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Zaid Hamid goes EPIC on Indians.

This clown will be the first one to run away in the times of a conflict, while those who remain cool and moderate will stand tall and defend the country with dignity.

I watch his videos whenever I have overworked myself during the day.

Its better than watching movies. :D

This guy is making a laughing stock of you guys and you're happy about it?

You should be laughing at his medieval style of talking.

Even those who have a willpower to do something, talk in a dignified manner.

Not rant like this.

Forget anger, his rant actually makes people including many Pakistanis laugh.

He is not here to appease you.

He speaks the truth, and the truth is brutal.

He has cut through the bullsh*t and made everyone understand who is our friend and foe.

He is very aggressive by nature, our politicians are diplomatic. He is not part of the govt and is free to speak how he wants.

Since your Mumbai 2008 false flag, every single day since then you Indians have tried to portray us as terrorists to the world. Twisting facts and lieing and funding militancy in Pakistan.

And you want him to not say the things he says?

This is the very least he should do.
typical hindu banya looks like this


If you remove his teeka, he will look like 'Nazimabad ka Bihari'. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
I am curious how much his Blood Pressure and Diabetic (if any) levels are, i mean it takes a lot to pump up such kind of $h!t regularly with same intensity. That mind you is not a mean achievement altogether.

he is more rajnikaant version of anurag goswami.
Just found a pic from when the Hindu slaves were trekking through Hindu Kush in 1333.

Nope, definitely not my ancestor. :omghaha:

That's Himalayas, Hindukush now lies in Pakistan and if something happen over there, you will have to face it. Creation of Pakistan acted as a buffer between Afghanistan and India,:omghaha: From the last 12 years Pakistan(not India) who faced the brunt of the disturbance along the Hindkush mountains. ;)
Zaid Hamid knows how to troll Indian *****...
The ones supposedly killed in hindukush were not tamils or keralites or bengalis or biharis..Just the ancestors of present day pakistanis who belonged to dharmic religions before islam..And they,the present day pakistanis are celebrating the killings of their own ancestors just because they now belong to the religion of those killed their ancestors..How more pathetic can it get?

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