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Zardari Fires FM Qureshi to appease US demands

does anyone seriously belives that this gov along with the army can withstand the american pressure just wait and watch he will go free in months time cuz Beggers can not be chosers!!! and we beg usa for aid thats the sad reality we should try to stand up on our own feet improve economy and then talk to usa right now we are just a joke of a country thanks to zardari and every single politican
does anyone seriously belives that this gov along with the army can withstand the american pressure just wait and watch he will go free in months time cuz Beggers can not be chosers!!! and we beg usa for aid thats the sad reality we should try to stand up on our own feet improve economy and then talk to usa right now we are just a joke of a country thanks to zardari and every single politican

painful words but have to accept.
this government is made up of carper beggars who have no respect of theirs nor they care for PAKISTAN,s honour, so sad
US is flexing covert soft power that has tipped the scale. Not only are they responsible in pressuring Pres. Zardari in firing FM Qureshi, but also overthrowing the Mubarak regime. Pres. Obama and his administration put tremendous pressure on Mubarak that within 24hrs of Mubarak's live speech to Egypt and World, and tried to be defiant and stay in power, he at the last minute was forced to resign by the Egyptian Army High Command (let's not forget Mubarak himself served as an Officer in the Egyptian Air Force). Egyptian Army being heavily dependent on US aid, made the decision to have Mubarak resign otherwise there aid from the Pentagon/US would cease. Several, Egyptian Generals have strong ties with the Pentagon and receive the orders from Pentagon officials to have Mubarak resign.

The Protesters, could not have succeeded in overthrowing Mubarak alone, it was pressure from US/Pentagon/CIA that made the final act. It is actually quite scary when you realize, behind the parade, behind the patriotic crowds, a dark powerful hand engineered the event.

The same goes for FM Qureshi, when a political figure (in a key country dependent or influenced by US) such as President or FM in this case objects or defies US pressure or interest is sacked and forced to resign or gets fired. FM Qureshi argued "Raymond Davis" an employee of the US embassy in Pakistan, and a shady character, using a false/incorrect name, unclear objective and tasks, possession of unlicensed fire arms murders two citizens of the host nation does not enjoy diplomatic immunity this angered the US and Obama administration hence they pressured their puppet Zardari to fire him.

Truly is a classic case.
The only reason the US was not able to exert more pressure on the GOP from what they are doing at this point is the surprising turns of events that have shaken North African region.
^ I don't think that's true. The events in Egypt are surprising to you may be but not to Washington and intelligence officials in Pentagon.
Yet another source supporting the POV that Qureshi was fired by Zardari because he refused to bend the rules under American pressure.


When the country has leadership that fires officials because that actually do the jobs the are assigned properly, how on earth can we expect anything other than the ruination of Pakistan in so many spheres that we are seeing happen today under the Zardari/PPP government?
This isn't just about the case of one man, Raymond Davis, but about the depths to which Zardari and the PPP can sink to appease the US.

What is the next issue Zardari and the PPP will sell out Pakistan to the US for the sake of aid, because they have bankrupted and destroyed national institutions and have no will to reform anything, and therefore cannot survive without international aid?

and you still oppose the idea of a Caliphate... SubhanAllah...

Bhai meray!!! All these political parties are the moli of the same khait...

Anyway... Strange... I thought this Qureshi fellow was an American boot licker... any ideas why the man stood his ground over this issue??
Yet another source supporting the POV that Qureshi was fired by Zardari because he refused to bend the rules under American pressure.

Top Stories - Davis issue: Qureshi's stance costs him ministry

When the country has leadership that fires officials because that actually do the jobs the are assigned properly, how on earth can we expect anything other than the ruination of Pakistan in so many spheres that we are seeing happen today under the Zardari/PPP government?

