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Xi: Get used to an assertive China - you have no choice

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your beloved master the british empire invaded almost every country on earth and yet english is india official language:D may be time to make chinese your official language too?

:lol: .....is that the best you can do ? .....looks like your propaganda office is hiring nitwits :P

sorry mate we dont have ministry of warning but we definite had war cabinet that kicked your asss badly in 1962:rofl:

ooops ....considering the amount of warnings china disshes out we assumed you would have a separate minister for that. :devil: ..... your war cabinet is well know ...that is why china is a problem nation. Thank you for confirming that. :wave:
"No country should presume that we will engage in trade involving our core interests or that we will swallow the 'bitter fruit' of harming our sovereignty, security or development interests" when emphasizing China's peaceful development.
Translated from diplo-speak, the speaker appears to be stating that China will renounce international agreements and treaties it has signed at its convenience to conquer territory and consume resources and sate its desires, using force of arms if it can and bargaining agreements only if it must.

This approach to international relations is called "the lion's share". It is passive-aggressive to fully aggressive and demands complete submission from partners:

a cow, a goat and a sheep go hunting together with a lion. when it comes to dividing the spoil, the lion says, "i take the first portion because of my title, since i am addressed as king; the second portion you will assign to me, since i’m your partner; then because i am the stronger, the third will follow me; and an accident will happen to anyone who touches the fourth."

Hmm, if the Chinese get Gwadar port and build a road to it from China, how likely is it that Pakistan will ever get Gwadar back?
good continue this and china would be like every evil Empire that came before gone! The world patients has its limits and bullying others is not the way in this civilized 21st century so please say what your want it is after a right of all but the fact remains china is the bad guy here and no amount of propaganda and bullying tactics would change that i guess you people have not learn anything from your own history. Its your bad not ours

It is funny how you can call China an evil Empire while American GI are raping your women left and right. I think you forgotten your history.

China has always been a problem nation. They invaded and took over Tibet, attacked Vietnam.....etc. Their best friends are pakistan and North Korea.

Only the size of the problem has increased with its foreign reserves. If you are a nation without nukes, then its a pretty big problem which is only going to get bigger.

If China is a problem nation, I wonder what Indian thinks of their white masters, who have been invading countries for the last 300 years. Indian are perfect little house slave to their white masters.
thats british empire you idiot..on the other hand,China attacked and integrated 2 captured nations(Tibet and East Turkestan),as well as various parts of different countries....

nope,British India was far greater than that.it combined 3 countries,India,Pakistan and Bangladesh,and some parts of others countries as well.India Today is a different nation,but its ok.a gullible person like you can rant whatever you want.

Another idiot. There has never been a country called East Turkistan or Tibet.
Mr Elevan, better you hang around for some time and then comment! your predecessors have already laid down rocks which is going to make it a shaky way forward for u....you will see only enemies around...no matter how big big power you are going to see yourself in your wet dream, if you dont have the strong partners, you are going to see the age of Soviets..and if you count, u ve not a single major country in your support...enjoy ur date with pakistan and north korea...none of these countries count for world audience if those countries need to be wiped out for the peace of world!!!
your beloved master the british empire invaded almost every country on earth and yet english is india official language:D may be time to make chinese your official language too?

I don't think Indian realized how mentality screwed they are by their white masters. They read news from their white masters and this is how they learn how to think. It so surprising how the Western media have made the West into a benevolent colonizer, when they did irreparable harm on society over the world - India is one such example. Now India is fighting for their white master as they did for centuries.

Arguing with India is pointless. India is still sh*thole that the British left behind. Being angry with China for a short border war, while their white master starve millions of Indians to death to feed the British aristocrat and empire. The British literary shipped food from India to Britain to feed the British while Indian starved to death. When it comes to their brutal white master, they forget and forgive. LOL
You are right this warning is to US. But today is in a disadvantageous position, the more china presses the stronger the bond between the chinese neighbors grows and also allows US to fight China covertly through these nations.

China is happy to see a stronger bond between India and Pakistan - both are China's neighbor.

Can you?

