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Buddhist Mongoloid army rape and genocide : military history

Sure and we have Azeris who identify as Iranians but are Turks and support Iran.

Not as much as killing Chinese everywhere and by the way they also stole your women. We know they massacred you everywhere and made you into a bottom class.

Because they needed to assimilate in order to continue ruling you, manchus fears a rebellion just like many Turkic conquerers who had to assimilate into the Iranian identity and Indian identity.

Manchus expansion and empire have nothing to do with Chinese military

The Manchu Way

New Qing Imperial History

China Marches West


Not as much as the Qing slaugthered million of Chinese and made you their slaves for 247 years and don't forget the Jurchen another 100 years

And they hate Chinese too regardless.

You fail your Chinese history. If the Manchus hate Chinese, they would not have totally assimilated into Han culture just few years after taking Beijing. The Emperor Kangxi who was born 10 years after Manchu taken Beijing was completely sinicized. He was consummate in command of Mandarin. Also the Manchus were highly sinicized way before they have waged war with Ming dynasty.

The patriach Nurhachi read the Romance of Three Kingdom.

While the Manchus did massacre a lot of Chinese, they imposed law and other. Then China were ravages by gangsters such as Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong. These Han Chinese thugs are way way worse than Manchus.

There is racial conflict of Han and Manchus at the beginning of Qing and Jin. But the two tribe co-exist peacefully a few decades later.
Dont be ridiculous.

The Rohingya got into trouble mainly because they had wage insurgency against the Burmese states. Other Muslim group like Chinese Panthay are well treated by the Burmese because they did not create trouble. Similar, the Kachin, Karen, Shan in Myanmar who go against the central government see themselves driven out when the government forces advance.

The Chinese Panthay are isnignficant numbers. The Rohingya numbered 800,000 in Burma.

The rohingya want's Independence, religious freedom of islam, and want to stop discrimination
@Lux de Veritas

ManUNITEDglory is an Indian brown supremacist, he doesn't give a **** about religion, he is trying to use it as a cover to let him vent his racism. If there were brown Indian Buddhists he would support them.
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You fail your Chinese history. If the Manchus hate Chinese, they would not have totally assimilated into Han culture just few years after taking Beijing. The Emperor Kangxi who was born 10 years after Manchu taken Beijing was completely sinicized. He was consummate in command of Mandarin. Also the Manchus were highly sinicized way before they have waged war with Ming dynasty.

The patriach Nurhachi read the Romance of Three Kingdom.

While the Manchus did massacre a lot of Chinese, they imposed law and other. Then China were ravages by gangsters such as Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong. These Han Chinese thugs are way way worse than Manchus.

There is racial conflict of Han and Manchus at the beginning of Qing and Jin. But the two tribe co-exist peacefully a few decades later.

And you just fail at world history of assimilation. Every conqueror such as Turkics when ever had succesfully conquered Iran or India have assimilated into Iranian identity, culture, language but their ruler is still Turkic. Even when the Mongol tribe conquered Central Asian they became Turkified and speak Turk and identify as Turk.

Also while I was searching around I even read some Chinese say that Cantonese and Hakka are not real Chinese even though they identify as Han and are Han ?

Cantonese people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Chinese Panthay are isnignficant numbers. The Rohingya numbered 800,000 in Burma.

The rohingya want's Independence, religious freedom of islam, and want to stop discrimination

All secessionist will get trouble from central government. Lincoln was willing to wage the civil war and scourge earth a large part of the South.

In the case of Myanmar, the insurgency and counter-insurgency have cause too much bad blood. The Rohingya could have their freedom of worship just like Panthay if they have behave themselves. And Myanmese government do not just target Rohingyas because they are Islam. As I have just mentioned, the Shan, Kachin, Karen all got to prepare to be kick out from their land, upon the advance of Myanmese army.

If the Rohingyas are willing to submit to Myanmese government and commit to forgo their arm insurgencies, anything can be settled. The Burmese has too much enemies and they are desperate for friends.

So please do not write such postings to perpetuate self-victimization.
And you just fail at world history of assimilation. Every conqueror such as Turkics when ever had succesfully conquered Iran or India have assimilated into Iranian identity, culture, language but their ruler is still Turkic. Even when the Mongol tribe conquered Central Asian they became Turkified and speak Turk and identify as Turk.

Also while I was searching around I even read some Chinese say that Cantonese and Hakka are not real Chinese even though they identify as Han and are Han ?

Cantonese people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You know nuts about Chinese history.

