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Zardari says Pak ‘created militancy for short term tactical gains’

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You are not reading what i wrote, neither you read what i said, why should i read what you posted? btw you are only confirming those things which are been accepted by me in my previous posted, you aren't adding any value, to back your friends claim.

Waste of the Space

i read what you wrote and i cant read what you said 'coz we dont have a webcam facility here ... you should read what is posted 'coz dats what you asked for in the previous post or may be you dnt understand what you yourself wrote earlier... i should refresh your memory neway .. this is what you said.........." any ways, in both link i couldn't find where pakistani officials "accepted" that they were pakistani nationals" .. i have given you links where mr.durrani and sherrry rahman have accepted xactlty what you were looking for.. you should thank me for helping you out mate.. and when the pakistani militant commander is accepting that the attacks originated in pakistan and he was responsible .. all conclusions of "PLOT HATCHED PARTLY OR FULLY" become meaningles 'coz the guy is sitting in pakistan . it is encouraging to note that atleast rehman malik had the guts to come out and confess that the attackers went to india from pakistan .. its like tellin US.. you know even tho the attacks and all the logistical and manpower planning behind 9/11 happened in afghanistan and pakistan but you know what US was partly responsible 'coz the airliners were american ..
having said that one should welcome what zardari said 'coz this will go a long way in normalising relationship between pakistan- india and pakistan-world .. the world now know that pakistan is sincere in fighting terrorism in swat and other places in and outside pakistan as can be seen with various military offensives... the public opinion also is against extremism .. and once these armed thugs are disbanded i truly believe that pakistan would be on the way of becoming a true force in every sense .. tolerant society , democracy and one day i am sure an economic power .. this had to start sumwhere and nothing like acceptance coming from the leader of the nation.. this thinking will hopefully trickle down and would be for the betterment of the country..
ohh i get it, you can't remember complete, you have some memory problem. have only 28 byte memory right? check this,

any ways, in both link i couldn't find where pakistani officials "accepted" that they were pakistani nationals. Let me tell you what i get from both news links,

1. Ajmal Kassab is pakistani
2. The mumbai attack partially planned in pakistan (not entirely)

also you missed my previous posts don't have time to waste while search for you, since have to leave, where i said "it is planned by india to defame pakistan's name". So if i say RAW people used pakistani teritory so people start thinking pakistan involvement, and also even i can "change" the chasis number, strange those terrorists couldn't who had time and aim. Also, using pakistani phones is another evidence that indian involvement.

Now i am going, but i have all indian "So called evidence" with me, and read some of the upper lines seems like it will be very easy for me to rebuilt same evidence against india [:)]

will post it tomorrow if get a chance to read whole.
ohh i get it, you can't remember complete, you have some memory problem. have only 28 byte memory right? check this,

also you missed my previous posts don't have time to waste while search for you, since have to leave, where i said "it is planned by india to defame pakistan's name". So if i say RAW people used pakistani teritory so people start thinking pakistan involvement, and also even i can "change" the chasis number, strange those terrorists couldn't who had time and aim. Also, using pakistani phones is another evidence that indian involvement.

Now i am going, but i have all indian "So called evidence" with me, and read some of the upper lines seems like it will be very easy for me to rebuilt same evidence against india [:)]

will post it tomorrow if get a chance to read whole.

yeah right...good luck genius!
Armed struggle for freedom of home land and againt occupation is feedom struggle not terrorism , Pakistan had helped Afghan brothers aganist Russian occupation and Kashmiri brothers against indian occupation.

And then you got Taliban to destroy the lives of the same "Afghan brothers"....bravo!!

We are proud of this support and Pakistan should continue their help for Kashmir and Palestine .

At what cost? At the cost of peace and happiness of your own country, At the cost of integrity of your country?

Muslim countries should have joint peace keeping force to protect poor muslim countries from aggression .

So now its the Muslims against the rest of the world? What are you trying to do here? You want to drag the world back to the middle ages, back to the crusades?
Let me start with this:

The Mumbai dossier submitted to Pakistan looks like this....

This is a scanned copy of the 69-page dossier of material stemming from the ongoing investigation into the Mumbai terrorist attacks of November 26-29, 2008 that was handed over by India to Pakistan on January 5, 2009.