China has always been a problem nation. They invaded and took over Tibet, attacked Vietnam.....etc. Their best friends are pakistan and North Korea.

Only the size of the problem has increased with its foreign reserves. If you are a nation without nukes, then its a pretty big problem which is only going to get bigger.

According to your standards of problem nation, USA is even a bigger problem country. Yet, your Indians are top illegal immigrants into USA.

Why do you love problem country, but at the same time cursing it?
It is funny how you can call China an evil Empire while American GI are raping your women left and right. I think you forgotten your history.

If China is a problem nation, I wonder what Indian thinks of their white masters, who have been invading countries for the last 300 years. Indian are perfect little house slave to their white masters.

Sir are you a retard one they stealing our island if you don't know my country is country made our of islands and natural resources killing the livelihood of my people and violating our laws etc. Please your just a troll.
I don't think Indian realized how mentality screwed they are by their white masters. They read news from their white masters and this is how they learn how to think. It so surprising how the Western media have made the West into a benevolent colonizer, when they did irreparable harm on society over the world - India is one such example. Now India is fighting for their white master as they did for centuries.

Arguing with India is pointless. India is still sh*thole that the British left behind. Being angry with China for a short border war, while their white master starve millions of Indians to death to feed the British aristocrat and empire. The British literary shipped food from India to Britain to feed the British while Indian starved to death. When it comes to their brutal white master, they forget and forgive. LOL

Lol.. japanese has really done some numbers on chinese.. you can still feel effect of Japanese rule on China with all of these deformed chinese kids... :D
800 years???Rofl..learn history kiddo..

Right, 800 years?! :rofl: Being a softy softy person on India-related issues, HongWu somehow was way too conservative on this.

Let me lecture Indians on the history of India, the history by and large that is commonly taught and accepted in any renowned Western university/institute ( the history part, not IQ part which is THE political taboo of the Western mainstream, though.

India In fact has been invaded-conquered-colonised, on-and-off with mostly on, for almost entire its history* of the subcontinent by people or tribes from the North and the West of the Eurasia!

(* the reason I use history instead of recorded history is that Indians were so civilised - :lol:- that in reality they hardly had kept ANY written history until the English colonisers came along. This phenomenon actually shocked the mainstream English historians at a time, because “India” was very much similar to sub-Sahara African tribes they encountered in this regard – both didn’t keep their own history well but relying on loose folktales passed on by generations orally!)

Now remember this, and remember it well: Per-modern India, unlike China, WAS NEVER ruled by a single government, NEVER ( for one who doubts, go look up credible sources from British Museum,/liabrary or any big shot western historian, etc), and it was only but very rarely ruled by a single state ( The closest try was Maurya Empire which ruled Northern India and it declined rapidly and finished soon after Asoka conquered most of the South – a short insignificant flash in history that doesn’t count strictly speaking). Rather, there were many independent states co-exited in the sub continenets at any time, most of them quite small.

1. Before 50 kya, Australoid ( being the closest genetic cousin of today’s Australian aborigines, with average IQ about 60s, lower than Negroid of Africa who have about 70) , were the first Homo Sapiens / archaic Homo Sapiens arriving the subcontinent, still form the lion share of Indian population by contributing between 30% to 70 % of genes of an average Indian today, regardless his or her skin colour or profession being jobless “untouchables” or most “white” Bollywood stars who are the world’s best consumers of whitening cream skincare.

2. At about 8,000 BC, a Dravidian speaking Neolithic tribe (with IQ about mid 80s) from the Middle East came, won over local Australoid mass, and colonised the sub-continent.

3. At about 3,500 BC to 1,500 BC, several small waves of “Aryans” from Persia/modern Iran (with average IQ of about high 80s or even higher – yet not “blonde-blue-eyed” Hitler types) came and colonised the sub-continent. They spoke a language that is closely relate dto ancient Sanskrit. These people bought today’s “India” its many major languages including Hindi, Hindu religion, Caste system, etc, etc.

