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Racism against Azerbaijani Turks in Iran


Feb 1, 2013
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Saudi Arabia
This documentary film's issue is Azerbaijani Turks in Iran who had to escape from Iran and temporary live in Turkey under United Nations refugee status who are out of having education in their own language (mother tongue) as their basic rights which is issued in Iranian constitution (basic law) and sustain to be assimilated and also because of supporting their fundamental (basic) rights as human or citizens of Iran, they and their families were threatened , arrested, tortured and kept out of their social rights as Iranian citizens. We try to show that Iranian Islamic government oppresses non - Persian ethnics and nations not only whit Islamic pressure but also whit racial cruelly politics and discrimination.


The whole documentary can be seen here below:


We 450 million Arabs stand together with our Muslim Turkish brothers and sisters.

The Iranian Arabs, Baluch, Kurds, Turkmens etc. all face similar problems.

Only Persian is a official language despite 40% of the population not being Persian. At least Arabic is taught in school though as the world language it is.
Possibly because Azeri used to invade Iran and speak a different language

They also have 20-29% Mongoloid admixture which are obvious in some of their appearance.
I think people from these clips have nothing else better to do. Nowadays, it is fashionable to accuse others of racism and discrimination so long that one is a minority. These folks on the video could have collected favors from Iran's enemy.

Azerbaijani are the most integrated people in Iran. Azerbaijani is not just a minority but more accurately a dominant minority. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is a Azerbaijani similar to other Iranian elites, such as Shirin Ebadi....etc. In fact, it is the Azerbaijani themselves who are suppressing Azerbaijan succession tendency. It was Azerbaijani who propagate Persian languages and culture. One good example is in the Armenia-Azerbaijan war, even though Iranian elites are Azerbaijan, Iran was supporting Armenia.

The proud Safavid dynasty was founded by Azeri. Even Shia sect was imposed to Persian by Azerbaijani, Below, Khamenei was speaking Azeri.

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+1 my friend:tup:

im an azeri iranian and i stated this a long time ago!!!!
they are all trolling

A Azeri Iranian that does not even speak his forefathers language. Why is that? The answer is found in this thread and is well-known.

There are barely any Shia Saudi Arabians and they are treated in the same way. Besides they are fellow Arabs. Not non-Arabs. Come again.
A Azeri Iranian that does not even speak his forefathers language. Why is that? The answer is found in this thread and is well-known.

There are barely any Shia Saudi Arabians and they are treated in the same way. Besides they are fellow Arabs. Not non-Arabs. Come again.

didnt i tell u not to quote me troll wahabie??
+u get real funny when embarrassed and pathetic to hang on.....
even 10 of u wahabies couldnt troll successfully cause u lack logic
just hatred
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JEW Sun Piwa who PRETENDS to be MUSLIM but is ZIONISTI JEW is fake who want to make MUSLIMINS look bad.

From FRANCE who had ZIONIST Sarkozy and now the HOLLANDE in charge


Beware of Sun Piwa the JEW
I have noticed that racism is a serious problem in the Iranian society. Azeris are not the only ones who experience racism by Persians. Hazara Afghans are also treated like **** in Iran just because they look Mongoloid. Persians seem to have a ridiculous superiority complex against all people who conquered them. "Jokes" like Tork e Khar just shows how ******** many Persians are today.
I have noticed that racism is a serious problem in the Iranian society. Azeris are not the only ones who experience racism by Persians. Hazara Afghans are also treated like **** in Iran just because they look Mongoloid. Persians seem to have a ridiculous superiority complex against all people who conquered them. "Jokes" like Tork e Khar just shows how ******** many Persians are today.
fantasm. your hatred is high. better you forget then about Iran.
Hazara are racism victimes in Afghanistan but les and less. for the reason you say. In Iran some people (not all at all) don't like big immigration... nothing to do with mongoloid.

strange than in Europe.. i never hear people complaing about our racism when they say Turks did genocide the kurds and the Armenians. (i didn't agree much about it, but before blaming others try to fix your own problems ;)
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