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India takes up AWACS programme, can penetrate enemy territory

@ Darky

Admiral Arun Prakash on DRDO, Obsolesence and Self-Reliance

Sunday, April 22, 2007

...An inherent conflict of interest arises from the fact that the DRDO tends to devote much greater resources to technology development and demonstration than to the urgent operational needs of the armed forces. This has often resulted in a mismatch between our critical needs and the priorities of DRDO; driving us towards the import option. There is obviously a need for much better alignment between the aims and objectives of DRDO and the operational missions of the armed forces...

Livefist: Admiral Arun Prakash on DRDO, Obsolesence and Self-Reliance

That's exactly what I meant and where I see the problem in DRDOs developments!
^^ do you think DRDO ppl are idiots, seriously?

if no, then why they want to "demonstrate future technologies" while can not meet their daily ends?


No reason at all. It's like a guy who wantd to demonstrate his "billionaire capability" while goes to charity house for dinner everyday. strange, yes?

So, the only logical conclusion is within this multiple choice:

a. DRDO people are truly idiots

b. DRDO people are not idiots, because they know how to make a bullet& rifle, yet they don't want to demontrate it , in fact they don't bother by such trival technologies and they prefer to beg other countries for them everyday.

c. DRDO people are the biggest idiots on earth.

which one do you choose, seriosuly.
^^ do you think DRDO ppl are idiots, seriously?

if no, then why they want to "demonstrate future technologies" while can not meet their daily ends?


No reason at all. It's like a guy who wantd to demonstrate his "billionaire capability" while goes to charity house for dinner everyday. strange, yes?

So, the only logical conclusion is within this multiple choice:

a. DRDO people are truly idiots

b. DRDO people are not idiots, because they know how to make a bullet& rifle, yet they don't want to demontrate it , in fact they don't bother by such trival technologies and they prefer to beg other countries for them everyday.

c. DRDO people are the biggest idiots on earth.

which one do you choose, seriosuly.

a). DRDO peoples are idiots that's wahy they have developed & tested 11th time BGRV(ballistic glide re-entry vehicle) and dual hypersonic&ballistic misslie-B-O5

B) Yeah it's true that they don't bother developing bullet& rifle.They don't think it's necessary to revent wheel.only critical defence technology are being developed to cope up with the china in next 10-15 years.

c) :tup:CCP troll's are one most intelligent creature after "MIGHT-DRAGON" :china:
a). DRDO peoples are idiots that's wahy they have developed & tested 11th time BGRV(ballistic glide re-entry vehicle) and dual hypersonic&ballistic misslie-B-O5

yeah, except when you look closely, before every each of these "development" went public, DRDO/HAL/ISRO ppl are abliged according to contracts to give half of entire Ruskie ppl some very very very thick envelops, who in turn shall deposit part of them on some Swiss accounts named by Dr Singh, Dr Gupta, Dr balh blah... consistently without fail ...

say very luxuary hobby huh? dare to prove me wrong here? :rofl:

B) Yeah it's true that they don't bother developing bullet& rifle.They don't think it's necessary to revent wheel.only critical defence technology are being developed to cope up with the china in next 10-15 years.

sure, they don't bother to reinvent simple wheels but busy at going to mars :hitwall:(for mass immigration?), yet interestingly they just like spreading their (sorry, it's Indian taxpayers) enoumous wealth begging for it allover the world every other years...

it's just like for indian "maths genious", they don't bother to answer what is 4*8=? they know way more than this kind of "simple wheels"! however,they just like issuing global tenders every year paying big bucks for the answer though . hahaha :lol:

truely genious they are! And very generous too! Thank you, India! :tup:

c) :tup:CCP troll's are one most intelligent creature after "MIGHT-DRAGON" :china:

what, no other excuses left but resorting to personal attack as usual? :rofl:
yeah, except when you look closely, before every each of these "development" went public, DRDO/HAL/ISRO ppl are abliged according to contracts to give half of entire Ruskie ppl some very very very thick envelops, who in turn shall deposit part of them on some Swiss accounts named by Dr Singh, Dr Gupta, Dr balh blah... consistently without fail ...

say very luxuary hobby huh? dare to prove me wrong here? :rofl:
Sir, can you prove above claims by giving links?