4. At about 8th century, the sub-continent was colonised by the Turks (with average IQ of about mid-high 80s), almost entirely in 10th century, after the Turks finished resistants such as “Gurjara- Prathihara Empire” in the region of North India.

5. Turks, after being chased out by China to the West Eurasia, came and colonised “India” till 1500s, until the Mogols (with average IQ of about 100) came along.

6.Mogols colonised the sub-continent soon after the Turks creating Mughal Dynasty by Babar, a descendant of Tamerlane and Genghis Khan. ( funny that the “Head Quarter” of Genghis Khan was in Beijing at a time, the centre of Mogol power who soon became Chinese in very each way)

7. Then as we all know, the Brits (with average IQ of about 100) came and colonised the sub-continent for 300 years creating British Raj, the forerunner of 60-year-old “concept” of “India”.

All these invaders colonised “India” for pretty much entire its history.

The bright side is that all these invaders had average IQ higher than the local Australoid, thus they gradually brought up the average IQ of “India” from 60s in 50 kya to about low 80s of today, due to intentional and unintentional mass inter-breeding with the locals.

Now, come again with freakin “800 years” ??!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
whats written in the above gibberish post.. can anyone summarize.. :rofl:
Which bits? The populus bits of East China?

Regardless of what bits, they are only bits.

Unlike India, it was COMPLETELY ruled by the British.

And China wasn't colonised? loool Xianbei rule? Manchu Rule? and Mongol rule? Add them all and It is more than 1000 years. And yeah this doesn't even include 'A Century of Humiliation' by Brits and Japs, who butchered your countrymen in millions.

Where is Xiebei today? Not in China. Maybe in India?

Manchurian invaded China proper and they became a part of China.

Your number of 1000 shows only your lack of history and wimpy in math of primary school level.

Yes, the Chinese call british/japanese invasion and occupation of bits of China as a century of humiliation. Many Indians call many hundreds of years of UK enslavement glory.

Japan indeed butchered Chinese in million, but finally japan handed over them "Instrument of Surrender" to China. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_Instrument_of_Surrender

In stark contrast, many more millions of Indians were butchered by British, and you don't think it is a humiliation but glory, and more, you copy/pasted their system as yours.

And where is British instrument of surrender to you?

I feel it make sense that earlier some posters said you are still ruled by British: UK still rule you with Indians, with British system, not British personals.

Plus Khitans themselves are not Han-Chinese they are a Mongolic race. So be proud of your identity :)

Only fool would believe China is only Chinese Hans. China has 56 ethnics List of ethnic groups in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In addition, do you know the Chinese racially belong to Mongoloid?

You lack the basic knowledge of China and start to argue about China. What a laughing stock! :lol: That's typical your group of people's behavior: ignorance + hatred.

In fact, recent article shows that Tajik Chinese seem more patriotic than many Han Chinese for generations! :agree:


And as for India being continuation of British India? Yes, India is De Facto successor of British India, so what's your point?


The point is very obvious: you are still ruled by the British, of the British system, not British personals.
whats written in the above gibberish post.. can anyone summarize.. :rofl:

they say that Australoid have a profound problem of reading comprehension (hint: PISA 2009). here is just another reminder.:rofl:
China is happy to see a stronger bond between India and Pakistan - both are China's neighbor.
Can you?

According to your standards of problem nation, USA is even a bigger problem country. Yet, your Indians are top illegal immigrants into USA.

Why do you love problem country, but at the same time cursing it?

Gifting Nukes to an unstable nation is not the way to build strong bonds. How stupid do you think people are ? India would be happy if pakistan stops training and sending terrorists while sitting under the same nuclear umbrella.

USA is a problem nation too ...... just not as big as china for India and china's neighbors. I hold US partially responsible for pak nukes too, just that china is a more clear and present danger.

How is emigration related to all this ?:rolleyes:
It is funny how you can call China an evil Empire while American GI are raping your women left and right. I think you forgotten your history.

If China is a problem nation, I wonder what Indian thinks of their white masters, who have been invading countries for the last 300 years. Indian are perfect little house slave to their white masters.

Keep wondering racist bigot :lol:
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