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  1. N

    India - forget 1962

    1962 left a mark on them they cannot forget, India started a war they couldn't win.
  2. N

    Top 10 Trolls in Internet History

    time before here I had here I use to think Pakistani's Indians Bangladesh were the same ,problem was I couldn't tell them apart.
  3. N

    Top 10 Trolls in Internet History

    Pakistan India
  4. N

    Qatar, Saudi Arabia conspire to topple Iraqi government: Maliki

    I've already proven you wrong I seen the graph and every again and again the facts are facts but does it change it from sunnis killing sunnis, shiites, kurds. enjoy your dreams.
  5. N

    Top 10 Trolls in Internet History

    I think the biggest trolls are people who deny India is a superpower. Hongwu is both Chinese and Pakistani he's mixed Peaceful is from Taiwan. Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/members-club/187855-top-10-trolls-internet-history-6.html#ixzz1xyrHLIdE
  6. N

    Top 10 Trolls in Internet History

    Hongwu is both Chinese and Pakistani he's mixed Peaceful is from Taiwan.
  7. N

    SZ-9 launched successfully`!!!

    In 2030 India in 2030!!!!!!!! - YouTube
  8. N

    Top 10 Trolls in Internet History

    Aryan_B is actually good a poster, SinoChallenger is a good poster I would go as far as to call him the Jewel of PDF.
  9. N

    India gdp drops to 11 in 2011

    Chinese are still trolling Indians CD by far is my favorite.
  10. N

    India's Indigenous 5th-Gen Combat Plane to Boast Condition Monitoring Sys

    sure sure Russian engines and israeli avionics ? I'm sure you completely fixed the problems with your kaveri engine and it's on mass production. :D
  11. N

    Qatar, Saudi Arabia conspire to topple Iraqi government: Maliki

    The shia's make more then the majority is that to hard for you to comprehend enough of your slave mentality the sunni kurds don't really like to be associated with sunni arabs you can thank mr Saddam there is a closer relationship with the shiites.
  12. N

    India's Indigenous 5th-Gen Combat Plane to Boast Condition Monitoring Sys

    At least build a good engine on par with russia then again the engines might be russian and israeli avionics. bad as the chinese trolls claiming with their superior J-20 against the F-22. stealth Tejas ;).
  13. N

    Indian space scientists praise Chinese space feat

    Why would Chinese be jealous of something they did in the 60's and 70's ? it's india that is jealous of china on everything india wants to get noticed by china but it isn't india is better to compare itself to brazil rather then china.
  14. N

    Indian space scientists praise Chinese space feat

    Thats off topic material if you want to find out leave a comment on my page.
  15. N

    Pakistan should recognize Kosovo and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

    No country in the world recognizes occupied Cyprus and recognizing kosovo will be a big mistake pakistan is on the correct path with it's relation to russia but if it recognizes kosovo it will hurt the relations with russia.
  16. N

    Indian space scientists praise Chinese space feat

    Chinese can assist all but will they ? sir I'm afraid pakistan really isn't in a position on space matter due to your current internal affair.
  17. N

    Qatar, Saudi Arabia conspire to topple Iraqi government: Maliki

    The revolutions in Egypt and Tunis yemen were from internal forces, the same with syria however since the saudis lost egypt it was a big scare to them this is why syria was genuine to you are you now going to cry a tear ? Enough of your slave mentality.
  18. N

    J 10 vs SU 27 vs Su 30

    One thing they have in common is pakistan doesn't have any of them.
  19. N

    South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)

    SAARC is a dead horse mainly due to India and Pakistan.
  20. N

    Iran ready to provide Iraq with social welfare services

    no need for 50 years but 10-20 with the right process first getting rid of the al qaeda terrorists hiding in iraq's sunni area's unity among the 3 groups in iraq, stopping the kurds from seeking independence, building up a modern military.
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