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  1. J

    Terrorist Attack in Peshawar Market

    Has TTP owned up the responsibility for this atrocity?
  2. J

    Terrorist Attack in Peshawar Market

    emo_girl “”Neh, Javed3 will Explain me TTP CAUSE””. Everybody is entitled to have his or her cause; TTP included. Actually they have a pretty strong commitment to their cause and willingly take enormous casualties. You and I may or may not agree with what they stand for; but outright...
  3. J

    Terrorist Attack in Peshawar Market

    SecularHumanist and emo_girl: “”Forget Swat, we have cheerleaders for the TTP right here, on this forum. Ahem ahem...........a certain Mr. J might have a smile on his face today because of what his jehadi brothers did.”” “”Where is Javed3???”&#8221...
  4. J

    Terrorist Attack in Peshawar Market

    May Allah bless the departed souls. May Allah give us the forbearance to face this enormous loss of life. Whoever did this carnage, TTP or anybody, deserve a response without mercy. These series of blasts in public places do not help the TTP cause one bit. They look like the Shia-Sunni carnage...
  5. J

    Hillary Clinton Visit to Pakistan

  6. J

    Honoring our Martyrs

    All-Green: I too will be glad to donate a reasonable amount towards the welfare of Army widows and orphans. Please get the Bank A/C #. We should post the receipt right on this page. This is despite the fact that I am against the operations waged by the Army on Pakistani territory, whatever...
  7. J

    Why terrorists dont attack non-Pakistani people in Pak?

    Yes, TTP is stupid in its choice of targets.
  8. J

    COMMENT: Taliban vs India —Rafia Zakaria (Who is the worse enemy?)

    This is the first time in history that Pakistan / India / US have common converging interests to crush Taliban. All are working on a common agenda to support the US Army of occupation in Afghanistan. India is supporting the initiative because they are being promoted as the dominant power in...
  9. J

    Lal Masjid/Janiah Hafsa website - shut them down !!!

    zeshukhan: ""All these people were innocent civilians and were martyred by the students of Lal Masjid and after this..........army deployed and so on......."" Thats far from the truth. It was a clash between Rangers and the stupid students of Lal Masjid. Students were routed by the...
  10. J

    Lal Masjid/Janiah Hafsa website - shut them down !!!

    FBI will do what they consider necessary, they are the Kings. No need to be more loyal to the King than the King himself. And you don't teach the King whats good for him. They can pick you from your home in Islamabad or Karachi should they consider it useful. Its a real comedy. Rather than...
  11. J

    Plight of the refugees from SW

    Nobody in mainstream Pakistan cares about the plight of refugees. The tribal s rank pretty low on the list of priorities. They are treated as "terrorist sympathizers". Even Red Cross and UNHCR cannot set camps in the Army operation areas.
  12. J

    Musharraf's Interview On CNN From Last Night

    S-2: “”As example, just imagine for a moment a FATAville self-sufficient and too busy to spend time in near-perpetual nihilist irhabism, poverty, and despair while contributing to a tax-base that makes affordable your nat'l defense instead of looking to others to underwrite hundreds of...
  13. J

    Musharraf's Interview On CNN From Last Night

    S-2 “”We were the only element aside from the brigade that maintained operational maps for the brigade battle area. If the brigade TOC took a hit, it gets transferred to our TOC and the battle continues.”” With due respect, you are out of your depth here. Just remember you are in middle of...
  14. J

    Support for the troops

    Except the ruling politicians and some talking heads there is no broad based grass roots support for the Army operations due to the following factors: 1. This is not Pakistan's war, it is a "Do More" war. 2. US is essentially calling the shots, and actively involved in the operations. 3. These...
  15. J

    Operation Rah-e-Rast (Swat)

    Aide for Swat Taliban chief captured DAWN: Tuesday, 27 Oct, 2009 “”Armed members of a private militia, known locally as a lashkar, celebrate after a successful raid in Matta. – Photo by AP””. Army is resorting to Armed Militias to maintain “tranquility&#8221...
  16. J

    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    “”Around 200,000 people have been displaced since August from South Waziristan, where Pakistan Army launched an anti-Taliban offensive 10 days ago, the military said on Monday.”” “”The Red Cross warned last week that relief workers were being kept out of South...
  17. J

    Pictures fof the Suffering of the Pak refugees

    Swat economy suffered debilitating losses to the tune of about US$ 400 M (Rs 31 billion). precious little has been done to resettle them and help rebuild their shattered lives. It is disgraceful to displace your own people fighting a foreign war with the sole purpose of showing your...
  18. J

    Lal Masjid/Janiah Hafsa website - shut them down !!!

    zeshukhan: ""10 innocent people were martyred on the first day of incident by “Lal Musjid” before the starting of military operation"" When and where did they kill 10 people before the operation. You need to check your facts.
  19. J

    Lal Masjid/Janiah Hafsa website - shut them down !!!

    Taimikhan Please demonstrate some courage and lead a peaceful demonstration to the President house with a single demand …. Break off diplomatic relations with Wahabi Takfiri Saudi Arabia. Maulana Ghazi and his few zealots were not capable of implementing Shariah or any ideology on...
  20. J

    Lal Masjid/Janiah Hafsa website - shut them down !!!

    Why not look at the other side of the coin? Why escape for the ugly face of reality? Lal Masjid was the trigger event for the TTP, and Shangla / Swat operation. Its significance cannot be denied.
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