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  1. Peshwa

    Pakistan bans 'anti-Pakistani Army' film 'Children of War'

    We live with the shame of Pathankot...you live with the shame of Bangladesh... We can let the readers decide whats worse....LOL!
  2. Peshwa

    Pakistan bans 'anti-Pakistani Army' film 'Children of War'

    Do you actually believe that the Indian film industry is being funded by ex-lahoris? Cause thats just laughable... And India is the land of opportunity...especially if you're a Pakistani actor/actress on your hands and knees...no pun intended! I will agree with you there that Veena has one...
  3. Peshwa

    Pakistan bans 'anti-Pakistani Army' film 'Children of War'

    You mean Crush India has always been your motto...Just never your achievement...LOL!!! If anything, history hums a different tune....
  4. Peshwa

    Pakistan bans 'anti-Pakistani Army' film 'Children of War'

    Its funny that we throw scraps at Pakistani "actors" in the name of generosity and some Pakistanis somehow delude themselves into believing that Indians are now fans... Its like the dog thinking it owns the human...LOL!!! pathetic.. Isnt the term Pakistani "actress" synonymous with whore to...
  5. Peshwa

    Pakistan opposes creation of new permanent seats at UNSC

    That kinda works against the muslims... If representation based on religion is to be made, then Israel and India both should get a permanent seat... Say bye bye to Kashmir and Palestine forever then...which mind you we are ok with...especially given that Muslims are probably the least unified...
  6. Peshwa

    Mass protests sweep Gilgit Baltistan

    The point stands whether I quote mr. Hasan or not! The pretext under which these people are protesting is that GB doesn't fall under the ambit of Pakistani federal law, but international law as it is a disputed territory.... The demands in the charter starting with the imposition of taxes is...
  7. Peshwa

    Mass protests sweep Gilgit Baltistan

    I agree...the article needs to have stronger basis in statistics... But it was hard to find a newspaper that wouldnt be labeled as a crony, since most newspapers that pick up such stories would be non-Kashmiri, India based... Nevertheless,...its an ongoing discussion Im having with Armstrong...
  8. Peshwa

    Mass protests sweep Gilgit Baltistan

    Well...if India Today did get this information, the question is from where?? It is clear that except for the GOI, no other entity including India Today magazine has the resources nor the authority to conduct such a census of the armed forces... So what is the basis for this number then? Any...
  9. Peshwa

    Mass protests sweep Gilgit Baltistan

    Quote from the very article: "But in the past, thousands of youth have taken part in such rallies, disregarding a struggle for an end to New Delhi's rule in the state that has seen tens of thousands killed since 1989" I think it states very clearly the point Im trying to make.. Things have...
  10. Peshwa

    Mass protests sweep Gilgit Baltistan

    "The AWC is calling for the removal of taxes because according to international law, there should be no taxation without representation. As an occupied territory Gilgit Baltistan is exempt from all type of taxes but government has imposed taxes on people of Gilgit Baltistan illegally.” Do you...
  11. Peshwa

    Mass protests sweep Gilgit Baltistan

    Of course the willingness of Kashmiris (muslims) to join the army is important here...it shows their intent in being part of the force of the nation of India...a direct endorsement of the country Now maybe the assumption you are making is that the 10,000 odd volunteers that showed up were...
  12. Peshwa

    Mass protests sweep Gilgit Baltistan

    Please see the report I posted Waz...it claims the people are from the valley...and in some very sensitive areas.... I purposely chose to use a neutral paper so as to avoid people claiming the report as biased... Let me know your thoughts...
  13. Peshwa

    Mass protests sweep Gilgit Baltistan

    Makes complete sense to me... I provided you with an indication of the number of volunteers that showed up a month after anti-india protests....should give you an indication of the fact that separatist voices have not slowed down the interest Kashmiris have in joining the very force that they...
  14. Peshwa

    Mass protests sweep Gilgit Baltistan

    well then here is some interesting tit-bit: Source: Army’s Recruitment Rally in Volatile Kashmir TownKashmir Latest News, Breaking News, Photos and Features | Free Press Kashmir Well, they hate us, yet want to join the very army they hate and which they claim commits atrocities on them...
  15. Peshwa

    Mass protests sweep Gilgit Baltistan

    Oh I absolutely understand what the protest is about... What you don't understand is that the report clearly states the AWC considers GB a disputed territory....while GBLA which is a different set of people claims to have appealed for integration... My only contention here is that people of GB...
  16. Peshwa

    Mass protests sweep Gilgit Baltistan

    Now wouldn't that just make everyones life easier?!!!!! If we try to end this feud on a mutually beneficial term....we can then start concentrating on how to make the erstwhile state more peaceful and a paradise that it always has been... Its too much to ask though...
  17. Peshwa

    Mass protests sweep Gilgit Baltistan

    Well... a. You found it interesting to point out that it was magnanimous on Pakistans part to not integrate GB as some grand scheme to maintian its sovereignty and settle the dispute based on international agreements... b. in response I gave you an example of Pakistans actions which contradict...
  18. Peshwa

    Mass protests sweep Gilgit Baltistan

    funny that for namesake, Pakistan refuses to integrate GB into its constitution, but does not feel one bit the need to consult the residents of GB when signing away a part of this land to china! Yes, GB may not be integrated into Pak, but Pakistan sure acts like they own them...at least based...
  19. Peshwa

    Mass protests sweep Gilgit Baltistan

    JKLI is represented by 50% muslims...the rest by other ethnic groups in the state... So not sure what your basis for this argument is... Besides...Kashmir is policed by locals...majority of them being muslim. As mentioned above, half of JKLI is muslim....the general that controls the troops...
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