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Zaid Hamid commentary

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Zaid Hamid said Muslim girls are getting married foricbly to Hindus. I know that is nothing but a lie, now if he cannot prove that what is his credibility.
What is probabilty that he is telling the truth on other occasion is anyones guess. These kinda of people are found in India too, but mostly they are limited to discussion to tea stall (tapri), because Indians know their rightful place.
We can imagine how much it hurts to indians when some outsider talks to them in their own language and reveals their CHANKIYA doctrine of Indian Army that states to "stab your enemy in the back when you are friends with him" or in simpler words, when you are doing "aman ki aasha" with him.

"When truth is hurled against falsehood, falsehood perishes. Since falsehood is by its nature bound to perish." Al-Quran

So Ajmal Kasab is indeed Amar Singh a Sikh :lol::lol::lol:

'Once a pathetic liar, always a pathetic liar' - Arya Chankiya
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Aaj raat ki hansi ki khurak mil gayi.....

Its very generous of him , people like us are under stress @ work all day and come home just wishing infact praying for Sir Sir Sarvotam Nishan-E-Tipu Sultan Zaid Hamid to utter a few words. Takes away all the tension and it makes one feel good. When in world there will be people like him there wont ever be a day when I will feel that I am the dumbest person around.

I truly hope that people of pakistan get over him and see how different the world is. By Gawd kabhi kabhi lagta hai ki agar aise logon ko school/college main bulayenge toh pakistan ki halat aur buri ho jayegi. Yeh koi acchi baat nahi hai.

"Ajmal Kasab Is Amar Singh & I am the Owner of this world."
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So Ajmal Kasab is indeed Amar Singh a Sikh :lol::lol::lol:

'Once a pathetic liar, always a pathetic liar' - Arya Chankiya

You know what though, while not directly related to Kasab's identity, now there are reports in the Indian media than one or more of the people involved were Indian, and if you remember, the accents of some of the handlers was what led to the initial speculation that they were all Indian, and the GoI was blaming Pakistan.

Now we find out that it may be the case that one or more were in fact Indian, and that does validate the premise of people like Zaid Hamid and RoadRunner who argued that the attackers were India because of the accents we heard of some.
accent can be neutralized in 15 days flat especially for a hindi/urdu speaking person to get a marathi accent...

BTW he talks too much about CHANAKYA( OR in his words CHANKIYA) .... if i dont know about any thing i would like to keep my mouth shut..

CHANAKYA was a great person who wrote ARTHASHASTRA which is called economics in english... i wonder this person or, any one who talks about him has even heard of this great book..

first know about something then talk about it..
You know what though, while not directly related to Kasab's identity, now there are reports in the Indian media than one or more of the people involved were Indian, and if you remember, the accents of some of the handlers was what led to the initial speculation that they were all Indian, and the GoI was blaming Pakistan.

Now we find out that it may be the case that one or more were in fact Indian, and that does validate the premise of people like Zaid Hamid and RoadRunner who argued that the attackers were India because of the accents we heard of some.

And there could have been and I am sure there were Indians who were paid off and were involved in the 26/11. And a lot of journalists/analysts do exaggerate to prove a point. I can understand taking 2 and 2 to make 5, but Zaid sir turns it into a million..

Dude Mujahid, you should really watch it first before you post it.

In the second video, that Dr. Farooq fellow smacks Zaid Hamid's *** all around. He clearly refutes Hamid's statements and allegation. Just watch it for yourself. And he has actually been to Taliban's bases, spoken to them and seen their arms and ammo. He even says that this Taliban is what we (pak) created ourselves. We trained them since the past 30 years.

And I have to say ZH comes across as a village rustic and gunda, devoid of any class. Instead of providing rationale to counter the Doc's views he just speaks loudly and quotes 71 war. What a useless guy!
You know what though, while not directly related to Kasab's identity, now there are reports in the Indian media than one or more of the people involved were Indian, and if you remember, the accents of some of the handlers was what led to the initial speculation that they were all Indian, and the GoI was blaming Pakistan.

Now we find out that it may be the case that one or more were in fact Indian, and that does validate the premise of people like Zaid Hamid and RoadRunner who argued that the attackers were India because of the accents we heard of some.

AM, I have seen the BBC video on Youtube. The accent of the handlers is clearly Pakistani Punjabi. Having born in Punjab and lived in Canada I can easily differentiate between punjabi spoken in the two Punjabs. The Lahori accent is clearly heard.
You know what though, while not directly related to Kasab's identity, now there are reports in the Indian media than one or more of the people involved were Indian, and if you remember, the accents of some of the handlers was what led to the initial speculation that they were all Indian, and the GoI was blaming Pakistan.

