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    U.S. Military Taught Officers ‘Hiroshima’ Tactics for ‘Total War’ on Islam

    57 Muslim countries vs the USA, preemptive strike nuke most Muslim majority from africa to middle east to central & south asia to south east asia.
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    U.S. Military Taught Officers ‘Hiroshima’ Tactics for ‘Total War’ on Islam

    Clash of civilizations ? if so how quick ? wonder what the Saudis will think of their friends ?
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    U.S. Military Taught Officers: ‘Hiroshima’ Tactics for ‘Total War’ on Islam

    U.S. Military Taught Officers: Use ‘Hiroshima’ Tactics for ‘Total War’ on Islam U.S. Military Taught Officers: Use 'Hiroshima' Tactics for 'Total War' on Islam | Danger Room | Wired.com clash of civilization ? I wonder what will happen in the after of this ?
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    Kemalism is dead, but not Ataturk

    before he started works Iraq actually progressed but other then that noting. Saddam hated persians he was mixed on shia's during the war with iran he tried to get as many shia's into the government, it depends overall on what muslim country for arab countries or pakistan secularism fully will...
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    If Armenians fire back every time Azeris shoot, the war will resume”

    Azerbaijan offers israel targets on Iran, not to mention azeri's secretly want south Azerbaijan from iran.
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    Kemalism is dead, but not Ataturk

    A turk nationalist, Arabs had Nasser and Saddam, nasserism was something combined nationalism, islam, and africanism.
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    What a Eurasian Union Means for Washington

    Two key events, the planned withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan and Vladimir Putin’s impending return to the Kremlin, have reopened a long-standing debate in Russian foreign-policy circles about Moscow’s relations with its post-Soviet neighbors. While outgoing president Dmitri Medvedev...
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    If Armenians fire back every time Azeris shoot, the war will resume”

    Armenia is in the CSTO a regional defense this is why turkey will not come in. Azeris are using the relationship with Israel due to iran's armenia's relations.
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    If Armenians fire back every time Azeris shoot, the war will resume”

    This isn't a troll thread Azerbaijan threatened a regional war with Armenia, not to mention Azeri's kill armenian soldiers in the disputed area.
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    If Armenians fire back every time Azeris shoot, the war will resume”

    Azeri's have a superior military then Armenia however the Russia threat will make Azerbaijan lose again. both Russia and Iran will Aid Armenia.
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    Russia ready for war as Putin assumes presidency

    DEBKA articles are useless and fake they claimed saudi arabia had a stronger airforce then Israel, also about egyptian nuclear weapons claim in the desert. so I personally don't trust debka but it's your post. so :tup:
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    If Armenians fire back every time Azeris shoot, the war will resume”

    The Tavush province village of Nerkin Karmraghbyur, Aygepar, Movses and Chinari have grown accustom to living under fire during the 18 years of the “cease fire” that makes an uneasy life on the border of Azerbaijan. Last week was exceptional, however, a lot of “fire” but not enough “cease”...
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    Russia ready for war as Putin assumes presidency

    DEBKA = trash don't use it.
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    Kemalism is dead, but not Ataturk

    kemalism worked for turkey but for it's minorities wasn't so great. there are political and social implications with that, not every country is like turkey malaysia offers a better style. You don't need an Ataturk for every muslim country just a nationalist.
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    Chinese Agent Caught while Stealing F-22 stealth Technology.

    So your saying martin is promoting Chinese military while China hides most of it's military ? the Chinese government nor military isn't foolish enough to promote it martin himself is just another user. actually the underground wall isn't photo shopped but real and was discussed by americans...
  16. N

    China launches Compass duo via Long March 3B

    Indian trolls Hijacked the thread almost 8 pages way off topic.
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    Chinese Agent Caught while Stealing F-22 stealth Technology.

    Actually tend to do the same, china isn't blabbering on the J-20 they didn't even confirm even after the pictures. but your going against what you stated before.
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    O' Canada !!

    They shouldn't have cancelled this.
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    The genius of Mahinda Rajapaksa - The chosen one

    Prof. K.M. de Silva, the doyen of historians states that it took 13 years for Dutugemunu to regain lost territory and establish total sovereignty over Sri Lanka. But it took less than three years for President Mahinda Rajapaksa to achieve the same goal. Historical comparisons are inevitable...
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    Will Arab states support Pakistan militarily in future conflict with India?

    most of the arab dictators were more pro India then Pakistan, Saddam hated pakistan. even with the fall the islamic governments are pretty good in relationships with India. I don't see any Support against India on the behalf of the arabs.
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