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Zardari says Pak ‘created militancy for short term tactical gains’

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insurgents in east pakistan to whom the right were denied in the previous elections.. they were fighting against an organised army and were were not bombing and killing civilians... i really dont see these terrorists in kashmir or swat or so called taliban in afghanistan fighting a conventional armed force 'coz they know that are simply not up for it and thats why they are killing civilians to make a point..you need public support to wage a war against the state which sadly these terrorists dont have unlike mukti bahini .. indian backing came into view when the refugee problem arose in india 'coz of the situation in bangladesh.

In Kashmir, locals are fighting against the well organized 700,000 Indian army the case was different in East Pakistan. We didn’t have 700,000 army men but you have.East Pakistan's situation got disturbed just after 1970 elections whereas in Kashmir there is a freedom struggle of more than 60 years. Will you please explain why do you need such heavy amount of troops to control small numbers of terrorists?

East Pakistan was a big province and it was separated by 1000 miles from West Pakistan still we never had that much troops there. The number of troops says it all. The people of Kashmir have already liberated half of their land, do you need another proof of what they want?
Pakistan did what we thought was right for us at that time. Remember US was also involved in creating the militants, As Agno rightly pointed out Indians created Mukti Bahini and LTTE.

I think what Pak did was to secure its western borders and keep focus on eastern borders which was not a bad strategy coz it worked till 2001 and it was just after American attack that turned the situation.

What if Pakistan settles their matters with Taliban and takes a bold step to pressurize USA? After all these terrorists are on Israeli, US and Indian payroll.

I do get a little tired of people who throw stupid opinions out like they are fact.

The US is fighting the taliban, thier troops are dying doing that what sort of moron keeps mouthing the lie that they are at the same time funding them?
I do get a little tired of people who throw stupid opinions out like they are fact.

The US is fighting the taliban, thier troops are dying doing that what sort of moron keeps mouthing the lie that they are at the same time funding them?

The morons who can just have a bird’s eye view of the issues can’t see the real situation.

Have you ever heard about the Good and Bad Taliban? Simply US and India due to their expansionist desires are fighting against the good Talibans and funding Bad Talibans
As long as Zardari has access to classified informations, his words could mean something. I think Zardari has the intentions but limited in power to execute. Its upto the citizens to rebuild its society in a way that would be productive. Parents should stand up against those who teach their kids highly inflammatory ideologies with the mask of religion. As far as i know, Pakistan is revolving around Armed Forces and Defence procurements making them more powerfull than elected civilian government. Its time for Pakistanis to demand their government what they want otherwise the politicains will play possum as they did for the last 60yrs. Just stand up against every terrorist organizations (yes, that include LeT, JuD etc) and try to rebuild ur torn down society ground up.
A one sided attempt may go to waste.
Present Gov simply dosent have enough resources to go after all the groups at a same time. We did cleared off Swat its in the position of rehab now. The GOP is now clearing the westren Front which is Waziristan and Orakzai Agency as those terrorist impose greater threat not just to Pakistan but also the coalition forces fighting in Afghanistan.
After those Fronts get cooled down the GOP will eventually go after the groups which havent started any armed struggle against the state.
Having said that i think the compleet calmpdown of terrorism in South Asia requires a full duplex and a highly devoted effort which includes the settelement of all the standing disputes. :agree:
Not in case of kashmir. State support has been proven, and all terror outfits operating in kashmir are operating with checks and balances of the ISI and the Pak Army.

I didnt expect this from such a senior member. Better brush up on history. India didnt create Mukhti Bahini it existed as a guirella outfit much before India became interested in Bangladesh. It was later that India began supporting Bahini after Pakistan Army committed one of the worst atrocacies in history.

LTTE was not created or supported by India. LTTE was responsible for the assasination of Former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. Calling it an Indian funded group is not only preposturous but rather naive and kiddish and needs to be taken with a pinch of salt.

Every single thing you have said is fact is actually wrong. I think it is you that should brush up on your history.
Well the international community things Pakistan should stop persuing terrorism as its sole weapon. International community got the phrase "aid not to be used against its neighbours" written to make it abundantly clear that terrorism carried out in Kashmir and in India needs to stop.

