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Zardari govt responsible for failure of ‘FODP’ moot



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Sep 25, 2009
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ISLAMABAD: Ahsan Iqbal, Central Spokesman PML-N, said that the Zardari government's 'Trust Mega Deficit' is responsible for the failure of any tangible outcome from the 'Friends of Democratic Pakistan' moot.

'Parking of funds for Pakistan with the World Bank is a clear sign that no country in the world is willing to trust this regime,' he said.

Ahsan Iqbal said that giving funds to the World Bank means that the people of Pakistan will have to pay for additional costs in the shape of expensive World Bank bureaucracy overheads.

He accused the government of facing an acute trust deficit both at home and abroad due to its lack of transparency, poor governance, and cronyism.

'Inside the country, people, opposition, and investors are increasingly getting skeptical about the government's will and competence to deal with the challenges the country faces,' he declared.

'The nations wants to know where are the $ 100 billion dollars which Mr. Zardari promised to bring in the country. It is a shame that the government is making Pakistan look like an international beggar, Iqbal said.

'Foreign aid and assistance can only supplement the resources but can't be substitute for domestic resources' he held. -Online

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Zardari govt responsible for failure of ?FODP? moot: PML-N
ZARDARI is the big motherfucker of our country.
100 billion dollars ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, if someone was expecting this ,,,,,,,than he is a big fool .
even PAKISTAN sell its nukes for it ,they will not give it 100 billion dollars .
Some days back I was watching a Program "Meray Mutabiq", where Dr Shahid Masoud Questions PPP's spokesman that what kind of help we are expecting from FoP. PPP's Spokesman replied that, they will help us in getting more loan from WB and IMF..
Whereas i am also feeling a lot of anger and sheer loathing for this government's corrupt reputation and the actions of certain individuals in this star studded line up...it is not in the spirit of the forum to use abusive language...you do not need to call him names...his deeds stand before us all...to be judged till the end of time...
Its not just the government, you are barking at the wrong tree. This mess was created by Mr. Musharraf and the pakistan army and ISI. These poor chaps are trying to convince the world about Pakistan's intentions with having full control of armed forces. What else can they do except PR. I have not seen many Pakistani's are inclined about their image, they end up blaming US for everything. One has to understand US could have done nothing if you did not agree to participate in Afghanistan. The day pakistani's realize that fault lies within and needs correction, things will change. The way they handled Kasab's nationality issue, it was clear to anyone who had any doubt what there intentions are, one should be always wary of its image, I have seen Pakistan does not care about there image at all.
I really don't know why indians actually speaks so much in favor of zardari.. And Pakistanis (who are suffering and knows exact situation) against him..

This is too much....even if an Indian tries to suggest something....he is labled as anti Pakistani .......

Tell me ... can Pakistan afford a Mussarraf like regime again...

Back to the topic....

FODP...are going to help Pakistan through IMF and World bank...with more loans... more debt....why do you want a common Pakistani to suffer .....all the debt will be repaid by way of more taxes...and thats happening already.....
I really don't know why indians actually speaks so much in favor of zardari.. And Pakistanis (who are suffering and knows exact situation) against him..

Is my suggestion hurt you because it is wrong or because I am an Indian. A real friend is one who gives you right advice even if you do not like. I am no way anti pakistani. The first step of correcting any situation is to realize what is wrong. An example I recently figured out I am not healthy, then realized I am not eating right and no excercise , now once realized easier to correct. Now coming to the point do you think if Zardari is not there things will change. He is not the one who spoiled Pak's image with respect to terrorism, he maybe be selfish and corrupt. I am not a fan of Zardari by any means. I felt most of Pakistani's are in denial mode and it does not help. You need a leader that can take strong decision. Last I know India is not perfect either so do not try to compare.
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Its not just the government, you are barking at the wrong tree. This mess was created by Mr. Musharraf and the pakistan army and ISI. These poor chaps are trying to convince the world about Pakistan's intentions with having full control of armed forces. What else can they do except PR. I have not seen many Pakistani's are inclined about their image, they end up blaming US for everything. One has to understand US could have done nothing if you did not agree to participate in Afghanistan. The day pakistani's realize that fault lies within and needs correction, things will change. The way they handled Kasab's nationality issue, it was clear to anyone who had any doubt what there intentions are, one should be always wary of its image, I have seen Pakistan does not care about there image at all.

