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Why the people hate MQM?

I do not want to go into past but have two questions right now.

First is what happened on May 12, 2007 when Chief Justice of Pakistan tried to enter Karachi? He was stopped by force and over 40 people died. TV coverage clealry showed people carrying MQM flags and guns firing. Aaj TV was fired upon for many hours and despite repeated requests aired by Aaj TV no one from government came to their rescue. Remember interior minister in the last government was from MQM.

Second question is when MQM is in government law and order situation in Karachi improves and when they are in the opposition it deteriorates. What kind of message they are trying to send?

Lots of good work done by a party is nullified by one or two incidents associated with that party and MQM has done exactly that.
may 12th was v unfortunate,
how ever the cj and ns etc have scant support in karachi and karachi has a history of violence, people dont want to go back to that. karachi is the engine of pakistan and that fact is not pleasant for alot of people up country.
imran khan etc only come to karachi to needle every one. he infact is thought to be v anti karachi (will collect millions of DOLLARS from there and not turn around and even say thanks).
Anti MQM and and Mush sentiments are ethnically driven, in my opinion at least.
MQM must focus on national issues instead of focusing on regional issues. We mustn't forget that MQM is responsible for making Karachi one of the most dangerous cities on earth. If they weren't in the government they would of already burned Karachi to the ground, but they have done good work in Karachi and even though I dont like MQM I would like to give them credit for doing such great work in Karachi. The only problem with MQM is that it is lead by the Pir of London Altaf Hassain. This is the same man who went to India and called Pakistan the biggest blunder in history, this is the same man who has been out of the country for the past 16 years but actively takes part in our politics, this is the same man who burned Pakistan's flag while protesting, this is the same man who can get anyone killed in Pakistan, this is the same man who is so scared for his life that he doesn't spend more then one night in the same house. He needs to be brought to justice.

Its true that Altaf Hussain called Pakistan a blunder but it is a fact also that MQM people didn’t like that. Actually the problem is one starts talking “Bakwass” for two reasons one is when some one doesn’t get Power or when some one is suppressed. To be really very honest I would like to say that Mahajirs only have Karachi and Hyderabad and they only have one party but when some one who is not originally from Karachi start living here and then he gets the right to vote he doesn’t vote for good work he only considers his regional party and that develops the vote bank for some other regional party. Now Mahajirs are not used to travel and migrate to other cities so the vote bank for MQM can’t be developed in other cities and other parties starts getting seats in Karachi that makes MQM violent.

The mentioned problem is a problem which can only be addressed through the Local Government system and people should only be allowed to vote in the region from where they originally belong to. I bet that Local government system is alternative form of Provincial autonomy or it is Sub-Autonomy that’s why I think that this government system should continue.

We must not forget that we called “Qaum ka Ghazi” to General Niazi and gave power to Butto who both were responsible or main characters in the Country’s disintegration, at least Altaf Hussain didn’t do that and he transformed his party to Muttahida Qaumi Movement. This step should be praised.
I know it has done a lot for karachi. Mustafa Kemal is f4m MQM. The party helps oppressed ppl who hav had to suffer under indian misrule to call Pakistan their home & come here and be citizens... it has also destroyed the stupid divide between shias and sunnis by making us work together. I am all in f4 MQM and a passionate supporter f4 the ideas they represent cauz they hav helped many people.

The riots of may 2007 were blamed on the party and now many people see them as sum sort of really bad or evil group. However it is worth mentioning that the chaos after bhuttos death was much worse than this. There was no noise about why PPP remained so quiet and said nothing while their cheyley ran around the streets like crazed maniacs. They cud very well be responsible f4 the 10000+ cars burned in the whole nation & all the ppl killed, shops destroyed and property destroyed...
TV coverage clealry showed people carrying MQM flags and guns firing. Aaj TV was fired upon for many hours and despite repeated requests aired by Aaj TV no one from government came to their rescue. Remember interior minister in the last government was from MQM.

Second question is when MQM is in government law and order situation in Karachi improves and when they are in the opposition it deteriorates. What kind of message they are trying to send?

Lots of good work done by a party is nullified by one or two incidents associated with that party and MQM has done exactly that.