Now we find out that it may be the case that one or more were in fact Indian, and that does validate the premise of people like Zaid Hamid and RoadRunner who argued that the attackers were India because of the accents we heard of some.

AM I want you to answer this, he clear said in a big function probably a school/collage function that in India Muslims (Girls) are forced to marry Hindus. In my life of 30+ years I have seen, many Hindu girls marry to Muslim but never came across even a single person who did the opposite. Now when he says that, is he not trying to instigate people, develop hatred in people for Hindus using false information.

What kind of person is this, I am sure he knows very well he is lying and that makes it worse.

Doing it for popularity and money. If he was so sincere he would have actually done something for society.
You know what though, while not directly related to Kasab's identity, now there are reports in the Indian media than one or more of the people involved were Indian, and if you remember, the accents of some of the handlers was what led to the initial speculation that they were all Indian, and the GoI was blaming Pakistan.

Now we find out that it may be the case that one or more were in fact Indian, and that does validate the premise of people like Zaid Hamid and RoadRunner who argued that the attackers were India because of the accents we heard of some.

Oh you are kidding me AM. WOW!

India has already CHARGED atleast one Indian in the attacks, and you think NOW involvement is coming out :)

What people like Zaid Hamid were saying was the following

1) The attacks were carried out by Indian agencies
2) The attackers were Hindu (or Sikh) because of their Hindu faces (!) and because of the 'Hindu Zionist saffron band' one of the attackers was wearing
3) Involvement of mossad, hindu zionists etc etc
4) Ajmal Kasab is Indian

NOTHIN of the sort, infact nothing of the extremely offensive stuff these theorists said has turned out to be true. What has come out is that one handler (of many) based in the control room in pakistan may be an indian who has worked for LET for years and was the controller of Indian Mujahiddin Edit - and another helped in accent training so that willing believers can believe.

And regarding the specific line i quoted, abt kasab being amar singh, hamid had nothing at all, he was lying with a straight face, he's a liar, thats all that validates.

Indianrabbit - what kind of person is he? see his videos and you will know he's a rabid hate monger, thats who.
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Oh you are kidding me AM. WOW!

India has already CHARGED atleast one Indian in the attacks, and you think NOW involvement is coming out :)

What people like Zaid Hamid were saying was the following

1) The attacks were carried out by Indian agencies
2) The attackers were Hindu (or Sikh) because of their Hindu faces (!) and because of the 'Hindu Zionist saffron band' one of the attackers was wearing
3) Involvement of mossad, hindu zionists etc etc
4) Ajmal Kasab is Indian

NOTHIN of the sort, infact nothing of the extremely offensive stuff these theorists said has turned out to be true. What has come out is that one handler (of many) based in the control room in pakistan may be an indian who has worked for LET for years and was the controller of Indian Mujahiddin.

And regarding the specific line i quoted, abt kasab being amar singh, hamid had nothing at all, he was lying with a straight face, he's a liar, thats all that validates.

Indianrabbit - what kind of person is he? see his videos and you will know he's a rabid hate monger, thats who.

In the same kasab video he "revealed" his source as well - a rather cliche 'Shudra' ias or police officer. He was blatantly lying then - as always. he has hardly proved anything of what he claims. In this video he claims several trucks of indian weapons and equipment being recovered- again a white lie. Even pakistani army denied recovering sufficient evidence to even make such claims.
The Dawn Blog Blog Archive Our source of national pride

Our source of national pride
Posted by Sana Saleem on 02 3rd, 2010 | Comments (30)

Nationalism is best understood in contrast to patriotism. Patriotism is simply love for one’s country, whereas nationalism is the sense that one’s nation is the best, often because it is more sacred than other nations. For the past few months, ‘Wake Up Pakistan’ – a campaign targeting this country’s youth – has been making waves both in the mainstream and social media.

The campaign aims to bring about an ideological revolution in Pakistan:

Pakistan today is in the eyes of the world, what we do and what we don’t will decide the future of Pakistan and the generations to come. We face internal and external threats which are shaking the very foundations of our motherland. Never before were we in such a dilemma, never before did our soil need us more and never before were we called upon to unite. We are not afraid but we are in danger. We have to WAKE UP!

The youth-oriented campaign promises to revive the ideology of the Quaid-e-Azam and Allama Iqbal. Spearheaded by Zaid Hamid, and supported by fashion designer Maria B and popular rock-star Ali Azmat, the country-wide campaign has comprised lectures at various educational institutes and has gathered quite a fan following.

Hamid’s official fan page left me stunned, and not only because he has a striking 24,682 fans online. What’s really shocking is Hamid’s irresponsibility in the face of his popularity and broad-based access to Pakistani youth.

