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Zardari Fires FM Qureshi to appease US demands

A particular shot or way of moving the ball can be a player's personal signature, but efficiency of performance is what wins the game for the team and PPP's team is no where an efficient one so how come they fire a person for being an inefficient one if the whole team is screwed in efficiency. He was fired just because he couldn't (willingly or unwillingly) pursue PPP's agenda in RD's case binding with so many other reasons. That's it no other mean of him being fired for.
Nice lady what his “know actor” and “attitude problem” has to do with all this……????

He is fired because of his inefficiency.

Very right, but he was (if) inefficient since day 1 than why fired now…..????

It was his job as a foreign minister to clear the doubts about Davis case.

So did he, and see by yourself what happened to him……Young lady it’s not about clearing the doubts, it’s all about clearing the doubts in favor of whom.

He is patriot or not, time will tell…….but what he did is the right thing.
Nice lady what his “know actor” and “attitude problem” has to do with all this……????

He is fired because of his inefficiency.

Very right, but he was (if) inefficient since day 1 than why fired now…..????

It was his job as a foreign minister to clear the doubts about Davis case.

So did he, and see by yourself what happened to him……Young lady it’s not about clearing the doubts, it’s all about clearing the doubts in favor of whom.

He is patriot or not, time will tell…….but what he did is the right thing.

He thought of showing his patriotism after getting fired. Why he didn't say this all when he was on job. Come on! He is just taking revenge.

You are forgetting that foreign ministry mishandled the RD case leaving it to media to establish his status. The Govt chose to stay tight-lipped rather than solving the matter.


I have absolutely no interest in him and rest of incompetent staff but i don't see his achievements as a foreign minister.
A particular shot or way of moving the ball can be a player's personal signature, but efficiency of performance is what wins the game for the team and PPP's team is no where an efficient one so how come they fire a person for being an inefficient one if the whole team is screwed in efficiency. He was fired just because he couldn't (willingly or unwillingly) pursue PPP's agenda in RD's case binding with so many other reasons. That's it no other mean of him being fired for.

I don't think he had a choice because of the public reaction. Inspite of American pressure, he along with the whole PPP team was damn scared to release Davis and it is still the case.
maybe he had a change of heart who know don't be so quick to judge him miss mehru this is our national tragedy we try to judge everything and everyone Islam says molina should always be optimistic
Shah Mehmood Qureshi somewhat cares about Pakistan's national and strategic interests he's better than rest of PPP (Pakistan Puppets Party).
More and more people turning against the PPP Government is a sign of opposition strength for the next elections.
More and more people turning against the PPP Government is a sign of opposition strength for the next elections.
and who do you consider opposition nawaz sharif,mqm,q leauge,tahreek i insaf .................... i mean i cannt see any of them working for the betterment of pakistan
Qureshi fired from ministry to change record of Davis: Saeed

Published on: ⋅ February 15, 2011

LAHORE, (SANA): Amir Jamaatud Dawa Hafiz Muhammad Saeed has said that former foreign minister Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi was fired from his ministry because he had refused to change the record of Raymond Davis, killer of two Pakistani nationals.

This he said in a statement issued here on Tuesday, adding that after the statement of Shah Mehmood Qureshi that “Davis was not a diplomat” it has been clear that there is no importance of PPP Information Secretary Fauzia Wahab statements regarding the case of Davis.

Hafiz Saeed said that the statement of Fauzia Wahab saying that Raymond enjoys diplomatic immunity is like rubbing slat over the wounds of Pakistanis.

He asked the political and religious parties to launch a joint movement like Tehreek-e-Namoos-e-Risalat (PBUH) against the possible release of Davis.

He said that if the government dared to release Raymond Davis millions of Pakistanis would come out on the roads, adding that it would not be possible for government to control the protesting Pakistanis.

He said that it has been proved that Raymond was not a diplomat; instead of this he is a agent of “Black Water”, adding that instead of the fact the rulers for pleasing their foreign masters are putting the dignity of the nation at stake.

He urged the political and religious parties to put pressure on government for punishing the killer of two Pakistanis according to the law of the land.
He said that the rulers should sought the blessings of Allah Almighty; instead of pleasing American rulers.

He said that the government should fulfill its duty for provision of justice to the heirs of the deceased Pakistanis, adding that the nation demands that Davis should be hanged.

Qureshi fired from ministry to change record of Davis: Saeed
Senate body to support Qureshi on Davis immunity row

ISLALABAD: The Senate’s Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs is all set to take the PPP to task while backing Shah Mehmood Qureshi on the status of diplomatic immunity to US citizen Raymond Davis.

The panel is headed by opposition Senator Saleem Saifullah Khan who said on Tuesday: “We have sought a detailed report from Foreign Office (FO) as the US official could not be given free hand to keep on killing innocent people.”

The FO’s report, ‘irresponsible’ statements, and safeguarding the country’s interests amid the situation emerged involving Raymond Davis are the key areas to be discussed in the Standing Committee session.

“Qureshi’s absence from the federal cabinet has left the government with no worthwhile minister of his caliber,” the panel chairman Saleem Saifullah Khan said.

Lauding the ex-foreign minister’s relentless contribution on external front, he said President Zardari and PM Gilani maintained the incapable and corrupt ministers instead of expelling them. “Qureshi was alone in PM Gilani’s team, who not only proved to be free of charges but also emerged to be the man of honest and upright character in discharging his assignments.”

The ex-foreign minister, he said, adopted a principled position on changing his portfolio as well as on Raymond Davis case. “His preference to quit instead of accepting another portfolio has brought another credit for him.”

No foreigner, he said, could be permitted to take the law in his hand and kill innocent people. “Although we have relations with the United States yet the life of our citizen is as equal as of an American.”

Saleem Saifullah had all-out sympathies with Qureshi. “The PPP bosses have played a final stroke to purge the cabinet of those carrying reputation.” Zardari and Gilani, he said, should have removed the ministers who are carrying various charges rather letting the men like former foreign minister to go. “I think Hina Rabbani is given the portfolio of State Minister (foreign affairs) just to fulfill a formality on papers. “External affairs, he said, is a sensitive subject and a key area for any country to protect national interests globally.”

To a query, he said a diplomatic immunity to Davis would lead nothing but a source to encourage him and other foreigners to kill more people. “We have also taken in consideration other aspects as not only two people were killed but widow of one of them also committed suicide.”

The PML Like-Minded chief said he would convene the Standing Committee meeting within days after the FO hands over a report explaining official position as to whether immunity can be given, under what circumstances and as to whether the government is paving way for such a move.

Saifullah regretted the FO has an extremely slow process to move forward. “I asked its authorities to submit a report but they have yet to come up with a response despite passage of one week,” he elaborates.

He expressed his dismay over the recent conflicting and controversial statements on part of the PPP and its government functionaries on Davis case. “Fauzia Wahab thinks after she speaks, irrespective of whether her words prove to be destructive for the country.”

The National Assembly’s Committee (on foreign affairs) is headed by ANP President Asfandyar Wali as he postponed for more than twice its meetings. Asfandyar Wali is expected to follow the government line since his party is in amalgamation with the PPP in Centre and three provinces, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Balochistan and Sindh.

Senate body to support Qureshi on Davis immunity row
The corrupt rulers are afraid of the US because their stolen wealth is in the EU,UK and US. Zaradari Govt. days will be numbered if he let Davis go.
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