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  1. Hemlock

    Libya-war sales demo to India

    And what makes you think that your statement or changing any of your trolling statements for that matter,should be of grave concern to us?! Please dont change your statements or bigoted opinions,man. Its hard to find amusement in a defense forum if not for idiocy or low-IQ humor once in a while
  2. Hemlock

    US backing India for military exercises

    Gratefulness or at least friendliness is what to be expected from a country which gained its freedom by our sweat and blood. But you see We Kuffars don't deserve it, their gratitude,friendship,love,lovemakings everything is entitled for their own religious kind. Even that brotherhood's...
  3. Hemlock

    DRDO develops drug to improve soldiers' calibre

    From using hashish to make hassansins the real assassins to testing Amphetamines on US marines during Vietnam conflict to improve their battle worthiness. Drugs just like propaganda are indeed used since ancient days to pop up soldiers out of the melancholy of war.
  4. Hemlock

    Dont-give-me-death-I-was-brainwashed-like-a-robot: Kasab

    Why is that he wants to live? has he lost his faith in his share of 72 that awaits him? or is it what happens when deluded religious indoctrination reaches expiration date?
  5. Hemlock

    China and Vietnam sign deal on South China Sea dispute

    At this rate ,I think if India ventures into Philippines sea for oil exploration then Chinese would solve their dispute with Philippines too. :azn: . Well, the ONGC's tag line should be 'Regional peace through oil exploration' :cheers:
  6. Hemlock

    Aussie in talks with India on uranium sale

    White Americans broke rules when it suited them and not so white Chinese broke rules when it suited them (by proliferating ready-made bombs and missiles to help her ally counter the eternal enemy,India.) Khan network broke rules when it suited them(in the name of Islamic brotherhood's right to...
  7. Hemlock

    Top Hizb-ul-Mujahideen commander killed in Kashmir.

    Interesting piece of work, naming it the 'monkey trap' is the perfect way to explain the current situation the Pakistan has let itself to be in. A trap woven tight by its own contorted policies and ideology fueled delusions. Its obsession with thousand cuts and its convenient selective amnesia...
  8. Hemlock

    Indian Air Force News & Discussions

    Having a most powerful airbase is a news for us, and rationally should be 'the news' for the enemy at which is it aimed. why is Jodhpur made into a most powerful airbase and not Chennai,Kokatta,Delhi or Guwahati? cant you spot any geographical strategy employed here? the reason you considered...
  9. Hemlock

    Soon, India to have its own space shuttle

    Dude, I just noticed a serious anomaly with the Crystal ball you are using right now, it is short sighted and incapable of predicting anything beyond 2011, about the use of space shuttle. Because If you could scry much more in to future using your brain it might give you various advantages of...
  10. Hemlock

    Prahaar-new short-range tactical missile

    Well, that's the beauty of USofA, isnt it? always in pursuit of finding new enemies one after the other.:azn:
  11. Hemlock

    If Greece had nukes, they would be bailed out by now

    "give us aide or we shall sell nukes to clear our debts"!! It is what we call 'nukemailing' -used when just blackmailing isnt felt potent enough ;)
  12. Hemlock

    India Accepts Pakistan Air Force is a Leading Force

    Yes it would have been difficult to divide pakistan if not for their sheer brutality towards east, but does that snatch away India the credit for victory in disintegrating Pakistan,? i don't think so. Well, a wannabe super power always waits for the attitudes to change or mood swing to happen...
  13. Hemlock

    Lockheed May Pitch F-35 to Rejoin $11 Billion India Jet Contest

    Very True. Well,its a case of choosing between evil and lesser evil. and the better logics points to the lesser one. But having a TOT provides an excellent means to study their shipped equipments and coded softwares to minute details to weed out most, if not all its snitches. The term 'ally'...
  14. Hemlock

    Lockheed May Pitch F-35 to Rejoin $11 Billion India Jet Contest

    Entrusting our nukes with f-35? well, before that lets go through some facts,mate. As you know like most US fighter, f-35 comes with seal-tamper-proof clause and the only thing the buyer allowed to do is dusting it in the hanger. Well,that mechanism brings possibilities like,Ability for US to...
  15. Hemlock

    Raid on PN Base - Objectives of Foreign Intelligentsia

    Proof over guts is what makes a statement substantial. Guts can make a person even preach "aliens create humans" theory out loud on streets but its the proof that validates the statement's authenticity. Does your govt got proof? conclusive proof?, comprehensive proof?, compelling proof...
  16. Hemlock

    Indian footprints emerging on Naval base attack

    Until Pakistan government could come up with conclusive evidence, all possible accusations leveled in this thread linking RAW to the Naval base attack have a face value not more than of a frivolous work of fiction. and even if the foot prints are proved to be originated from Bharath,it...
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