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  1. N

    ‘Tortured’ prisoner’s body arrives from India

    this shows how genuine the indians are all will ever be. at every level, individual, socieatal and governmental they spew anti pakistani hatred, which is in essence anti muslim. thank ALLAH most high we dont live with them. they killed this man, he had no trial, he was not convicted. it was...
  2. N

    RAF personnel ordered not to wear uniforms in public !!!

    the basis for ths story in the uk is a red herring. some personel from an raf base in lincolnshire had apparently been jeered at. the base comander then told his men not to wear their uniform in public. the news outlets then took up the story and span it claiming that members of the muslim...
  3. N

    India to hand over Pakistani - Burnt, electrocuted, boiled, crucified... dead.

    this terrible crime shows the true ugly face of india. not one indian poster has even bothered to apologised or shown any remorse, but trying to justify this abhorence in some way (malang/Stealth Assasin/always neutral/etc) wheres salim? hes normally bashing pakistan in an oblique manner.
  4. N

    Can India and China save the world’s economy?

    every time i stumble over this thread i have to laugh. wats indian worth, haha. one percent of the world economy or there abouts. im waiting for some red indian to tell me i have heart burn from a slum and he thinks hes in paradise.
  5. N

    Benazir's tragic failure

    it cant be more than that. she got what she diserved, the pied pipper with all the rats following her.
  6. N

    If Afghanistan fails, Pakistan could follow: Biden

    Afghanistan is a failed state we should for our security and stability partition tihat country as the govt in kabul are openly hostile to us. let tha usa fall wioth them
  7. N

    If Afghanistan fails, Pakistan could follow: Biden

    he was meant to say that if (when) afghanistan fails then usa will fail.
  8. N

    Why the people hate MQM?

    may 12th was v unfortunate, how ever the cj and ns etc have scant support in karachi and karachi has a history of violence, people dont want to go back to that. karachi is the engine of pakistan and that fact is not pleasant for alot of people up country. imran khan etc only come to karachi...
  9. N

    Greatest tribute to Musharraf

    i feel there is alot of latent racism with the anti musharraf groups as he is urdu speaking. that is why no rational discussion can placate certain people who would follow the self ascribed lion, ns who ran like a cat or the thief of larkana. musharraf had and has the courage to stand up for...
  10. N

    Shaukat Aziz ke Karnamey

    sa made his money out side of pakistan, where is musharafs house outside pakistan. i remember many yrs earlier ( i think he was a rubbish leader) that zia ul haq had a stud farm in america. it was all bs. the only people with huge palaces abroad is ns, zardari (the late bb) and all...
  11. N

    Indian Artillery Systems

    thanx, then why buy these from bae?
  12. N

    Can India and China save the world’s economy?

    so how can india help, honest how?
  13. N

    Shaukat Aziz ke Karnamey

    this is another moronic thread by an eejut under shauks the gdp trebbled, thickos should be eliminated or at least keep quite.
  14. N

    Greatest tribute to Musharraf

    mushsharaf is a man of his word. whos this mosabja cat. if he knew anything about islam, the holy prophet s.a.w. is reported to have said, "we do not give authority to those who ask". so much for democracy. mushsharaf parents dont live in the us as his dad died in 2000 odd in karachi. if...
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    16 ISI agents held in Secunderabad

    quite right no agents work in big groups, gathered together. may be they ate a beef sandwich or something which made the unspector suspiicious
  16. N

    Indian Artillery Systems

    ill take it as no then,
  17. N

    Musharraf calls CJ “scum of the earth

    it would be important to asertain the former cj motivation, and tally that with certain media and other groups, to bring the wider picture out. the reality of the dark hands trying to destabalise the country.
  18. N

    Indian Artillery Systems

    do the indians actually make anythikng?
  19. N

    Pakistan attracted $8.2bn investment in 2006-07: Soomro

    awsome amount of investment
  20. N

    Disproving some genocide claims

    vinod are you three years old. ndia under took "helping" the bengladeshis to destroy pakistan, not because of alturism. there was no mass genocide. this was propegated by the indians and all genefral anti muslim elements in the world. thankfully in reality the result of pakistans civil war...
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