The latest update on the page reads: ”Inshallah one day you will hear this………’This is radio pakistan from New delhi’.” Even more startling is the fact that Hamid’s fantasies of invading a neighbouring country were received with messages from young Pakistanis such as “Inshallah” and “we are eagerly waiting for that time!” Such statements contradict Hamid’s claims of reviving the ideology of Jinnah and Iqbal. Indeed, his anti-India stance makes the Wake Up Pakistan campaign delusional, provocative, and downright demagogical.

Let me clarify that this post isn’t about bashing Hamid and his ideologies. It’s an effort to question and decipher his ‘promised prophecies.’ After all, this campaign targets the youth and so I reserve the right to question its goals. I understand that the campaign is about “creating awareness and exposing conspiracies.” But I fail to understand how derogatory remarks about a neighbouring country will help ‘revive’ the youth. I am afraid fantasising about invasions will not solve our problems, and will instead shift focus from our internal conflicts. More dangerously, preaching such ideologies is bound to promote intolerance, which is anathema to a free, functioning, and democratic society.

No doubt, Hamid is capable of remarkable oratory, and is almost hypnotising if you prefer an ego massage to a reality check. For example, a friend’s Facebook status recently read :

You’re the best people; you’re the chosen land; you’re destined to play very special part in God’s plans says Zaid Hamid. Rings a bell? Actually it does ring a bell for its striking resemblance to the beliefs of the ever-so notorious Hitler.

Now, I am not suggesting that Hamid has similar plans. But I do believe that his rhetoric and the Wake Up Pakistan campaign are imparting the same sense of ‘race purity’ to this country’s youth. In fact, such discourse provides a breeding ground for far-right views and commonplace racism.

A precise look at our history will tell us how the religion and race card have been used singularly and in collaboration to distort mindsets and rationalise injustice. Whether it’s justifying dictatorship in the name of religion or promoting conspiracy theories to justify our shortcomings, we have seen it all. The new phenomenon of invoking ‘race purity’ to inspire hope is as dangerous as the trends that have come before. Resulting nationalistic pride, meanwhile, overlooks the deficiencies of our country and its people, while stirring contempt for the virtues of other countries.

For that reason, I am gravely concerned about the majority choice to seek ‘national pride’ in the idea of waging war. In reality, Hamid is doing nothing more than saying what most of us want to believe: our problems are the world’s fault. We are not responsible; they are. This strategy, of course, amounts to nothing more than scapegoating. The right to defend ourselves must never accompany denial of responsibility of our actions.

I fear that the Wake Up Pakistan campaign will promote intolerance and divert attention from our real issues. It is fair to expose foreign involvements in the country’s internal affairs. But at the same time we must understand the nature of such involvements. Tall claims about ‘foreign hands’ rarely include the acknowledgment that interference occurs because it is opportune.

Opportunities arise as a result of our neglect and failure to come to terms with ground realities. They can only be eliminated if we focus on solving some of our most common problems. If we are so capable that we can dream of taking over and governing a billion more people, why don’t we begin at home to improve the literacy rate, provide healthcare, resolve our economic, and socio-political issues? Without answering this simple question, Hamid risks raising an army of youth who are rabid, intolerant, and belaboured by delusions of grandeur, and yet unwilling to tackle Pakistan’s most pressing but absolutely solvable problems.

To be able to foresee our future, we first need to determine our role in the present. If there is a need for an ideological revolution, let it be about realising and rehabilitating the mistakes of our past. Pakistan should wake up, but not to a new dawn of racism and bigotry.

Sana Saleem is a Features Editor at BEE magazine and blogs at Global Voices, Pro-Pakistan her personal blog Mystified Justice. She tweets at twitter.com/sanasaleem.

The views expressed by this blogger and in the following reader comments do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Dawn Media Group.
AM, I have seen the BBC video on Youtube. The accent of the handlers is clearly Pakistani Punjabi. Having born in Punjab and lived in Canada I can easily differentiate between punjabi spoken in the two Punjabs. The Lahori accent is clearly heard.

According to Indian news agencies aka the self declared Interpol, most of the attackers were allegedly from Seraiki speaking south Punjab, and not Lahore. IIRC it was Faridkot.

But what makes their claims so unbelievable is that they were presenting these 'facts' while the attacks were still ongoing.
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According to Indian news agencies aka the self declared Interpol, most of the attackers were allegedly from Seraiki speaking south Punjab, and not Lahore. IIRC it was Faridkot.

But what makes their claims so unbelievable is that they were presenting these 'facts' while the attacks were still ongoing.

I was talking about the handlers and not the attackers themselves. Their accent was quite similar to the Lahori Punjabi.

The news agencies reported the attackers antecedents as Ajmal Kasab had been captured late on the first night itself. He was the canary that was singing all the tuned you heard on TV.
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