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  1. King123

    Iran Navy to build aircraft carriers

    Iran should make aircraft carrier. India-Iran can use joint patrolling by 2 CBG in Arabian sea for any misadventure.
  2. King123

    More than 7,200 Indian Jews to immigrate to Israel

    Half of the Jews came to India from Muslim worlds because Muslims were/are anti-Jews. As for India, As i said earlier Jews are one of the most favoured people. Still, Every year around 10,000's of Jews/Israeli people come for tourist purpose. They are migrating because earlier they had no...
  3. King123

    More than 7,200 Indian Jews to immigrate to Israel

    Cut your crap, when you have not read the complete story. But as usual, small part works better to troll. Their are 1,00,000 Jews living in India and these were waiting for official declaration. India is one of the most favoured nation for Jews after U.S.. As for Christians, 1 Incident a...
  4. King123

    Saudi Arabia brings cultural, religious exotica to India

    Persian=Iran is known for Zoroastrian. it is very old religion but they started following Islam later (reason i don't know). Still, Zoroastrian is deeply routed in Persian culture. Today, maximum parsi population living in India specially Mumbai. Zoroastrians in Iran - Wikipedia, the free...
  5. King123

    Sticker Shock: Iraqi F-16s $165 Million Each

    In this price tag, They could have easily bought F-18, F-15 even F-35. Highly expensive price and that also not so worth when they will face Typhoon/Rafale/F-15/F-18. Total waste of money in buying decade old 4th Generation technology when 4.5th are there in same price. :disagree:
  6. King123

    Tokyo Moves Closer to Buying a New Generation of Jet Fighters

    TOKYO—Japan moved a step closer to buying a new generation of jet fighters Monday after it accepted bids by three of the world's biggest defense contractors for what is expected to be a deal worth several billion dollars. In line with a Japanese government deadline, the country's Defense...
  7. King123

    India backs palestinian bid for UN membership

    Why you always bring India ? US is not using India. We don't need US in anyway. That's why mutual relation.
  8. King123

    If BCCI does not like my book they can buy Chaat for 500 rupees

    ^^ already posted :rofl:
  9. King123

    Fake stories of Bangladeshis intruding into India?

    If Bangladesh wants to make good relation with India, Then do it. If Bangladesh hates India (which is true), Then Fight with India. Improve your defence because when some crazy leader comes in power, That will be nightmare for BD. If She want to make good relation with China or any country...
  10. King123

    Fake stories of Bangladeshis intruding into India?

    Bangladesh always have problem. Till 1971 with Pakistan and now with India. They are most unhappy people. I don't have any view on Bangladeshi until i see few talking rubbish and they forget Millions of Illegal Bangladeshi in India working as Maid and driving Rickshaw. Most of the slums in...
  11. King123

    Fake stories of Bangladeshis intruding into India?

    Bangladeshi girls forced into prostitution rescued - Bangalore - DNA Come to Delhi, I will see you Live picture of 1,000 of Bangladeshi. Avoid posting such things on public forum.
  12. King123

    China 'aggressively' shoring up its military set up along border: Antony

    Don't over estimate yourself. The day, China will do some adventures, Hard reply will come. Everyone is tired with China aggression, What you can do max ? Your Max effort is no more exclusive in the region.
  13. King123

    WIKILEAKS: China using ECFA to push unification with Taiwan.

    Until and Unless Taiwan is with US, unification is impossible. 90% Taiwanese people hate China. Taiwan is democratic country and not communist.
  14. King123

    Sino-Pak Relations as US-Pak Tensions Rise

    After seeing China-Pakistan friendship, 1st thing that come to my mind is North Korea and Myanmar. Myanmar and NorthKorea are one of the most poorest and economically and politically backward countries in the world.They are perfect dictatorships and China wants to keep them that way.China with...
  15. King123

    India's Designs to Harm Bangladesh Using Islamic Militancy as Pretext

    RAW has better things to do than doing anything in Bangladesh. You are giving too much importance to yourself. I think, It's Bangladesh nature, You people are never happy. Be it Pakistan and now India.
  16. King123

    Shining India: Dalit not allowed to Cycle in the "upper caste" areas.

    They use "Baniya" to Hindus as abusive words. But they don't know 4 richest Baniyas are worth more than Pakistan GDP, 2 Mittal and 2 Ambani
  17. King123

    Sachin may be your god but not mine: Akhtar

    Why so many Pakistan cricket come to India and live most of the time in India ?? Not a single player of ours goes to Pakistan. All come India to make money and popularity, then respect otherwise you won't survive in India. Example: Wasim Akram, Waqar, Ramiz Raja, etc.
  18. King123

    India's Designs to Harm Bangladesh Using Islamic Militancy as Pretext

    This kind of false propaganda is not going to help Bangladesh. We don't care much about Bangladesh about opinion. We have much better things to do for big country. That also a blog. :lol: DO what you want to do. Make friendship or fight in war. Your choice. We are ready for both as per your...
  19. King123

    Shining India: Dalit not allowed to Cycle in the "upper caste" areas.

    1 discrimination in 7,00,000 Villages? In Pakistan, I hear everyday not with Caste but against Hindus, Christians, Ahmediyas, Shias, Baloch and who not ? I don't think, The problem is same today which was many centuries back. Today discrimination is very less, Hardly 1% overall. I don't even...
  20. King123

    Shining India: Dalit not allowed to Cycle in the "upper caste" areas.

    Who says Muslims don't have cast system ? They also have same caste system. Muslim and Christians Dalit/OBC get reservation in India for various government Jobs and special privileges. May be because their ancestors were Hindus, So they followed the wrong tradition. :rolleyes:
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