Well rabbit, you have your own reasons of "barking" against Musharaf and ISI. Musharaf is known as dictator not traitor and no matter how much countrymen hate him as president, they still love him for being a proud soldier and defender of the country. Regarding ISI, its understandable why you like to put blame of everything on their shoulders.

Zardari is somebody who could have change the fate of country because people were tired of dictatorship and were keen to make the country a better place. This mohtram or eali qadar zardari knew this is the golden opportunity when "democrasy" would not be thrown away for atleast few years and he can make few bullion dollars for his personal and family use. He only looking to pile up his bank-accounts and gain assurances of continuation of its bull$hit government. For that, he can do anything.. just anything! He wants money for his own reasons but has tarnished image of whole nation, destroyed self-respect severely damaged national sentiments.

Countrymen dont accept him as a President of the country neither he is choosen by us. There are less then 20 people in power who hold the most important political positions and visit America to lick them somewhere and sir Zardari is always standing first in the line.

Fcuk Democrasy if Zardari is going to be its face!
keeping Zardari in power is in the interest of India. India knows he is not trusted around the world and is an impediment to pakistani interests. The opposition should now campaign for mid term elections void of foreign interference and let the voters decide the who should rule Pakistan not someone who has grabbed power by the back door.

This is too much....even if an Indian tries to suggest something....he is labled as anti Pakistani .......

Tell me ... can Pakistan afford a Mussarraf like regime again...

Back to the topic....

FODP...are going to help Pakistan through IMF and World bank...with more loans... more debt....why do you want a common Pakistani to suffer .....all the debt will be repaid by way of more taxes...and thats happening already.....

Hay buddy dont get hurt. I didn't use any words of mine but from member himself. If you feel they are not polite, the were not mine the first place but "quoted" back.

Second, there is difference of opinions between people of same country. Why do you think this is not logical between people of two rivalry nations? Pakistanis are not out of brain to analysis anything you suggest. You might have used your best judgment but this not necessarily mean the best possible solution of our issues. Additionally, the reality that appears to you is though media only and it is our first hand experience here. So you are not stopped from sharing and suggesting but if you do, you expect a reply. Don't you?
Is my suggestion hurt you because it is wrong or because I am an Indian.

Because it is wrong to us pakistanis.. now you tell me why you guyz (indian) choose wrong for us? Because you look likes right or because it is bad to us?

if Zardari is not there things will change. He is not the one who spoiled Pak's image with respect to terrorism, he maybe be selfish and corrupt. I am not a fan of Zardari by any means. I felt most of Pakistani's are in denial mode and it does not help. You need a leader that can take strong decision. Last I know India is not perfect either so do not try to compare.

I guess you didn't see, there is no change in pakistan's stand on terrorism.. Zardari is continuing same thing which musharaf started.. so where is the change? there is no link of terrorism stand and zardari.. so please leave it here if you aren't aware of Pakistan FP.

We are against Zardari because he made the life of avg pakistan (especially middle class) a hell.. Most of the middle class already lost their identity.. they are either poor or by the help of their friends their status comes under higher class.. those who left are still struggling.. because of the corruption is on the top. They even didn't left the Hajj, where they ask money from many people, otherwise rejects their application (personal experience). PPP government is sucking blood of pakistanis like a hell, their promises seems to be lost in the air. The biggest problem faced by pakistan is loadshadding, and every guy here now knows pretty well that pakistan had capicity to generate around 19k MW in 2005, while still pakistan's need is around just 16kMW (since gov is not paying to the IPPs, even they double the electric bills). But still we are facing this... the other problem the avg pakistani is facing is prices hike.. throughout the world the prices went down because of oil prices, but in pakistan they are still on rise (last was sugar mill scandal, where every politician suck pakistani blood) and it is still not end. I can continue on and on.. of course it don't hurt overseas or those who are rich enough to afford anything or part of this government...