1. http://www.thehindu.com/nic/mumbaiattacksevidence-1.pdf

2. http://www.thehindu.com/nic/mumbaiattacksevidence-2.pdf

3. http://www.thehindu.com/nic/mumbaiattacksevidence-3.pdf

Spend some time reading this ..... and then claim that Pakistan is not working against India and supporting terrorism....
Where is the evidence that the Pakistani state supported terrorism in India, specifically the Mumbai attacks?

Since you have read the dossier, you should be able to point it out. AFAIK, almost every country in the world stated that there was nothing indicating Pakistani state involvement in the attacks, and the NYT (that saw the dossier) in fact reported that even the Indian dossier stated there was no evidence of Pakistani institutions being involved.

Don't bandy about accusations when there is nothing to back them up with.
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ohh i get it, you can't remember complete, you have some memory problem. have only 28 byte memory right? check this,

also you missed my previous posts don't have time to waste while search for you, since have to leave, where i said "it is planned by india to defame pakistan's name". So if i say RAW people used pakistani teritory so people start thinking pakistan involvement, and also even i can "change" the chasis number, strange those terrorists couldn't who had time and aim. Also, using pakistani phones is another evidence that indian involvement.

Now i am going, but i have all indian "So called evidence" with me, and read some of the upper lines seems like it will be very easy for me to rebuilt same evidence against india [:)]

will post it tomorrow if get a chance to read whole.

mate , cant really thank you enuff for callin me a comp.. geeez!! its been a while since ppl called me that .. you know ,computer have an operating system and mine is english version... this 28byte comp system has been feeded wiith simple english language and really if you give a computer two contradictory commands it will either prioritise it or will give an error... your post deserve an error ... think about what i said and if you still cant comprehend what i said go back and THINK AGAIN .. cant really have a mature discussion with cindrella of wonderland .. the only way to bring her out of her dreams is to put her clothes on fire whch is exactly what is happening to pakistan unfortunatly .. your case is similar ...

and yeaa btw giving evidence to pakistan by india is nothing new ... so if you really want to build any evidence against india you can google al the stuff from the history .... its a pity that even after such a long time they couldn't bring an iota of evidence against india vis-a-vis BLA. wake uppp.. wt is ISI doing.. they sholdn't be paid ..

no more replies to yu buddy .. now keep :guns: from the hip..
And then you got Taliban to destroy the lives of the same "Afghan brothers"....bravo!!
The Afghans themselves welcomed the Taliban initially, given how bad the Northern Alliance warlords and the remainder of the existing leaders were.

The choice at the time was the right one - no one had a crystal ball predicting how things would pan out in the future.

At what cost? At the cost of peace and happiness of your own country, At the cost of integrity of your country?
Support for the rights of the people of Kashmir and Palestine does not impact the 'peace and happiness of the country'.

In terms of the insurgency in Kashmir, Pakistan has already contributed a lot towards eliminating it, primarily to call India's bluff on using 'dialog' to resolve the issue.

As for the groups themselves, they will likely be handled as the state strengthens its hands (the 100,000 strong COIN force being proposed) and/or once the Taliban insurgency is under control.
So now its the Muslims against the rest of the world? What are you trying to do here? You want to drag the world back to the middle ages, back to the crusades?
Actually the suggestion of a Muslim peacekeeping force for Afghanistan has been suggested before, as a compromise that might allow for the Taliban to join the political process, with NATO leaving and the Muslim PKF taking over.

It is an interesting idea, but has not gone anywhere as of yet.
Where is the evidence that the Pakistani state supported terrorism in India, specifically the Mumbai attacks?

Since you have read the dossier, you should be able to point it out. AFAIK, almost every country in the world stated that there was nothing indicating Pakistani state involvement in the attacks, and the NYT (that saw the dossier) in fact reported that even the Indian dossier stated there was no evidence of Pakistani institutions being involved.

Don't bandy about accusations when there is nothing to back them up with.

AM , nobody from indian establishment blamed the pakistani state in the aftermath of 26/11 . thats why a communication channel was still open to have some kinda dialogue in the background. but the dossier and the related elements did mention about the specifics where and how the terrorist were trained by certain individuals.. for eg. how to ride a dingy .. this training was given in or near mangla dam.

the followig link is about an alleged involvement of a pakistani army colonel as in the dossier again not implying anything just that may some rogue elements sumwhere were responsible..