If true then indeed sad.
However, I want you to also look at the other point of view: In which other major political party (except may be Jamaat i Islami) there is more public dissent and even desertions from the topmost party leaders when compared with PPP? Sherry Rehman, Naheed Khan, Safdar Abbassi, Aitzaz ahsan and now FM Kasuri. Which other political party had some topmost leader sticking his neck out like Gov. Taseer for a helpless Christian lady--against that party's own cowardice on that issue--only to be killed? In which other political party there are CEC meetings which have heated debates and dissenters like Raza Rabbani, Sherry Rehman, and Aitzaz Ahsan express their views openly?
PPP is running the country on ad-hoc basis. Incompetently. It will pay a price come next elections. But let's look at the alternate forces. At the larger picture as well.
If true then indeed sad.
However, I want you to also look at the other point of view: In which other major political party (except may be Jamaat i Islami) there is more public dissent and even desertions from the topmost party leaders when compared with PPP? Sherry Rehman, Naheed Khan, Safdar Abbassi, Aitzaz ahsan and now FM Kasuri. Which other political party had some topmost leader sticking his neck out like Gov. Taseer for a helpless Christian lady--against that party's own cowardice on that issue--only to be killed? In which other political party there are CEC meetings which have heated debates and dissenters like Raza Rabbani, Sherry Rehman, and Aitzaz Ahsan express their views openly?
PPP is running the country on ad-hoc basis. Incompetently. It will pay a price come next elections. But let's look at the alternate forces. At the larger picture as well.

I admire all those people for the progressive positions they have taken on various issues, but the fact of the matter is that the PPP of today, as a party, represents none of those values beyond lip service by the odd leader here and there.

Most of the people you mentioned are sidelined from the corridors of power and influence BECAUSE they spoke up in support of justice and the 'correct thing to do'. Sherry Rehman was booted out because she protested Rehman Malik's heavy handed tactics with the media and taking over the responsibilities of information minister.

Aitzaz Ahsan might as well not be in the PPP, so irrelevant is he at this point.

Naheed Khan, sidelined.

Zardari did not even attend Taseer's, a man who was loyalty personified to the Bhuttos and Zardari, funeral.

The PPP openly denounced his, and Sherry Rehman's, positions on the Blasphemy law amendments.

Qureshi has been kicked out for taking a principled position and refusing to bend the rules.\

And lets not forget the big man himself, ZA Bhutto, who laid his own seeds of intolerance and hatred for the sake of political power, both in terms of what happened in alienating East Pakistan, as well as the prejudice and open discrimination suffered by the Ahmadis in Pakistan.

For the PPP to live up to the promise of these leaders you mention, it has to be taken over by the same - ZA Bhutto and Zardari are proven failures and leaders in the mold of Machiavelli - Machiavellian politics is not going to fulfill Jinnah's vision of Pakistan.

The PPP of today represents none of the progressive values these people stand for, and if an Islamist party (Nawaz or someone else) can at least deliver on basic governance and development, even if at the expense of 'liberal and progressive values', it is better than the current PPP, which is delivering neither on governance, nor its 'liberal and progressive' values.

A glass 'half full' with the Islamists is better than a glass 'completely empty'.
qureshi at least pulled out while his integrity is still there ,you people will have to realize 9/11 done by these scumbags themself usa is the dog that needs to be put on a leash.
Your basic premise is correct: It is the 'governance' which matters and not some hollow ideological claims. On 'governance' current PPP govt. is an abject failure and for that it should pay the price come next elections.
However, most, if not all these people I have mentioned are still at least basic PPP Members, if not most of them part of the CES. I think at least Sherry and Aitzaz are. Some have been sidelined BUT most people still around Zardari are the one who were around Benazir Bhutto. My point being: The 'core' of the PPP still has more dissentive voices in its topmost echelons then any other party (again, may be JI is another one). That gives me hope that one day these dynastic rulers like BB and Zardari will be removed. At least we can hope.
Now compare that with the 'Islamists'. So who are they? The MMA who openly embraced Talibans during their last rule in K-P? The PMLN who is, at best, ambiguous about the religious extremists. Both of these don't either have great credentials in 'governance' either. How about some so-called secularists like MQM? A party bordering Nazi-like fascism when it comes to controlling urban Sindh. A party revolving around one person's drunken stupor.
Anyway, if you read this intellectually bankruptcy of Pakistani bloggers, look no further than the above comment by this MBQ: He, like many others, thought that Kasuri was an American stooge. Now he is wondering what's happening. That is what happens when you are intellectually bankrupt. There is a lot of misinformation being circulated. I am aware of this govt.'s faults but I am not going to jump to conclusions after reading one journalist's Op-Ed.
you people will have to realize 9/11 done by these scumbags themself usa is the dog that needs to be put on a leash.


