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Zia ul Haq's Warning - Still Relevant Today?

problem is there but such problems is due to illeterate people or some common people but here in this forum where most of the people are literate and educated should not behave like the way they behaved. Sorry.

I dont think so. Racial/Caste discrimination does exist amongst the people, irrespective of the social status they carry. Maybe its not so blatantly practiced, but it does exist, no denying that. Why, our constitution supports caste based reservation across our institutes too, is'nt it ?
I dont think so. Racial/Caste discrimination does exist amongst the people, irrespective of the social status they carry. Maybe its not so blatantly practiced, but it does exist, no denying that. Why, our constitution supports caste based reservation across our institutes too, is'nt it ?

Yes it is there, but we are coping it very calmly and educating ourselves and see how we rising, we india having many problems but look how we are facing, reduced low quality life, judicial system and economic system is developed in such a way that we can avail all benefits.
Brother this india is different.
Yes it is there, but we are coping it very calmly and educating ourselves and see how we rising, we india having many problems but look how we are facing, reduced low quality life, judicial system and economic system is developed in such a way that we can avail all benefits.
Brother this india is different.

Take a deep breath and go for a sleep.
Yes it is there, but we are coping it very calmly and educating ourselves and see how we rising, we india having many problems but look how we are facing, reduced low quality life, judicial system and economic system is developed in such a way that we can avail all benefits.
Brother this india is different.

Sir, with due respect to you, let me digress. While we can all lay claim to the "Reduced Low quality life" and "Economic Benefits", the fact remains that this was achieved not due to absence of the Racial/Caste based discriminations, but rather due to a strong central leadership which implemented the economic reforms.

As for our point, we still allow religious symbol's to be depicted at our government offices, disregarding the secular promise - No church in State Affairs. We still promote caste based discrimination as a state policy - by implementing quota in our institution's. Hate law's exist, but we dont have law's against discrimination.

Come to my country, Buddy, we still have a long way to go, before we can lay claim to that high moral ground on secularism.
I believe only a Punjabi (such as General Zia Ul Haq) or a Pakhtoon leader (such as Imran Khan) can do this. Not Sindhis (Bhuttos/Zardaris) or Mohajirs (Musharraf) who bow down to their gora masters.

Omar, your rants do not even warrant a reply, but I'll respond anyways:

I am a Shia "Mohajir" (I don't even use this word, I'm an Urdu speaking Pakistani Muslim). I am grateful that most of the Pakistanis I have encountered in my life do not share your narrow minded thoughts against their fellow Pakistanis. I was born in Pakistan, I am as much as a Pakistani as you are, & I do not have to prove my loyalty to you or anyone else. The great thing about Pakistan is that we are Pakistanis & Muslims, & this is a much greater bond than ethnicity ever is, the latter which you ascribe to. On a personal level, even though I'm a "moderate" but practicing Muslim, I believe Pakistan's Islamic identity is imperative to our existence, the glue that sticks the different ethnicities together: especially after 1971 when Bangladesh was created, & the constant Pashtun nationalist movements that arise from Afghanistan. By establishing Pakistan's Islamic identity, we have practically nullified the threat from ethnic separatist movements. Even though we ascribe to Pakistan's Islamic identity, we do not (& should not) tolerate Islamic radicalism that threatens women, Barelvis, Shias, Ahmedis & other non-Muslims, because they are lawful Pakistani citizens as well. With the holier-than-thou attitude you ascribe to, you are indirectly condoning attacks of the radical elements of our society on our fellow Pakistanis.

If I meet a liberal Mohajir or Sindhi, or even Punjabi or Pakhtun or any other ethnicity, I do not get worked up over him/her. I do not get worked up over people that overly criticize Pakistan either, but I defend Pakistan & everything it stands for with my full heart & soul. If India, Afghanistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia or the US threaten the integrity of Pakistan, rest assured, I will be out on the street vouching for Pakistan with all my heart and soul. Do not doubt the resolve or the integrity of anyone, you do not know what is in their hearts, only Allah knows that. A lot of people are despondent about the situation in Pakistan, but they do this out of genuine care & love for the country. You or I may not agree with these people at all, but talk to them rationally, patiently. This is what Islam teaches us, what we should aspire to be as Pakistani Muslims, not pointing fingers at others & inciting violence. You should also extend this thought to ordinary citizens of all countries, most of whom do not mean ill like their governments do.

Even though I live in America, I hope & pray that Pakistan can break the shackles of the US in the region, & I hope all ethnicities (Pashtun, Kashmiri, Punjabi, Balochi, Mohajir, Sindhi, Hazara etc) can live peacefully together, & I'm optimistic that we will in the future. However, targeting a specific ethnicity for your personal gratification shows your bias & anti-Pakistan attitude. None of our ethnicities are angels, we have done some horrible things to each other in the past, but I think we have made it past those days & made great progress. Please don't display your obsolete mindset & bias here.
Pakistan needs another leader like General Zia ul Haq. Someone who can look straight in the eye of the superpower and is not afraid to tell it the way it is. Someone who wont be bullied by a superpower. Someone who will place Pakistan's strategic interests first.

I believe only a Punjabi (such as General Zia Ul Haq) or a Pakhtoon leader (such as Imran Khan) can do this. Not Sindhis (Bhuttos/Zardaris) or Mohajirs (Musharraf) who bow down to their gora masters.

die you wretch.
zia ul haq was genius, he not only killed soviets in afghanistan, he prevented them entering pkistan, but now we dont have zia ul haq and we have monkeys and kuttahs, so the result is clear..

inqilaab zindabad, zardari murdabad
my regards to zia ul haq and may his soul find happiness in heaven
ok you EDIT, you are from karachi. did you read what your racist EDIT hero wrote in the last paragraph? with such idiotic patriots, who needs enemies...

Mod Edit: Profanities removed.
ok you SOB, you are from karachi. did you read what your racist SOB hero wrote in the last paragraph? with such idiotic patriots, who needs enemies...

ok, or my apologies i thought ur commnets was regarding zia ul haq

btw omer guy i know him, he is not racist, but pointing at musharraf scum
zardari is a sindhi with balouch ancestors.... he doesnt even look balouch.
Omar you are a zaid hamid follower I guess how dare you say only punjabis and pukhtoons can lead this country Mohajirs (except one )and Sindhis and balochis are our brothers in Islam I am a punjabi myself but I hate racists like you very shameful post you should apologize to all Sindhis mohajirs and balochs immediately racism is the biggest issue on this site and now it has started even between us so sad I hope the owner does something about you and all your racist friends u bash Indians pukhtoons afghans and now our fellow countrymen remember we are all Muslims first
zia ul haq was genius, he not only killed soviets in afghanistan, he prevented them entering pkistan, but now we dont have zia ul haq and we have monkeys and kuttahs, so the result is clear..

inqilaab zindabad, zardari murdabad
my regards to zia ul haq and may his soul find happiness in heaven

Bro, it wasnt Zia which killed the Soviets, the main thing was fearless sacrifice of Afghan people from every corner which ensured the death of the USSR eventually, sadly we are the the ones who have paid the most for the cost of this victory-wish non of those had happend. Zia only played a role in a project which was designed by the US. If we see any radicalization today in the region is because Zia backed all those policies(initiated by the US) which is now biting pakistan too.
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