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  1. Speeder 2

    Should India arm Vietnam & Philippines?

    Easy, chief. DRTROLL and ISTROLL are in the troll list. It's long done and sealed. :coffee:
  2. Speeder 2

    Should India arm Vietnam & Philippines?

    Brahmos? needs signiture from Ruskies, the owner you know? "LCA, Agni, LCH, Arjun. etc." :rofl: what you think Viets are gabarge collectors? talking about proactive, I think Maoists there are definately in need of some pro-and-radio-active suitcases made by Norinco :yes: :rofl:
  3. Speeder 2

    Ghaher 313 fighter

  4. Speeder 2

    Ghaher 313 fighter

    The point is that it could be too good to be true, as simple as that, in comparison to decades of sci-tech research and advancement, likely trillions of $$$ input from literally tens of millions related engineers, designers, technicians of all sub systems from Boeing, LockMart, Sukhoi, Chengdu...
  5. Speeder 2

    Ghaher 313 fighter

    I say it could be sth that could pose a decent level of threat to the US fleet there even if A) very cheap to produce in mass and B)flies low and slow, as its design seems to suggest IMHO, carrying only 1 or 2 max. standard lenghth/weight anti-ship missile... needs much more polish, though...
  6. Speeder 2

    Ghaher 313 fighter

    Congrads Iran and Iranians!!! :tup:
  7. Speeder 2

    Erdoan: Turkey considers Shanghai organization an alternative to EU

    no. try joining the EU and and then kick Germany out. or even better, since you're already in the NATO, kindly let me know when you succeed kicking the US out. :lol:
  8. Speeder 2

    Xi: Get used to an assertive China - you have no choice

    they say that Australoid have a profound problem of reading comprehension (hint: PISA 2009). here is just another reminder.:rofl:
  9. Speeder 2

    Xi: Get used to an assertive China - you have no choice

    Right, 800 years?! :rofl: Being a softy softy person on India-related issues, HongWu somehow was way too conservative on this. Let me lecture Indians on the history of India, the history by and large that is commonly taught and accepted in any renowned Western university/institute ( the...
  10. Speeder 2

    China conducted test on ground-based midcourse missile interception

    That,IMHO, would probably be qualified as world's first CNMD-B. :woot:
  11. Speeder 2

    India takes up AWACS programme, can penetrate enemy territory

    so all start crying trolls, as expected, after running out of options. Surprise...no! How about answering the questions? And yeah, don't make a scene will ya? It's embarrassing. :lol:
  12. Speeder 2

    India takes up AWACS programme, can penetrate enemy territory

    indigenous? :lol: for ppl who have balls to call that "thing" put together with italian-fire control +UK system mgm + France eletronics or with german transmission+ US engine+ israeli radar+ ruskie missile... sth "indigenous", then i guess they can call ANYTHING under the sun "indigenous"...
  13. Speeder 2

    India takes up AWACS programme, can penetrate enemy territory

    :rofl: US defende exp to india: x billion? China trade surplus vs india : xx billion? what are earth are you talking about? :lol: you can ask Dr signh to disclose his swiss account no. good luck to you! i) ruskie ii) ruskie iii) pleeeeease! ruskie iv) :rofl: ruskie...
  14. Speeder 2

    India takes up AWACS programme, can penetrate enemy territory

    yeah, except when you look closely, before every each of these "development" went public, DRDO/HAL/ISRO ppl are abliged according to contracts to give half of entire Ruskie ppl some very very very thick envelops, who in turn shall deposit part of them on some Swiss accounts named by Dr Singh, Dr...
  15. Speeder 2

    India takes up AWACS programme, can penetrate enemy territory

    ^^ do you think DRDO ppl are idiots, seriously? if no, then why they want to "demonstrate future technologies" while can not meet their daily ends? Why? No reason at all. It's like a guy who wantd to demonstrate his "billionaire capability" while goes to charity house for dinner...
  16. Speeder 2

    China conducted test on ground-based midcourse missile interception

    :rofl: the classified ones must be DNLM and CNNND. :lol:
  17. Speeder 2

    Y-20 heavy transport aircraft News & Discussions

    good lord, I'm late! :woot: y-20!!! :tup: man, you know that i agree with most of your posts, but this is uncalled for... stunning details !:tup: engine, engine, engine!!!!!!!!!!!!!! normally stealth bomber is under the responsibilities of XAC or SAC?
  18. Speeder 2

    The Rafale deal and why it makes China nervous

    Problem No. 3 Chinese have much higher IQ Problem No. 4 Indians have their ar$e handed to them. :rofl:
  19. Speeder 2

    High Tech Chinese military vehicle exported to NATO

    if that's so they must be state of the finish then? :rofl:
  20. Speeder 2

    India losing out to China on development

    oke...just point to the elephant in the room, confucius or not: IQ :lol:
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