Pakistani Army colonel 'was involved' in Mumbai terror attacks - Times Online

i suggest the below links a must read :

Asia Times Online :: South Asia news, business and economy from India and Pakistan

http://www.theanalysiscorp.com/SL%20Mumbai Maritime 21 Jan 09 FINAL.pdf
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Where is the evidence that the Pakistani state supported terrorism in India, specifically the Mumbai attacks?

Since you have read the dossier, you should be able to point it out. AFAIK, almost every country in the world stated that there was nothing indicating Pakistani state involvement in the attacks, and the NYT (that saw the dossier) in fact reported that even the Indian dossier stated there was no evidence of Pakistani institutions being involved.

Don't bandy about accusations when there is nothing to back them up with.

Sorry I had to repost this...

If thats the case then why is Pakistan trying these six men.....for fun

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Mumbai spectre looms as Pakistan vows to try suspects soon

Pakistan's top prosecutor says the trials of six men accused in the Mumbai attacks that killed 166 people will start soon.

While Sardar Latif Khosa and other officials told The Associated Press the prosecution process was on track, defence lawyers complained they had not been given documents about the case or details of the evidence against the suspects, whom they have yet to meet.

India, the United States and other western countries are closely watching Pakistan's efforts to punish the militant suspects, accused of planning and helping the Nov 26-28 attacks that also wounded scores and terrorised India's financial centre.

In the past, Islamabad has failed to punish militants suspected of attacks on targets in India, with which it has fought three wars since independence from Britain in 1947.

Pakistan's intelligence agencies are known to have funded and trained militants to use as proxies against the much larger Indian army in the disputed region of Kashmir. The government says it no longer does this, but many seemingly remain sympathetic to the militants' aims.

The nuclear-armed countries moved troops toward their joint border in the aftermath of the attacks, chilling ties. The prime ministers of both nations are due to meet later this month on the sidelines of an international summit in Egypt for the first time since the attacks.

‘It is very important the Pakistan government move further and faster to prosecute those who were associated with (the Mumbai) attacks and punish them,’ visiting British Foreign Minister David Miliband said Wednesday, adding that ties between the two nations would remain difficult until this was done.

Indian security agencies killed nine of the Mumbai attackers and arrested a lone survivor, Ajmal Kasab, whom they said belonged to the Pakistani militant outfit, Lashkar-i-Taiba. He told investigators the militants were trained on Pakistani soil and the attack was planned there.

Pakistan was reluctant to accept the claims, but acknowledged in February that Kasab was a Pakistani. The same month, Interior Minister Rehman Malik announced the arrests of six men linked to Kasab and pledged to put them on trial.

Attorney General Sardar Latif Khosa said late Wednesday the trials will start ‘soon,’ but was unable to say when.

‘There are no reasons (for a delay) other than the fulfillment of some legal requirements and resolution of technical issues before the start of the trials,’ Khosa said.

Officials said the men will be tried behind closed doors in the maximum security prison in Rawalpindi where they are currently being held.

India has handed over evidence, including recordings of calls the attackers allegedly made to Pakistan during the siege.

Two of the defendants, Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi and Zarrar Shah, have been publicly accused by India of masterminding the attacks. Malik has said they will be charged with ‘abetting, conspiracy and facilitation’ of a terrorist act.

The men have been appointed lawyers, but they have yet to start preparing their defence.

‘I have applied to get the copy of the charges submitted by the police, but am still awaiting,’ said Shahzad Rajput, who is representing one of the men.

‘In fact, there is no evidence against my client. That is why the government is not showing any enthusiasm in this matter. I would say it is using delaying tactics.’

India is pressing ahead with its trial of Kasab, who has pleaded not guilty to all charges against him, which includes waging war against the country and murder. Kasab, said to be in his early 20s, will face the death penalty if convicted.

Lashkar-i-Taiba was formed in the 1980s with the blessing of Pakistan's intelligence services, and the group has a long and bloody history of guerrilla warfare and bombings aimed at Indian rule in Kashmir, which is claimed by both Pakistan and India.

Pakistan banned Lashkar in 2002 during a crackdown on militant groups that followed the September 11, 2001 attacks. It changed its name to Jamaatud Dawa and concentrated on charity work, but the United Nations and US consider it a front group for Lashkar.
AM , nobody from indian establishment blamed the pakistani state in the aftermath of 26/11 .