AAJ TV is a very interesting TV channel they are liars and to gain popularity they can do any thing. Few days before I heard that AAJ TV transmission has been blocked and I was watching their transmission. They said that they had been attacked on 12th May and they could only show 6 bullet marks.
Its true that Altaf Hussain called Pakistan a blunder but it is a fact also that MQM people didn’t like that.

i don't know where you heared this statement, let me clear your misconception.

The division of the sub-continent, was the greatest.....greatest blundar of mankind
gMSVYTgFIPA[/media] - Partition of India a Blunder - Altaf Hussain

This was the actual statement, now the question rise why he said that ?

9yU-4qdFpQQ[/media] - What Actually Altaf Hussain said in India Full Story

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First is what happened on May 12, 2007 when Chief Justice of Pakistan tried to enter Karachi? He was stopped by force and over 40 people died. TV coverage clealry showed people carrying MQM flags and guns firing. Aaj TV was fired upon for many hours and despite repeated requests aired by Aaj TV no one from government came to their rescue. Remember interior minister in the last government was from MQM.

at first, he was not visiting accordingly, he should inform government and quote his plane so that government can arrange security and passage for him. 2ndly he was not forcefully stoped, he was offered quite a few options to choose with, but his intentions were beyond addressing the bar council, even he was offered helicopter, Interior minister, IG sindh both were present there to welcome him and to make sure his safety during his visit, what else he wants :crazy:

sYYtRgJwTw4[/media] - IMRAN ki DURGAT
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=voiceofaa;139837]Karachi is always business hub, but tell me one person who geniunly work for Karachi and it's people ?

Founder of pakistan MOhammed ALi jinnah And most recently musharaf.

For sure only one man, Mustafa Kamal, and if you are resident of Karachi then sorry to say you must be living somewhere across tool plaza :rofl:as you can't see the developments of Karachi

HAAAAAAAAAAAAA?Typical answer of brain washed person.

DEvelopments in KArachi has absolutly nothing to do with MQM you keep repeating one thing and giving credit to some one that has absolutly nothing to do with it.people who deserve credit for any development in pakistan including karachi is shukat aziz and musharaf.

Quaid of Pakistan's 3rd largets political party Bro. indeed a idiotic question

Yeah he is a leader alright when was the last time so called leader visited his people yet he has no problem taking there money every month.

Do you really care for his past ? remember he is not doing it now. And tell me one thing, 60% of pakistanis are driving taxi in USA / UK / Canada, is it really the act of shame.

Most uneducated people drive cabs As they dont have the qualifications to even run a convenience store never mind a poitical party.

BUt the good news is with leaders like MR 10% engine chore nawaz and mulana diesel fazul rehman And to top it all Iltaf himself i say pakistans future is in Good hands.

After a long time we had a leader who actually cared for pakistan and was moving the country in the right direction improving the economy (thats why development in karachi)now thats a leader any pakistani could be proud of.:enjoy:
=voiceofaa;139972]i don't know where you heared this statement, let me clear your misconception.

The division of the sub-continent, was the greatest.....greatest blundar of mankind.

IAM speechless :hitwall:
Bhai ! he also said that “from now on words if some one in Pakistan says that Mahajirs are traitors then he will ask India to give them shelter”.

The problem is whenever you are out of Country and especially in India you should not say an inch of a
–ve coz we all know foreign media.

We should have the courage to call a spade a spade a Great Man always accept his mistakes that’s what makes one great.
HAAAAAAAAAAAAA?Typical answer of brain washed person.

Not worth mt reply Bro. try to learn how to behave on public forums.

DEvelopments in KArachi has absolutly nothing to do with MQM you keep repeating one thing and giving credit to some one that has absolutly nothing to do with it.people who deserve credit for any development in pakistan including karachi is shukat aziz and musharaf.

Mustafa Kamal has his affiliation with MQM, he was elected amongs conadidates of others parties too like Jamiat , ANP, PPP.

Most uneducated people drive cabs As they dont have the qualifications to even run a convenience store never mind a poitical party.

He id Bachelor of Arts from Islamia College, and Bachelor of Pharmacy from Karachi University, much more educated then other politicians.

BUt the good news is with leaders like MR 10% engine chore nawaz and mulana diesel fazul rehman And to top it all Iltaf himself i say pakistans future is in Good hands.

he is a disgrace to muhajirs who spilled blood to get here. sometimes i wonder why isi doesn't take him out and eliminate him for the good of the country.
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