Looking at your user ID i want to believe you :pop:
Your basic premise is correct: It is the 'governance' which matters and not some hollow ideological claims. On 'governance' current PPP govt. is an abject failure and for that it should pay the price come next elections.
We agree then, though I would go further and say that the PPP should not be trusted again with power until its current leadership passes into the hands of people such as the ones you mentioned, and the party takes an unequivocal position on the progressive values it is supposed to be championing - without those changes it is useless and a liability for Pakistan given the support it continues to hold on the basis of misplaced and distorted nationalist ideology, and perhaps even in terms of the support it garners on the basis of its perceived 'liberal' leanings.

However, most, if not all these people I have mentioned are still at least basic PPP Members, if not most of them part of the CES. I think at least Sherry and Aitzaz are.
Please point to the last policy issue they were able to influence on their own within the PPP.
Some have been sidelined BUT most people still around Zardari are the one who were around Benazir Bhutto. My point being: The 'core' of the PPP still has more dissentive voices in its topmost echelons then any other party (again, may be JI is another one). That gives me hope that one day these dynastic rulers like BB and Zardari will be removed. At least we can hope.
The 'core' had their best opportunity with the death of BB. They will have one more opportunity when this PPP government reaches the end of its 5 year term. If we still see no changes in leadership, the PPP is dead as a force for positive change for the foreseeable future.

Now compare that with the 'Islamists'. So who are they? The MMA who openly embraced Talibans during their last rule in K-P? The PMLN who is, at best, ambiguous about the religious extremists. Both of these don't either have great credentials in 'governance' either. How about some so-called secularists like MQM? A party bordering Nazi-like fascism when it comes to controlling urban Sindh. A party revolving around one person's drunken stupor.
I used the term 'Islamists' loosely, to essentially cover all of the right leaning parties and leaders in Pakistan, excluding the MMA. The MMA made a bigger mess of governing K-P than the ANP has currently - they did not deliver on governance, and were an oppressive and regressive force to boot. at this point I would gladly choose Imran Khan and even give Nawaz a second five year shot. And yes, I'd take the MQM over the PPP as well, despite their resort to violent intimidation for political gain in Urban Sindh.

And now consider that I am extremely liberal on social issues and ideally would prefer a Secular Pakistani State, and the fact that I am willing to give the Islamists a shot. What do you think the conservative, semi-conservative Pakistanis are thinking about? All that support for 'Shariah' and 'revolution' etc. should start becoming a little more understandable don't you think?
‘Qureshi was offered water & power ministry’

LAHORE: Former foreign minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi may face disciplinary action in case he does not clear his position before his party co-chairman for refusing to accept the portfolio of water and power, a PPP insider told Dawn on Saturday.

The source said President Asif Ali Zardari had to delay the oath-taking ceremony of the new cabinet on Friday for 25 minutes as Mr Qureshi had not turned up. But he finally came up with a terse message that “I am not interested in water and power ministry in place of foreign affairs”.

According to the insider, the PPP leadership was not happy with Mr Qureshi for ‘violating’ party discipline. He said some leaders had even suggested to President Zardari, also co-chairman of PPP, that Mr Qureshi be asked to explain his ‘behaviour’.

“If Mr Qureshi is allowed to violate party discipline, it will not set a good precedent,” one of the leaders was quoted as having suggested to Mr Zardari.

None of the others who were not offered a second stint when the 22-member new cabinet was announced expressed displeasure over his exclusion, at least not in public.

The notable omissions included Qamar Zaman Kaira, who held the information portfolio, and Raja Pervaiz Ashraf (water and power).

Another senior PPP leader said Mr Zardari had made up his mind to replace Mr Qureshi after his detractors convinced him that he had not given a good account of himself on ‘certain occasions’.

Mr Qureshi refused to reply to Dawn’s queries. “I do not want to comment” was all he had to say.

The Firdous factor

Firdous Ashiq Awan has surprised many in her party by getting the portfolio of information and broadcasting.

Several PPP leaders Dawn spoke to on Saturday were of the view that “some media houses” had played a vital role in winning for her the coveted position.

Yet, sources in the presidency said Mr Qureshi might be included in the next batch of the cabinet.

The history of this ummah is like "W" there has always been a decline after peak and as soon as the decline touches its highest points there again comes a peak .Zardari would have been a worst possible for Pakistan and his era started when Pakistan was on decline and soon after he took his position we further went down-hill i think now its the worst possible decline under worst possible government so i hope there will soon going to be a peak from now-onwards
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