sure, they don't bother to reinvent simple wheels but busy at going to mars :hitwall:(for mass immigration?), yet interestingly they just like spreading their (sorry, it's Indian taxpayers) enoumous wealth begging for it allover the world every other years... truly genious they are! And very generous too! Thank you, India! :tup:
Sir, how many nations(except The P5) who have developed bullet&rifles have these techonologies
i) Cryo engine.
ii) ICBM,SLHCM etc.
iii) Home grown Gan modules for X-band Aesa..
iv) indigenous ABM system.
v) Nuke sub.
you should bother about your tax money,at least we can know about every penny that is going
to GOI.

what, no other excuses left but resorting to personal attack as usual? :rofl:
Sorry about that,but you should know that your post can a be personel attack to someone.
yeah, except when you look closely, before every each of these "development" went public, DRDO/HAL/ISRO ppl are abliged according to contracts to give half of entire Ruskie ppl some very very very thick envelops, who in turn shall deposit part of them on some Swiss accounts named by Dr Singh, Dr Gupta, Dr balh blah... consistently without fail ...

say very luxuary hobby huh? dare to prove me wrong here? :rofl:

sure, they don't bother to reinvent simple wheels but busy at going to mars :hitwall:(for mass immigration?), yet interestingly they just like spreading their (sorry, it's Indian taxpayers) enoumous wealth begging for it allover the world every other years...

it's just like for indian "maths genious", they don't bother to answer what is 4*8=? they know way more than this kind of "simple wheels"! however,they just like issuing global tenders every year paying big bucks for the answer though . hahaha :lol:

truely genious they are! And very generous too! Thank you, India! :tup:

what, no other excuses left but resorting to personal attack as usual? :rofl:

Why are you thanking India? China is not selling India any defense related weapons. If I am from China, I would want my country to make some quick bucks from India. One of the more successful US foreign policy is to make money from the Indians. And we are still learning from the Russians on how to do it correctly they already have it down.
Why are you thanking India? China is not selling India any defense related weapons. If I am from China, I would want my country to make some quick bucks from India. One of the more successful US foreign policy is to make money from the Indians. And we are still learning from the Russians on how to do it correctly they already have it down.

A so called US guy is advocating Chinese interests ..... Hahaha so lame ;)
Why are you thanking India? China is not selling India any defense related weapons. If I am from China, I would want my country to make some quick bucks from India. One of the more successful US foreign policy is to make money from the Indians. And we are still learning from the Russians on how to do it correctly they already have it down.


US defende exp to india: x billion?

China trade surplus vs india : xx billion?

what are earth are you talking about? :lol:

Sir, can you prove above claims by giving links?

you can ask Dr signh to disclose his swiss account no.

good luck to you!

Sir, how many nations(except The P5) who have developed bullet&rifles have these techonologies
i) Cryo engine.
ii) ICBM,SLHCM etc.
iii) Home grown Gan modules for X-band Aesa..
iv) indigenous ABM system.
v) Nuke sub.
you should bother about your tax money,at least we can know about every penny that is going
to GOI.

i) ruskie
ii) ruskie
iii) pleeeeease! ruskie
iv) :rofl: ruskie
v) Nuke sub? nuke or sub? :rofl: ruskie
indigenous? :lol:

for ppl who have balls to call that "thing" put together with italian-fire control +UK system mgm + France eletronics or with german transmission+ US engine+ israeli radar+ ruskie missile... sth "indigenous", then i guess they can call ANYTHING under the sun "indigenous", too. :rofl:
Exactly and that is the problem, as I explained!

The army itself, check the reports about Arjun and their preference of T90s, or even the whole reason behind FMBT and you will understand it.

FMBT is a joke[4 men crew with 50 ton weight]... something which would perhaps stay on the drawing board... the next MBT will be Arjun hull with a falcon type turret.. sure that reduces weight and improves safety but that wold be an evolution of Arjun series or a similar unmanned turret type tank from Russia.

LOL, Hawks are no trainers for Su 30s, but for pilots that wants to fly jet fighters later. That are basic aircrafts for pilot training and you really think N-LCA is suppose to be the same? Personally I wouldn't even mind it, since it would make the project way less expensive and difficult, but that's not the way it is. IN, for silly reasons wants to have a fully fledged carrier fighter version of the LCA, that's why the fighter was navalised, why a MK2 will get incrased internal fuel, why AESA will be developed...
It is sadly meant to be more than a trainer or a tech demo version, but will have it's own trainers to train pilots to fly N-LCA, just like Mig 29KUBs train pilots to fly Mig 29Ks.