Explain that to the poster I was responding to.

And the implications from the Indian political leadership in the aftermath of Mumbai were clear.

Don't forget the statements of the Navy chief and others. The Indian establishment did very much blame Pakistani institutions.
but the dossier and the related elements did mention about the specifics where and how the terrorist were trained by certain individuals.. for eg. how to ride a dingy .. this training was given in or near mangla dam.

the followig link is about an alleged involvement of a pakistani army colonel as in the dossier again not implying anything just that may some rogue elements sumwhere were responsible..

Pakistani Army colonel 'was involved' in Mumbai terror attacks - Times Online

i suggest the below link a must read :

Asia Times Online :: South Asia news, business and economy from India and Pakistan
So after admitting that there was no evidence of Pakistani institutional involvement, now you want to say that there was institutional involvement. This sort of duplicity is really annoying.

The whole 'colonel' story is a joke, dismissed by the GoP and was discussed on this forum already.

Other than the allegations by the Indian police reported in the media, there was nothing else to it.
Sorry I hade to repost this...

f thats the case then why is Pakistan trying these six men.....for fun

You can keep repeating it as much as you want, but it still does not answer my question - where is the evidence that the Pakistani state supported terrorism in India, and specifically the Mumbai attacks?

The article you posted only shows that Pakistan is prosecuting individuals allegedly involved in the attacks, it does not establish Pakistani state complicity.
You can keep repeating it as much as you want, but it still does not answer my question - where is the evidence that the Pakistani state supported terrorism in India, and specifically the Mumbai attacks?

The article you posted only shows that Pakistan is prosecuting individuals allegedly involved in the attacks, it does not establish Pakistani state complicity.

I am sorry for reposting.......but i guess the so called non state actors ....are a part of Pakistan's soil and citizenry...

and for the sake of argument: no offence........Pakistani posters claim that RSS( which is a Hindu hardliner organization and has not done any harm to any Pakistani on Pakistani soil) in India is a terrorist organization so its India's state policy to support terrorism... can you make indian members believe that Pakistan is not perusing terrorism as a state policy...
I am sorry for reposting.......but i guess the so called non state actors ....are a part of Pakistan's soil and citizenry...
But they were not supported by the State for the purpose of carrying out the terrorism in India. Please look up what 'state sponsoring of terrorism' means.

and for the sake of argument: no offence........Pakistani posters claim that RSS( which is a Hindu hardliner organization and has not done any harm to any Pakistani on Pakistani soil) in India is a terrorist organization so its India's state policy to support terrorism... can you make indian members believe that Pakistan is not perusing terrorism as a state policy...

I don't remember claiming that, and it is me you are discussing with, not some alleged Pakistani poster who made those claims. Please don't attribute others views to me, or to all Pakistanis.

I don't say all Indians are hate-mongering racists and bigots based on the views expressed on a very popular Indian defence forum now do I?
Explain that to the poster I was responding to.

And the implications from the Indian political leadership in the aftermath of Mumbai were clear.

Don't forget the statements of the Navy chief and others. The Indian establishment did very much blame Pakistani institutions.

So after admitting that there was no evidence of Pakistani institutional involvement, now you want to say that there was institutional involvement. This sort of duplicity is really annoying.

The whole 'colonel' story is a joke, dismissed by the GoP and was discussed on this forum already.

Other than the allegations by the Indian police reported in the media, there was nothing else to it.

the indian establishment never blamed the pakistani state but yes a role of ISI was suspected in all of this....
there is no duplicity involved here ... if some officers are symphethetic to the jihadis or extremist elements then those people are responsiible for consequences .. there was no proof of anyone from either the army or ISI giving the order for the operation . so the question of state involvement doesn't come in ..like always .. but rogue elements are mentioned clearly in the dossier including the mention of MV AL HUSSEINI ..

the basis of allegations was the interrogation of ajmal kasab in the presence of FBI and other security agencies whose nationals were killed in the mumbai attacks. most of the information was given to rehman malik who after some days did organise a press conference and informed the world press abt the arrest of few of the individuals mentioned and did admit that the information does lead to the docks of karachi .. most of the info given by kasab is proven correct but the only rebuttal comes in when the mention of anyone from the armed forces is made (rogue or otherwise).
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