Kashmiris are not fighting for freedom, but instead helping India beat Pakistani terrorists. Better not live in denial over Kashmir, it is and will be a sovereign part of India and will not be negotiated under any circumstances be it a failed attempt of Kargil or Mumbai attacks.

Armed struggle for freedom of home land and againt occupation is feedom struggle not terrorism , Pakistan had helped Afghan brothers aganist Russian occupation and Kashmiri brothers against indian occupation.

We are proud of this support and Pakistan should continue their help for Kashmir and Palestine .

Muslim countries should have joint peace keeping force to protect poor muslim countries from aggression .
Armed struggle for freedom of home land and againt occupation is feedom struggle not terrorism , Pakistan had helped Afghan brothers aganist Russian occupation and Kashmiri brothers against indian occupation.

We are proud of this support and Pakistan should continue their help for Kashmir and Palestine .

Muslim countries should have joint peace keeping force to protect poor muslim countries from aggression .

Going by your logic......India supporting Baloch movement(often claimed by Pakistan media without any proof:what:)....is justified and India helping Bangladesh Liberation from Pakistan was justified.........
Going by your logic......India supporting Baloch movement(often claimed by Pakistan media without any proof:what:)....is justified and India helping Bangladesh Liberation from Pakistan was justified.........

just for your information, a report was submitted to our PM, when he joined the seat. He mentioned it in his 1st sermon, but then something happen and he stop claiming that. So there are proofs, but main problem is, our government don't want to play same blame game as india, and wants good relations with india.
just for your information, a report was submitted to our PM, when he joined the seat. He mentioned it in his 1st sermon, but then something happen and he stop claiming that. So there are proofs, but main problem is, our government don't want to play same blame game as india, and wants good relations with india.

If there are proofs then why is Pakistan Government sleeping on it.....why don't they make it public for the rest of the world to see...and go ahead with a diplomatic offensive, the way India did after 26/11 Mumbai .....

I can share those Mumbai attack proofs to you right away .....if you want to take a look at what made your Government accept that the Terrorists were Pakistani and are using Pakistan to wage war on India....

Sure Pakistan wants good relations with India by supporting Terrorism in India....
Twice this week President Zardari has spoken about the root of Pakistan’s problems with religious extremism and militancy. In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, the president said that the military’s erstwhile ‘strategic assets’ were the ones against whom military operations were now required. And in a meeting with retired senior bureaucrats in Islamabad on Tuesday, Mr Zardari was reported in this paper to have said that ‘militants and extremists had been deliberately created and nurtured as a policy to achieve some short-term tactical objectives’.

The president is right, and we would add the policy was wrong then and it is wrong now. It cannot be any other way. How is it possible to rationally explain to the people of Pakistan that the heroes of yesteryear are the arch-enemies of today? The militants’ religious justifications remain the same; what’s changed is that the militants were fighting the state’s ‘enemies’ yesterday but have turned their guns on the state and its allies today.

Perhaps more than anything else impeding the defeat of the militants today is the inability of the security establishment to revisit the strategic choices it made in the past and hold up its hand and admit candidly that grave mistakes were made. Should we have ever used jihadi proxies to fight the Russians in Afghanistan? Should we have ever supported the idea of armed jihad in Kashmir? Should we have ever sought to retain our influence in Afghanistan through the Taliban? If any of those choices ever made sense, then we should have no complaints about the rise of Talibanisation in Pakistan because we created the climate and opportunity for them to run amok.

Blaming the US’s invasion of Afghanistan is no good — the first and foremost responsibility of the state is to ensure the security of Pakistan, and allowing an internal threat to create a space for itself is anathema to that idea. Whatever the catalyst, the fact remains that it was because a jihadi network was allowed to flourish inside the country that we were left exposed to its eventual wrath against us.

The fault is of course not ours alone. The US, obsessed with the Soviet enemy, happily colluded in the creation of Muslim warriors. Our Middle Eastern and Gulf allies were happy to create a Sunni army to counter the ‘threat’ from post-revolution Shia Iran. But, at the end of the day, it was Pakistani soil on which they were primarily nurtured. Because they were raised in our midst we should have always been wary of the extreme blowback we are now confronted with.

