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Why terrorists dont attack non-Pakistani people in Pak?


Aug 15, 2009
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I was just thinking today why not TTP, A.Q and other terrorists attack any foregin minister or other big names ? Why only Pakistani ?

Are not A.Q and TTP saying they are fighiting against kofar ?

Because they are protecting them here..so why they will attack any US citizen particularly when they have Pakistan army as their enemy.
Are taliban so stupid they kill/hurt ppl they actualy should try to get support from ? Atleast they could predent that. I hope ppl understand whats my point. I think ppl do but those bastards in goverment dont :(
Actually they do, but they attack only Chinese nationals , well it be BLA, Lal Masjid Thugs or TTP
Lol funny question how thy will attack on .......... lol, If thy attack on forigners thn the forigners countries from whr they belong, there countries stop funding them ;)
They killed Polish engineer, Chinese engineers, American journalist (Danial Pearl), American marines (Mariott hotel blast), plus tried many other times to attack diplomatic enclave.

Teo reasons why they kill many more Pakistanis:

1) Pakistanis are easier target in their own country of course. There are very few foreigners here who venture out of their guarded compounds.

2) A basic tenent of the neo-jihadist ideology of Syed Qutb/Al Qaeda school is that freedom from the slavery of kuffar can only be achieved by first destroying the munafiq government of your own country. That si why they want to kill the maximum number of Muslims opposed to them so that they can dominate the country through fear. Than they will be left to focus on others.
They killed Polish engineer, Chinese engineers, American journalist (Danial Pearl), American marines (Mariott hotel blast), plus tried many other times to attack diplomatic enclave.

Teo reasons why they kill many more Pakistanis:

1) Pakistanis are easier target in their own country of course. There are very few foreigners here who venture out of their guarded compounds.

2) A basic tenent of the neo-jihadist ideology of Syed Qutb/Al Qaeda school is that freedom from the slavery of kuffar can only be achieved by first destroying the munafiq government of your own country. That si why they want to kill the maximum number of Muslims opposed to them so that they can dominate the country through fear. Than they will be left to focus on others.

And how attacks on civil ppl and muslims will give them more power. Al Qaida / Taliban need support of people to get there goals which they are not geting. I dont think they are so stupid.

Taliban saying we will attack India who get benefit from that ? India who has always said terrorists in Pakistan are treat to India and World.

Al Qaida and Taliban killing shooting and doing bomb blast give USA and NATO more resons for there propoganda for WAR ON TERROR.

Chiness gets killed who was helping Pakistan. French get killed who was helping navy. Polish ppl get killed who was also helping Pakistan. Why not no attacks on blackwater ppl ? Why not no attack on amercia embassy ? or Indian embassy ? This Taliban and other Al qaida story is totaly bullshit. These ppl are working for some one to distroy name of Islam and Jihad.
2) A basic tenent of the neo-jihadist ideology of Syed Qutb/Al Qaeda school is that freedom from the slavery of kuffar can only be achieved by first destroying the munafiq government of your own country. That si why they want to kill the maximum number of Muslims opposed to them so that they can dominate the country through fear. Than they will be left to focus on others.

haha, what a joke, like the terrorists are thinking that whilst they are doing what they do, pseudo intellectual.
Lol funny question how thy will attack on .......... lol, If thy attack on forigners thn the forigners countries from whr they belong, there countries stop funding them ;)

no...it will force them to raise more fund for pakistan...to stabilize pak...attack more foreigner get more money
Attacked and Killed Polish Engineer
Attacked and Killed Chinese Engineer
Attacked and Killed Afghan Envoy
Attacked UN Workers in Mansehra
Attacked UN Workers in FATA
Attacked the Offices of ICRC in Mansehr and Mingora
Attacked the Offices of the United Nations
Attacked and Killed several high ranking foreign UN Staff in Pakistan

Need i go on....
Lol funny question how thy will attack on .......... lol, If thy attack on forigners thn the forigners countries from whr they belong, there countries stop funding them ;)

or may be you stopped funding them and now attacked by these guys.;)
This is the main reason why people in Pak.Govt. should differentiate between Taliban and foreign purchased fighters. I always see that they keep on saying that Taliban are attacking Pakistan which is not the case. If we are not clear in our approach than how can we identify the enemy? Some people in Pakistan have close relations with ‘TALIBAN’ and they should be used to ignite the freedom movement in Afghanistan by Taliban. Taliban actually need support to fight the occupation forces in Afghanistan and once US forces and Indian consulates are engaged against Taliban only than we can control these agents who are fighting with our forces.
2) A basic tenent of the neo-jihadist ideology of Syed Qutb/Al Qaeda school is that freedom from the slavery of kuffar can only be achieved by first destroying the munafiq government of your own country. That is why they want to kill the maximum number of Muslims opposed to them so that they can dominate the country through fear. Than they will be left to focus on others.

haha, what a joke, like the terrorists are thinking that whilst they are doing what they do, pseudo intellectual.

The terrorists are thinking that because it is a part of their ideological indoctrination - the leadership of the neo-jihadists is the one who shapes the doctrine.

The tenet described is pretty simple for an average jihadi foot soldier to understand. Its not exactly rocket science...:)
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