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  1. B

    India to outpace China in 2011: WB

  2. B

    India to outpace China in 2011: WB

    You have not given any facts. You made some moronic comment about Indian media not covering CWG, and I told you that you were wrong - in reality, the Indian media's coverage about CWG and politicians involved was sooo negative that it was horrible. The "facts" are all over google. I am not going...
  3. B

    India to outpace China in 2011: WB

    He's just an obvious in-your-face Chinese troll. He has not done any research of his own about Indian media or anything like that. He must have received indoctrination in his local communist party office that India also suppresses media freedom just like China, and he is simply parroting those...
  4. B

    India to outpace China in 2011: WB

    Your country is a brutal dictatorship which suppressed people's rights and you guys don't even know the meaning of freedom. You people ought to STFU about media freedoms in other countries, especially when you're talk about a country with such a liberal press as India. You're just a typical...
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    India to outpace China in 2011: WB

    You're crazy. :angry: The Indian media went all out against the government and the CWG. That is enough. Only a moron will expect that every single word is copied over in all countries' media! India has hundreds of newspapers, news channels, magazines, and so on. More than 90% of them were...
  6. B

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    The last word: India will give up Kashmir only when the Indian public sentiment overwhelmingly favours giving it up. And as of now, the Indian public sentiment is completely against giving it up. No Indian government worth its salt will give it up till domestic Indian sentiment changes. And no...
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    India to outpace China in 2011: WB

    I'm not able to understand your point, or your questions. India has complete press freedom, and only a person with absolutely no knowledge will doubt that fact. Are you questioning this? Seriously, you've got to be crazy.
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Don't talk rubbish. Your country tried its very best to incite the Khalistan movement. The movement died out nearly 20 years back and no one even remembers the movement now, and the only loser was Pakistan.
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    India to outpace China in 2011: WB

    Precisely! :hitwall: When he has access to google and all the Indian media articles, how can he be so dishonest? Either he is genuinely clueless, or he is simply a troll. If he is genuinely clueless, let us see if he has the honesty to admit his mistake now.
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    India to outpace China in 2011: WB

    And what, exactly, was the point of posting that article here in the context of our conversation?
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    India to outpace China in 2011: WB

    Well, I did feel they went a bit overboard. The media frenzy started feeding on itself. But overall, yes, it was a good kick in the butt for the nation. That's what made the organizers pull themselves up and deliver an awesome games enentually! In the absence of such glare, maybe the organizers...
  12. B

    India to outpace China in 2011: WB

    It does not require subscription. Anyhow, why don't you do as I said? Just search for keywords like "cwg news ****** times of india" in google. Replace times of india with other Indian news channels and newspaper names, and you will get your answer. The lesson is, do not assume something to...
  13. B

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    So, I want to hear your "solution" - out with it. Why wait for the replies to come pouring in? Let us dissect your "solution" in addition to your "problem statement".
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    India to outpace China in 2011: WB

    Look, when you can take so much pain and hunt out an old article from BBC, you most certainly can search in the websites of times of India, Times Now, NDTV, and a hundred others. I live in India, and I read the morning papers daily, and I watch TV news every night. I know how fcuking horrible...
  15. B

    India to outpace China in 2011: WB

    EVERYTHING about the CWG was exposed by the Indian media. The Western media simply picked up all the news from the Indian media. In the run-up to the CWG, every news article, every night talk show, every front page headline, was about Kalmadi, CWG, corruption, Kalmadi, Kalmadi, OC...
  16. B

    India to outpace China in 2011: WB

    You are so wrong! For god's sake, the Indian media has been pulling the pants off Suresh Kalmadi and the entire CWG OC! Either you have not been reading Indian media, or you are conveniently choosing to ignore all the stream of negative coverage from them about CWG!
  17. B

    India to outpace China in 2011: WB

    oooh yes, of course, the West has been HUGELY critical of India in the past, and even today! Why do you think the West does not portray India's negative points? Of course it does!
  18. B

    India to outpace China in 2011: WB

    Well, its hardly one week since the CWG was over! There is an investigation ongoing, and the media keeps presenting "leaks" of the investigation on a daily basis. The CVC (Central Vigilance comission) is investigating. Look, I know that corruption is very very high in India. As the guy...
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    India to outpace China in 2011: WB

    And if you continue to talk decades old nonsense, frankly, nothing prevents me from talking about your "regressive great leaps" and "blood soaked cultural revolutions".
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    India to outpace China in 2011: WB

    Look here. Posting articles dated 1987 to try to prove your nonsense points is just insane. There is a world of difference in the intervening time period - almost quarter century. Now, talk about your own country and defend its problems without dragging India into it like a hag.
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