Dear Araz,
Thanks for the rememberence. i am find by the Grace of Allah. Hoping all is also well at your end. Lots of "snow" in the london area! how r u coping?. have u had a chance to look at my PA info-thread in the TT section.?
i am looking forward to your education thesis. it is the one most critical requirement of our country and its people. man! sometimes i thank my stars that we got the education we did. i have to thank our parents for that.
Warm regards,
Sir Fatman.
How are you my friend and whayt is happenning. i have restarted work and am hobbling about these days. How is life treating you and what else is happenning? One of these days( hopefullty soon I needto write up what i think should hapen in pakistani education and send it to you. Insha Allah soon. Then we can continue where we left off in london.
Kindest regards
All exams done and passed sir. I have been trying to fly here whenever get the opportunity, but the weather is behaving quite badly. Hopefully it will improve after mid February…Thanks for asking…regards