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  • Totally on both counts. Missed every set!!!!

    Requires close and constant inspection. Wrote a couple of quick replies in your e-mail.
    Dear Sir!
    My father is retired PAF Officer....I like the books/articles whatever about airforce.
    I want to buy the book written by Kaiser Sb..Or if anyone kind enough to give me the book as a gift, i will surely give my address...
    Why he retitred as A/C
    Dear Sir!

    Please tell me the name of the book written by A/C Kaiser Tufail, please send via email the add is maliktauqeer@gmail.com, because something is wrong with my mail in defence.pk, i cannot view the inbox
    depends on what they r offering but generally i would depend on my own knowledge and instincts - ratta nahi lagana chai hai!
    Hello sir fatman!
    hope u r doing f9..
    i have applied for TCC in Pakistan army..today i have submitd ISSB forms..soon i will receive call letter.
    can i join ISSB coaching acadmy or its of no use?
    Fatman around what period did you serve in the Pakistan army?

    As quite a few of my family have served in the army I was wondering if you may have known any of them.
    FM sahib,

    What do you think of merging the Brian Cloughley thread with the FATA strikes thread? Or would you prefer it stand alone?
    After hours bar that my bud and I are thinking of taking the lease on. Hotties everywhere.

    hey man, do invite me!!!
    After hours bar that my bud and I are thinking of taking the lease on. Hotties everywhere. Came home and Kasrkin is sh!tting all over me. It's not your fault that you were included in this latest bunch.

    I dont' blame you. Truly, I don't and, whatever happens, I still want to crash on your couch when I do my death-wish thingy and decide to be your on-the-scene FATA PREDATOR kill-count reporter.

    Any techno-disco in FATAville. I wanna ROCK!!
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