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  1. M

    Buddhist Mongoloid army rape and genocide : military history

    Why do you Chinese make it sound like as if Manchus haven't ruled your people? it doesn't change the fact they ruled you for 267 years.
  2. M

    Buddhist Mongoloid army rape and genocide : military history

    You don't understand, there is something called peaceful interrmarriage and alliance Not every DNA transfer has to be like your rape of Nanking or rape of Hangzhou
  3. M

    Buddhist Mongoloid army rape and genocide : military history

    And half of Nepal is which is Nepalese burmese have 27% to 38% South Asian DNA. A genetic study shows they have They have 33% Indo-Aryan maternal DNA + 17% Indo-Aryan Y-DNA This means they are not a Mongoloid race like Chinese so Chinese should mind their own business.
  4. M

    Buddhist Mongoloid army rape and genocide : military history

    Know you're nuts. Manchus have no genetic relation with Chinese even if the had it had been long forgotten. You make sound that only Manchus did, many Mongoloid Turks in Iran also support Iran.... so what? that happens to every conqueror, to Mongolians who been through Mongolianification...
  5. M

    Buddhist Mongoloid army rape and genocide : military history

    I've seen all these videos before no need to post so many. Besides you Chinese have nothing to do with Nepalese. The Nepalese are south Asian business, speak a south asian language and are genetically heavily mixed with South Asian so you should mind your own business The Rohingya do not...
  6. M

    Buddhist Mongoloid army rape and genocide : military history

    And you just fail at world history of assimilation. Every conqueror such as Turkics when ever had succesfully conquered Iran or India have assimilated into Iranian identity, culture, language but their ruler is still Turkic. Even when the Mongol tribe conquered Central Asian they became...
  7. M

    Buddhist Mongoloid army rape and genocide : military history

    The Chinese Panthay are isnignficant numbers. The Rohingya numbered 800,000 in Burma. The rohingya want's Independence, religious freedom of islam, and want to stop discrimination
  8. M

    Buddhist Mongoloid army rape and genocide : military history

    Why not acknowledge that Chinese do have serious rape problem and sexual harassment to their ethnic minorities? They have no right to judge or criticize other nations and people when they are worse It's more like them bashing dark skin people. In Chinese mind they believe dark skin is a...
  9. M

    Buddhist Mongoloid army rape and genocide : military history

    Violence Against Tibetan Women International Committee of Lawyers for Tibet, March 10, 1995 http://www.tibetjustice.org/reports/women/violence.html Gender-Specific Torture & Sex Crimes Various accounts indicate that Tibetan lay women and nuns are subject to gender-specific torture which may...
  10. M

    Buddhist Mongoloid army rape and genocide : military history

    KMT-led Republic of China government and which resulted in the massacre of numerous civilians, beginning on February 28, or 2/28. Estimates of the number of deaths vary from 10,000 to 30,000 or more. Many ethnic Taiwanese and Taiwan aboriginal people were imprisoned, women we raped in prisons.
  11. M

    Buddhist Mongoloid army rape and genocide : military history

    :rofl: O2b has been detected in some samples of Han Chinese from Beijing (Jin 2003), Xi'an (1/34, Kim 2011), Jiangsu (Lu 2008), Wuhan (1/160),[1] and South China among Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, and Shanghai (1/65) As for Y-DNA C3 it reachest 6% in North China while D2 reaches 1.5% in modern...
  12. M

    Buddhist Mongoloid army rape and genocide : military history

    :omghaha: :omghaha: from Chinese O3 Haplogroup O3 is 30-40% in Southeast Asia but they have 3b not like the Chinese who have mostly O3a5. Manchus only have 10% O3a5 the rest of the O3 are different The Xiongnu The Mongols The Manchus The Jin dynasty The Khitan dynasty The Northern Wei The 5...
  13. M

    Buddhist Mongoloid army rape and genocide : military history

    Know you're being cruel, you shouldn't talk cruel to others if you don't want other to be cruel to you. After overthrowing the Qing dynasty. Chinese soldiers executed 10,000 of Manchus and genocide the Manchus through completely linguistic and identity assimilation. We all know much the...
  14. M

    Buddhist Mongoloid army rape and genocide : military history

    Kyrgyz were a unity of Turkic and Iranic people The Pazyryk culture is ancestors of Kyrgyz Tashkyl culture in Siberia and central Asia of the north Craniological studies of samples from the Pazyryk burials revealed the presence of both Mongoloid and Caucasoid components in this population.[4]...
  15. M

    Buddhist Mongoloid army rape and genocide : military history

    Sure and we have Azeris who identify as Iranians but are Turks and support Iran. Not as much as killing Chinese everywhere and by the way they also stole your women. We know they massacred you everywhere and made you into a bottom class. Because they needed to assimilate in order to continue...
  16. M

    Buddhist Mongoloid army rape and genocide : military history

    I don't get your logic, the pie chart clearly shows a large difference between Manchus and Chinese in terms of Y-DNA. Haplogroup O2b Haplogroup O-M176 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Manchus Average 19% -4% (Karafet 2001) -34% (Katoh 2004)
  17. M

    Buddhist Mongoloid army rape and genocide : military history

    Manchus also have 27% C3 and 19- 34% haplogroup O2b Maybe know we can claim Manchus were Koreans and Mongolians
  18. M

    Buddhist Mongoloid army rape and genocide : military history

    First, Haplogroup O3 is not only Chinese but belong to many different Mongoloid group haplogroup O3a5 is Chinese and it's present in only 10% of Manchus. Second, study history better and you will know they became sinicized because it was the only way to rule you Chinese longer. Third, many...
  19. M

    Racism against Azerbaijani Turks in Iran

    Possibly because Azeri used to invade Iran and speak a different language They also have 20-29% Mongoloid admixture which are obvious in some of their appearance.
  20. M

    Buddhist Mongoloid army rape and genocide : military history

    Haven't you read the way some Chinese talk? they think their protecting Tibet and talk B.S about Indian oppression and the crazy part the Chinese still think their are a righteous group.
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