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Sino-Pak Relations as US-Pak Tensions Rise

What happended to North Korea? I thought that they were the most recent "all weather friend" of China. Seems like that Mini-Me had to move over for the new friend. What is the projected shelf life of this all weather relationship considering the North Korea and the Vietnam experience?

China trusts Pakistan more than North Korea, and Vietnam has broken her heart after rejecting her for USSR along with all the help during the war of Vietnam.


a chinese song "brother" is especially for celebrate 60 years Sino-Pak Friendship


Just broaden strategic view little more:

US asked Saudi Arab to pursue Pakistan.

US asks China for help.

US polcymakers are bargaining on which of the following strategic price it has to pay.

1) Taiwan arms sale
2) South China sea spat
3) Long term military stay in Afghanistan and control of centeral Asian energy/transit
4) UN veto on Palestinian state

Hope China send a message that none of these are negotiable. Saudi Arabia is not reliable but hope they get the realization that ultimatly they will be targeted by US. They better shore up friend who matters.
Its like Mum and Dad looking after the bad son here. :lol:
After seeing China-Pakistan friendship, 1st thing that come to my mind is North Korea and Myanmar.

Myanmar and NorthKorea are one of the most poorest and economically and politically backward countries in the world.They are perfect dictatorships and China wants to keep them that way.China with all its foriegn reserves and economical might have helped them next to nothing.Infact China ditched NorthKorea when famine struck there and same was the case when Myanmar was hit by a cyclone.

China only military assistance to Pakistan because it wants to keep a check on military ambitions of India and that is it. It didn't helped in Kargil War and not it was minimum in earlier Earthquake. They are only interested in protecting their traders by dumping her products and making countries lose own home made products.

As per India's point of view, We always think - If China attacks India, Pakistan will take the advantage and will participate and that's why we are preparing for two front war for last many years. Our Defence modernization was based on that reason only otherwise we were always ahead than Pakistan without any big Defence modernization. We have maintained Status quo by keeping good relation with all Chinese and Pakistan neighbours like Afghanistan, Iran, Vietnam, Japan, South Korea, Russia and Taiwan.

China relation with Pakistan don't have any effect on us, Indeed It's good because now we are improving our defence and we have many good relations with most of the neighbours - neighbours and US too. China was not friend of India for last 50 years. Friendship existed for 2,000 years but not after communist government. So, We don't have any expectation nor to feel any worry at all. We have made various inroads to face such threat. :tup:
This is a bit embarrassing, stop looking for a patron and try to be self sufficient.

Finding a powerful partner is one thing, acting like a partner and not a junior is another, that can't be helped right now, but just keep it in mind.
Mate!! China is bound to support Pakistan. China can't afford to loose Pakistan due her geographical location. So it's mean China indirectly support herself. In comming years you will be noticing China need Pakistan for her trade roots and to fufill her energy requirment and of course to contain India. In return what Pakistan side is getting? Emotional gesture / lips services or few Jf 17 which will be again used against India to fulfill China's stratergic needs, few soft loans. nshort China's taking advantage of Pakistan' geographically more than Pakistan itself. Pakistan ready to share territory and ready to all dirty job for China. It's really a master stoke played by Chinese.


Same like USA who are providing jobs and also arms deal with India to use as proxy against china!

"It's really a superb stoke played by Americans"
Same like USA who are providing jobs and also arms deal with India to use as proxy against china!

"It's really a superb stoke played by Americans"


Mate!! You conveniently ignore rest of my post. No one stopping you to hate india but don't be too blind in hate. Your comparison make me laugh. India & American is like buyer and seller. What's shuits Our (India) intrest we take it, we buy it and we don't take dictation from any country. Your taking exception to 3-4 relationship in which we have noticed lots of ups & downs and don't forget president obama's statement we do provide Jobs to American through various deals. It's all give & take relationship.where as Pakistan is a trusted ally of US and all weather Friend of China from past 60 years. Regarding China and relation what more you want both countries bilateral trade already touch $100 billion. Help yourself browse the forum to update your knowledge and read history.

P.S. India don't need Amercian or any other dictation to deal with China. Whereas your not only take dictation but fight other country proxies with India for past 60 years

Pakistan never harmed any Chinese Interests even When China was not as much as powerful as it is today.We even helped to create better relations between USA and China.As usual this kind of thread usually act up as a chilli catalyst for Indians and they get butthurt.
Pakistan never harmed any Chinese Interests even When China was not as much as powerful as it is today.We even helped to create better relations between USA and China.


Mate! Don't be too emotional. It's all about country Intrest. It's your intrest make you close with other country. It's all about trade & money. We need undrstand international politics.You should say thanks to India because of India you're too close to China.

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