Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says the NATO must prevent the possibility of Russian nuclear weapons being used.
Speaking to the Lowy Institute in Sydney, Australia, Zelenskyy said NATO “must eliminate the possibility of Russia use of nuclear weapons. But it is important - and that's why I'm turning to the international community, as I did before February 24 - preventive strikes, so that [the Russians] know what will come to them if they use [nuclear weapons]." He emphasized: "Not the other way around: up Wait for strikes from Russia and then say: "Oh, you did that, then you'll get it from us now".
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Präsident der Ukraine, Wolodymyr Selenskyj
Ukrainian Presidential Press Off / ZUMA Wire / IMAGO
Der ukrainische Präsident Selenskyj hat die Nato dazu aufgerufen, einen russischen Atomwaffeneinsatz zu verhindern. Und: Der nächste Europagipfel soll in Moldau stattfinden. Das waren die News am 6. Oktober.