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Zaid Hamid Massage From Constantinople to Dehli

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Jahil Hamid's Lal Topi gang is here to give full support to him. :rofl::rofl:
I was hearing the comments of Mr. Bharat Verma -editor of India defense Review magazine he was saying that if Taliban gets back Afghanistan then we will have to face military movements from Khyber like medieval India.....

I thought that Bharat Verma was some kind of paranoid guy himself. Besides, what does Medieval military movements mean? Will they come on horse backs across the mountains? I think we are spending enough on defense these days to counter that. :)

Jokes apart, the Taliban has absolutely no chance of coming back in Afghanistan. Each passing day convinces me the NATO has setup a permanent covert base in that country. Besides, Iran will never let the Talibs come back - they have more at stake than India if that happens.
Does he really scare you that much? :rolleyes: Your Zaidophobia is shining :lol:

Do you guys ever realise that apart from pak originated terror, these kind of islamic-violence crap from pakistan(and expat pakistanis like anjum choudary)is only damaging the image of pakistan and your religion.No, i dont think you guys do.For then you cannot blame zionist media for the bad image..:lol:
For 900 years Muslims tried to capture the city of Constantinople to fulfill the prophecy of the Rasul Allah (sm) and to be from the blessed army destined for this glory. It was written for Sultan Muhememd Fateh on May 29th, in 1453, when the blessed Sultan breached the walls of this romantic city.

Today, the time has come for fulfillment of another Hadees, a spiritual intelligence foretold about the re-capturing of India at the hands of Muslim armies. When our elders can make military strategy based on Hadees of Rasul Allah (sm), we must do the same today as well. The Geo-politics and the spiritual intelligence converge to create the tectonic shift in history -- the reconquest of India at the hands of Muslims from the West! It has happened before, it will happen again. Beloved Rasul Allah (sm) has foretold this blessing!

From Constantinople to Delhi, the March of the soldiers of Rasul Allah (sm) continues. They have initiated the war. We will finish it now, InshAllah! The destiny will unfold as foretold! :pakistan::victory::sniper:

So the OP believes that the "Beloved Rasul Allah (sm) has foretold: destruction/enslavement/capture of India, i.e 1/6th of world population by "muslim forces". This army that supposed to blessed by allah which will fight the HINDUS will capture India and then return to Jerusalem. So this army takes on India and Israel both.

That seems to be pretty misguided interpretation of god,nevertheless please do send the cannon fodder,oops, the blessed muslim army for capture of delhi, we are waiting anxiously.
Zaid Hamid ...I love you

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he is trying to defend the ideological borders of pakistan which is trying to cut down by the agents of west and the freind of west like india which sponsred channels like geo and some nasty librels to spread westren and indian culture in the land of pure

sir i dont know if you have noticed but sir zion is also using a western made movies + music in the back ground to talk about Prophet PBUH and Islam ... isnt that haram ?? i think we should tell the great patriot to come him with his stuff infact do not to use back grounds of infidel movies and music ...
You need to see the doctor; your quoting roses and replying bananas :blink:
My point was:
The ones like you who promote these kind of Islamic-violence stuff,will start whining when Islam is portrayed as a religion of violence..without realising that this sick violent crap you are promoting is damaging your religion.
He said if we fix ourselves we'll be in the moon in 5 years, what is the big deal about this? He is saying the truth.

Having a moon on the flag does not mean you can reach the moon...By all conservative measures, Pakistan cannot reach moon within the next 25 years.
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