states are power surplus but dont get electricity because of corruption and mis handling of power lines, and electricity chor

power surplus means supply is more than demand... there are power surplus states where people dont get electricty in village simply because they are unwilling to take connection. Some of them steal it (using dangerous ways)...

so that state govt instead of giving electricty for free, sells to other states who are willing to buy at premium.
A recent detailed World Bank report identified India as the most deprived country in terms of access to energy: as many as 306.2 million of its people are still without this basic utility. The remaining 19 nations lacking access to energy, with the number of deprived people is as follows: Nigeria (82.4 million), Bangladesh (66.4 million), Ethiopia (63.9 million), Congo (55.9 million), Tanzania (38.2 million), Kenya (31.2 million), Sudan (30.9 million), Uganda (28.5 million), Myanmar (24.6 million), Mozambique (19.9 million), Afghanistan (18.5 million), North Korea (18 million), Madagascar (17.8 million), the Philippines (15.6 million), Pakistan (15 million), Burkina Faso (14.3 million), Niger (14.1 million), Indonesia (14 million) and Malawi 13.6 million).

In addition to access to electricity, the report also details access to non-solid fuels like oil and natural gas (fuels other than firewood, dung or charcoal commonly used in poor countries for cooking) as a key parameter of progress in terms of energy. Such access helps reduce environmental pollution and associated human health hazards.

Haq's Musings: Massive Growth in Electrical Connections Worsened Demand-Supply Gap in Pakistan

Bullsh!t!!! If over half of India was without electricity, then more than half of the image below, showing India at night would have been black! Check out the NASA image taken from space...


It looks more like 80% of India that's lit up!

Haidar bhai, please don't copy paste whatever you see in the Western press. Most of it is poppyc0ck! :no:


P.S. Note Tibet, Southern China, BD and Burma in comparison! The Western portion of India has less illumination as what you're seeing is desert with sparse population.

Same thing with Tibet you imbecile.

And where is "Southern China". Are you daft?
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