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  1. King123

    Debate: Should India be a permanent member of the UNSC?

    We are going to sell Brahmos to Vietnam which will be used against China. What China is going to do ?? Gilgit-Baltistan is in control of Pakistan, your best friend. What we can do? If we will have Naval and Army drill with your neighbours, Then you can;t do anything ?? :lol: What this makes...
  2. King123

    Debate: Should India be a permanent member of the UNSC?

    Not really. It's not the truth. US has offered most of the latest aircraft and weapons to India. But Still, we are not buying except few transport aircraft and P8i. We rejected F-18, as Rafale and Typhoon was better. Also ToT. We didn't joined for F-35, because we already had deal for PAK FA...
  3. King123

    Debate: Should India be a permanent member of the UNSC?

    In 1967, you remember Nathu La and Chola La ? We also controlled Sikkim completely. After 1962, In 50 years....China didn't able to do anything even trying all her effort and playing all possible card. China back stabbed in 1962 and we never did such thing, We will never trust on China. No...
  4. King123

    Debate: Should India be a permanent member of the UNSC?

    Well, it's opposite. US is using Pakistan for last many decades. You can check the facts. India was never friend of USA. Indeed, India was with Russia for 40 long year of Cold war era. Even today, Our best friend is Russia. I agree, US is no more Pakistan friend, most likely it will become enemy...
  5. King123

    Debate: Should India be a permanent member of the UNSC?

    Although, I am not so keen in UNSC seat. But the day, China oppose India or abstain, India-China relation will be over. Also, we might move to US for new alliance. US has invited many times for new alliance for long time. As of now, we are with no one. Will China make India as official enemy ...
  6. King123

    Debate: Should India be a permanent member of the UNSC?

    I hope India doesn't become permanent member of UNSEC. Currently,We are already 3rd largest economy by PPP. After 10-15 years, We will be 3rd Largest economy in nominal GDP with 2nd or 3rd strongest defence capability. We are doing all silently, But once India becomes permanent member, We...
  7. King123

    Debate: Should India be a permanent member of the UNSC?

    US is only super power. I don't find any next super power for next 30-40 years. Russia was former Super power. Next Super power may be China. India will be regional power of south-Asia only and to face China, if needed. We also need to take care of Indian Ocean region for strategic and...
  8. King123

    Debate: Should India be a permanent member of the UNSC?

    Lets face it, We are neither super power nor we have capability. We will have strong defence for any threat, But we can't become super power even in 20 years. We will be more than happy, If we become prosperous and self dependent country. :tup:
  9. King123

    Debate: Should India be a permanent member of the UNSC?

    It doesn't matter, What others do. It's difference thing. If China opposes India or abstain or harms in anyway, The relation will be over between India-China. It will beginning of Cold war. We may even start alliance with US. As of now, We have neutral relation and also, We have no alliance...
  10. King123

    Debate: Should India be a permanent member of the UNSC?

    As of now, India-US relation is neutral or maximum good. The day, China opposes India, US-India will become very good friends and will beginning of new era. We may join NATO also. Most of the relation with China will be over. :tup:
  11. King123

    Debate: Should India be a permanent member of the UNSC?

    You don't know what you posting. Keep trolling with zero knowledge. :blah:
  12. King123

    Debate: Should India be a permanent member of the UNSC?

    Leave these rules, everyone knows this. 2/3rd majority won't be problem. Also, 4 permanent members will support. Will China oppose us and end most of the relation with India ? I would love to see that day, When China declares India as official enemy. :tup:
  13. King123

    Debate: Should India be a permanent member of the UNSC?

    Superpower - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Only US is super power. No 2nd super power in the world. What influence UK has in Asia ? UK is not a global power in any sense. If Israel is living on US help, then same story for Pakistan, as she also living under China (defence) and US (money)...
  14. King123

    Debate: Should India be a permanent member of the UNSC?

    Post reported for doing personal attack. Why Mods are not taking action ???
  15. King123

    Debate: Should India be a permanent member of the UNSC?

    List of territorial disputes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia China has border dispute with almost all countries (Land/Sea).
  16. King123

    Debate: Should India be a permanent member of the UNSC?

    So, U.K. is "WORLD POWER" ? :woot: and Israel is Zero Power ? :lol: There are 4 countries who will veto against China, If She does against India......Russia, France, UK and USA. China is not single and mature country. I will love to say the day when China does anything against India...
  17. King123

    Debate: Should India be a permanent member of the UNSC?

    Except China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, North Korea - We have good relation with most of the countries. These 4 countries doesn't make the world. :no: Out of Top 25 economy, We have good relation with all except China.
  18. King123

    Debate: Should India be a permanent member of the UNSC?

    Then it's same issue with China too. India is and will be many time stronger than all neighbours combined except China with or without UNSC seat. Even, China threat will be negligible after few years, Once we become very strong. We are not dreaming of UNSC. We are capable to face any threat...
  19. King123

    Debate: Should India be a permanent member of the UNSC?

    I personally don't think permanent member of the UNSC makes huge difference. It's more like a symbolic and India deserves it. India will become more and more stronger by each year passing with or without the seat. I don't know when, But we will surely become sooner or later. Today, UNSC...
  20. King123

    The India-Vietnam Axis

    Then tell him to talk with some sense. He only uses one thing everyday "We have 3600 nuke stockpiles and we will destroy everyone " I never seen any american or Russian talking like this even they have much more capability. Only Few Chinese talk like this even when they don't have any major...
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