Isn't Su30MKI the primary jet fighter :rolleyes: for IAF.
Yes they want reinforced landing gears etc... so that pilots can practice on arrestor hooks.
MK2 will get a different engine altogether.. with AESA... developing the X-band AESA MMR because it helps to evolve further on tech. and most importantly having a locally made radar... no country would share such sophisticated tech.

I already did with the G550 Phalcon, which has L-Band arrays on an smaller buisiness jet, but as you said, you only have a CLAIM that a bigger aircraft and more power would be needed.

And I explained its limitations... Its not me but Physics puts such limitation... to achieve A-50 Phalcon level performance those DRDO L-Band TRMMs has to be mounted on a similar aircraft... No G550 Palcon are not on par with the version IAF got.

Nonsense! The aim was always to be a 4th gen multi role fighter with a low RCS and BVR capability, since it should surpass the Mig 21s BISONs too and be more comparable to the Mirage 2000s. That's why a small airframe, composites and coatings and a delta wing design were chosen by the industy itself.
And if DRDO / ADA wouldn't have messed up the planning and radar/engine developments, we would see a 4th gen LCA flying today in squadron numbers.

In 1983 there was no concept of Bison... Radars, BVR, Engine etc are no joke... and DRDO is not the Gine so that it can pull out what some xyz civillian wants.
What do you expect.. who would provide the engine-
BVR ?.. something which was in development at that time and something new.

Again, it's about intelligence gathering, that's why most AWACS manufacturers normally also are convert their aircrafts into intelligence gathering versions:



That's why I said, with the requirement of our forces, it would be more logical and helpful, if DRDO use this ready and available plattform again, to offer a similar combo with common and especialy indigenous systems. That's what helps India the most, because it adds capability, while beeing cost-effective!

That is a different thing.. I said a desi JSTAR is in making.... that would be used to track ground vehicles, MBTs, and Mechanized troop movements.
It is not being funded as it is in initial phase of design... unrelated to the Larger AWACS being developed by DRDO... as I siad before there are different project going on... some of which ordinary civilians can't even think of in wildest of fantasies... tiny UAVs to Large AWACS... the one which Armed forces find suitable for needs gets funding from MOD for further development... Its not like they stop with rest of others and work only on the one which is getting inducted... that would leave hundreds of engineers Jobless.
Sir, can you prove above claims by giving links?

Sir, how many nations(except The P5) who have developed bullet&rifles have these techonologies
i) Cryo engine.
ii) ICBM,SLHCM etc.
iii) Home grown Gan modules for X-band Aesa..
iv) indigenous ABM system.
v) Nuke sub.
you should bother about your tax money,at least we can know about every penny that is going
to GOI.

Sorry about that,but you should know that your post can a be personel attack to someone.

Yaar, is forum pe naye ho. Us "Dhakkan" (aka CKD) ke munh kyon lag rahe ho?

US defende exp to india: x billion?

China trade surplus vs india : xx billion?

what are earth are you talking about? :lol:

you can ask Dr signh to disclose his swiss account no.

good luck to you!

i) ruskie
ii) ruskie
iii) pleeeeease! ruskie
iv) :rofl: ruskie
v) Nuke sub? nuke or sub? :rofl: ruskie

it looks you are a troll,sorry to waste your time troll.
BTW welcome to ignore list.
i) ruskie
ii) ruskie
iii) pleeeeease! ruskie
iv) :rofl: ruskie
v) Nuke sub? nuke or sub? :rofl: ruskie

This came from a person whose country known for shamelessly coping other hardware still using them with pirated names
^^ do you think DRDO ppl are idiots, seriously?

if no, then why they want to "demonstrate future technologies" while can not meet their daily ends?


No reason at all. It's like a guy who wantd to demonstrate his "billionaire capability" while goes to charity house for dinner everyday. strange, yes?

So, the only logical conclusion is within this multiple choice:

a. DRDO people are truly idiots

b. DRDO people are not idiots, because they know how to make a bullet& rifle, yet they don't want to demontrate it , in fact they don't bother by such trival technologies and they prefer to beg other countries for them everyday.

c. DRDO people are the biggest idiots on earth.

which one do you choose, seriosuly.

Option d. There are bigger idiots around who come up with such an idiotic options !!
so all start crying trolls, as expected, after running out of options. Surprise...no!

How about answering the questions?

And yeah, don't make a scene will ya? It's embarrassing. :lol:
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