Link to the article-
DAWN.COM | Provinces | Jihad and the state
If there are proofs then why is Pakistan Government sleeping on it.....why don't they make it public for the rest of the world to see...and go ahead with a diplomatic offensive, the way India did after 26/11 Mumbai .....

I can share those Mumbai attack proofs to you right away .....if you want to take a look at what made your Government accept that the Terrorists were Pakistani and are using Pakistan to wage war on India....

Sure Pakistan wants good relations with India by supporting Terrorism in India....

So you are saying since they were pakistanis, that's why Pakistani government was behind it? WTF!!

Pakistan never accepted all terrorists were pakistan, the only acceptance were Ajmal Kassab was pakistan. 2ndly, so far i know in mumbai attack, mumbai administration was also involve in it. There are numerous reports on this as well. So that's means your government was behind mumbai attacks, and just to put their mess somewhere they start pointing on pakistan.

Lastly, our government is working on the script written in US, which stops them to point on India.
So you are saying since they were pakistanis, that's why Pakistani government was behind it? WTF!!

Pakistan never accepted all terrorists were pakistan, the only acceptance were Ajmal Kassab was pakistan. 2ndly, so far i know in mumbai attack, mumbai administration was also involve in it. There are numerous reports on this as well. So that's means your government was behind mumbai attacks, and just to put their mess somewhere they start pointing on pakistan.

Lastly, our government is working on the script written in US, which stops them to point on India.

Yes there were reports in Pakistan media claiming that the attack was planned by India to defame Pakistan.....:crazy:

Read the article from A Pakistani newspaper in my previous post this will help you...

Twice this week President Zardari has spoken about the root of Pakistan’s problems with religious extremism and militancy. In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, the president said that the military’s erstwhile ‘strategic assets’ were the ones against whom military operations were now required. And in a meeting with retired senior bureaucrats in Islamabad on Tuesday, Mr Zardari was reported in this paper to have said that ‘militants and extremists had been deliberately created and nurtured as a policy to achieve some short-term tactical objectives’.

The president is right, and we would add the policy was wrong then and it is wrong now. It cannot be any other way. How is it possible to rationally explain to the people of Pakistan that the heroes of yesteryear are the arch-enemies of today? The militants’ religious justifications remain the same; what’s changed is that the militants were fighting the state’s ‘enemies’ yesterday but have turned their guns on the state and its allies today.

Perhaps more than anything else impeding the defeat of the militants today is the inability of the security establishment to revisit the strategic choices it made in the past and hold up its hand and admit candidly that grave mistakes were made. Should we have ever used jihadi proxies to fight the Russians in Afghanistan? Should we have ever supported the idea of armed jihad in Kashmir? Should we have ever sought to retain our influence in Afghanistan through the Taliban? If any of those choices ever made sense, then we should have no complaints about the rise of Talibanisation in Pakistan because we created the climate and opportunity for them to run amok.

Blaming the US’s invasion of Afghanistan is no good — the first and foremost responsibility of the state is to ensure the security of Pakistan, and allowing an internal threat to create a space for itself is anathema to that idea. Whatever the catalyst, the fact remains that it was because a jihadi network was allowed to flourish inside the country that we were left exposed to its eventual wrath against us.

The fault is of course not ours alone. The US, obsessed with the Soviet enemy, happily colluded in the creation of Muslim warriors. Our Middle Eastern and Gulf allies were happy to create a Sunni army to counter the ‘threat’ from post-revolution Shia Iran. But, at the end of the day, it was Pakistani soil on which they were primarily nurtured. Because they were raised in our midst we should have always been wary of the extreme blowback we are now confronted with.

Link to the article-
DAWN.COM | Provinces | Jihad and the state

Where is indian mujahideen in it? or other militants? He only accepted "Afghan-Taliban were created by CIA and ISI". He also pointed US invasion to Afghanistan as wrong step.
Where is indian mujahideen in it? or other militants? He only accepted "Afghan-Taliban were created by CIA and ISI". He also pointed US invasion to Afghanistan as wrong step.

Read the third paragraph...........and then interpret it the way you want.....
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