Yet when indian comes then they give favors to zardari.. what should i expect?

blueoval79 said:

This is too much....even if an Indian tries to suggest something....he is labled as anti Pakistani .......

Tell me ... can Pakistan afford a Mussarraf like regime again...

first of all, i didn't pointed at him.. my statement was general, since i saw in many forums same things (many times in this forum)... so what should i say?

And yes pakistan can afford an Musharaf's regime again.. but there should not be any political party with him.. he might be anti-islam, but he is patriot Pakistan (nothing like zardari who is just too selfish)
Because it is wrong to us pakistanis.. now you tell me why you guyz (indian) choose wrong for us? Because you look likes right or because it is bad to us?

I guess you didn't see, there is no change in pakistan's stand on terrorism.. Zardari is continuing same thing which musharaf started.. so where is the change? there is no link of terrorism stand and zardari.. so please leave it here if you aren't aware of Pakistan FP.

We are against Zardari because he made the life of avg pakistan (especially middle class) a hell.. Most of the middle class already lost their identity.. they are either poor or by the help of their friends their status comes under higher class.. those who left are still struggling.. because of the corruption is on the top. They even didn't left the Hajj, where they ask money from many people, otherwise rejects their application (personal experience). PPP government is sucking blood of pakistanis like a hell, their promises seems to be lost in the air. The biggest problem faced by pakistan is loadshadding, and every guy here now knows pretty well that pakistan had capicity to generate around 19k MW in 2005, while still pakistan's need is around just 16kMW (since gov is not paying to the IPPs, even they double the electric bills). But still we are facing this... the other problem the avg pakistani is facing is prices hike.. throughout the world the prices went down because of oil prices, but in pakistan they are still on rise (last was sugar mill scandal, where every politician suck pakistani blood) and it is still not end. I can continue on and on.. of course it don't hurt overseas or those who are rich enough to afford anything or part of this government...

Yet when indian comes then they give favors to zardari.. what should i expect?

first of all, i didn't pointed at him.. my statement was general, since i saw in many forums same things (many times in this forum)... so what should i say?

And yes pakistan can afford an Musharaf's regime again.. but there should not be any political party with him.. he might be anti-islam, but he is patriot Pakistan (nothing like zardari who is just too selfish)

Sorry didn't get the first 3 lines of your post....but I will try and answer rest of your post.

Pakistan 's challange that no one from the youth is willing to take up the battle in his own hand....do you see any young politicians in Pakistan....No...so there you have it..you have all old politicians ....with old mindsets and old ways of vooing public.... I am not sure(and I may be wrong) but I guess most of the Pakistani Voters are blinded by anti India sentiment...and Anti India parties are brought back to power again and again.......Most of the money collected by the way of taxes and aid is used by defense forces......against India...Pakistani political class is not innovative enough....and they lack vision .....or may be their vision is blocked by same anti India sentiment..... I guess Pakistani Political class loves scoring brownie points...by doing something against India and use it to win the next election....and people vote for it.

I guess it would be great if you can share election manifesto/ Agenda for your political parties ....this will tell you if they have a vision for your country.... or not.......
Three points:

- The Indian suggestions were initially nothing more than the standard anti-Army, anti-ISI rant.

- What can you possibly expect from a man whose only qualification is that he married the "right" woman, and the woman only got elected because her last name was Bhutto?

- The entire country has been held hostage for the last several decades to an ongoing family feud between the Bhuttos and Sharifs. The political parties are full of yes-men, and their only purpose/agenda is to fight the Bhutto/Zardari/Sharif's personal battle. Meanwhile the country suffers.
Three points:

- The Indian suggestions were initially nothing more than the standard anti-Army, anti-ISI rant.

- What can you possibly expect from a man whose only qualification is that he married the "right" woman, and the woman only got elected because her last name was Bhutto?

- The entire country has been held hostage for the last several decades to an ongoing family feud between the Bhuttos and Sharifs. The political parties are full of yes-men, and their only purpose/agenda is to fight the Bhutto/Sharif's personal battle. Meanwhile the country suffers.

Why does Pakistani voter vote for them...thats a big question......why not elect someone like Imran Khan.....he may be able to bring about a change.....I hope so.

A nation is what it's people want it to become......
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