The Tang Aristocrat are likely to be Turkic/Mongol/Tunguistic on maternal and is highly possible non Han as well on paternal. They identify themselves as Chinese.

I am Min Nan, a lot of Malay blood. I call myself Chinese. The Manchus today align 100% with Chinese.
All secessionist will get trouble from central government. Lincoln was willing to wage the civil war and scourge earth a large part of the South.

In the case of Myanmar, the insurgency and counter-insurgency have cause too much bad blood. The Rohingya could have their freedom of worship just like Panthay if they have behave themselves. And Myanmese government do not just target Rohingyas because they are Islam. As I have just mentioned, the Shan, Kachin, Karen all got to prepare to be kick out from their land, upon the advance of Myanmese army.

If the Rohingyas are willing to submit to Myanmese government and commit to forgo their arm insurgencies, anything can be settled. The Burmese has too much enemies and they are desperate for friends.

So please do not write such postings to perpetuate self-victimization.

You have no idea WTF the intent of the OP is. the OP does not give a **** abour Rohingya or Myanmar, he is trying to get back for all the India rape threads and posts, this is a racial attack disguised as a religious issue. He is claiming Yellow people are rapists and genociders and Brown people are saints.

I've seen all these videos before no need to post so many. Besides you Chinese have nothing to do with Nepalese. The Nepalese are south Asian business, speak a south asian language and are genetically heavily mixed with South Asian so you should mind your own business


All secessionist will get trouble from central government. Lincoln was willing to wage the civil war and scourge earth a large part of the South.

In the case of Myanmar, the insurgency and counter-insurgency have cause too much bad blood. The Rohingya could have their freedom of worship just like Panthay if they have behave themselves. And Myanmese government do not just target Rohingyas because they are Islam. As I have just mentioned, the Shan, Kachin, Karen all got to prepare to be kick out from their land, upon the advance of Myanmese army.

If the Rohingyas are willing to submit to Myanmese government and commit to forgo their arm insurgencies, anything can be settled. The Burmese has too much enemies and they are desperate for friends.

So please do not write such postings to perpetuate self-victimization.

The Rohingya do not need to submit.
for many reasons

1. They were original inhabitants of what is today the southern part of southern Burma. Long before Burmese expanded to the south and subjugated their land.

2. All they want is Independence and religious freedom. Rohingya is the world most persecuted minority.

3. What a stupid question. Do Tibet want submit to Communist Chinese? No
I've seen all these videos before no need to post so many. Besides you Chinese have nothing to do with Nepalese. The Nepalese are south Asian business, speak a south asian language and are genetically heavily mixed with South Asian so you should mind your own business


Half of Nepal is Tibeto-Burmese and not Indo-Aryan. Sherpas are Tibetic. Sikkim and Bhutan are both Tibetic lands. Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and South Tibet are all Tibeto-Burman.
You know nuts about Chinese history.

The Tang Aristocrat are likely to be Turkic/Mongol/Tunguistic on maternal and is highly possible non Han as well on paternal. They identify themselves as Chinese.

I am Min Nan, a lot of Malay blood. I call myself Chinese. The Manchus today align 100% with Chinese.

Know you're nuts.

Manchus have no genetic relation with Chinese even if the had it had been long forgotten.

You make sound that only Manchus did, many Mongoloid Turks in Iran also support Iran.... so what? that happens to every conqueror, to Mongolians who been through Mongolianification, Turkic who been through Iranianfication or Indianization. Or other Germanic tribes who been through italification.

The point is they were originally different.
@ManUNITEDglory Your fellow Indian countryman @Enemy has been boasting on how Indo-european aryans raped the crap out of the natives in India and completely displaced their y chromosome DNA. Go look at his posts.
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Half of Nepal is Tibeto-Burmese and not Indo-Aryan. Sherpas are Tibetic. Sikkim and Bhutan are both Tibetic lands. Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and South Tibet are all Tibeto-Burman.

And half of Nepal is which is Nepalese burmese have 27% to 38% South Asian DNA.

A genetic study shows they have

They have 33% Indo-Aryan maternal DNA + 17% Indo-Aryan Y-DNA

This means they are not a Mongoloid race like Chinese so Chinese should mind their own business.
And half of Nepal is which is Nepalese burmese have 27% to 38% South Asian DNA.

A genetic study shows they have

They have 33% Indo-Aryan maternal DNA + 17% Indo-Aryan Y-DNA

This means they are not a Mongoloid race like Chinese so Chinese should mind their own business.

Meaning that the Indo-Aryan women whored themselves to the native Tibeto-Burmans.
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