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Your Views on other nations after joing PDF?

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Zaki, India is the most attacked country on PDF (98% Pakistanis, 98% Chinese, 98% Bangladeshi show their love for us day in day out). I don't hate Pakistanis but there is always a limit to which one can tolerate BS.

They attack Indian muslim who is posting for India like anything. Trying to prove that he/she is doing it not because India is their country but because they have to prove loyalty to someone. I seriously have no words for such idiots..
I have found pakistani (who is supposed hated us the most) less hostile than chinese and bangladeshi.
You can expect constructive discussion with a pakistani but other two....i think except Zabaniya don't find anyone. They just spew venom.

I have made more pakistani friends than indians...just because even if there is rivalry among us....we somehow understand each other's position, even if we don't show it, on issues such as corruption, load shedding, terrorists attack, bombing, inflation, currency issue etc.....
I have found pakistani (who is supposed hated us the most) less hostile than chinese and bangladeshi.
You can expect constructive discussion with a pakistani but other two....i think except Zabaniya don't find anyone. They just spew venom.

I have made more pakistani friends than indians...just because even if there is rivalry among us....we somehow understand each other's position, even if we don't show it, on issues such as corruption, load shedding, terrorists attack, bombing, inflation, currency issue etc.....
You stole my words. :)
Mr. Bond....this is a PAKISTAN DEFENCE FORUM

we dont celebrate when indians die at least.....whereas in your bharat rakshak forums they openly glee when Pakistani civlians (forget army) are killed in terror/targeted/insurgent attacks

so maybe you should talk to your own people first because there is much more hatred in them than there is in us

Can't disagree to that.. :agree:
Chinese are big let down for me honestly. I had so much respect for them earlier but nt nw. Its good to learn here that they think us as a nearest competitors but they dont say it openly. Pakistanis are biggest surprise. very friendly and matured when compared to Chinese though there are some full trolls on their side. Bangladeshis ? Honestly they are not that important. Iranians? Dont know much aboot them. And about Indians we are most powerful community on this forum.Kidding(Last part :cheers:)
Since joining the forum my opinion of Pakistanis has dropped sharply as I have realized that previously I dealt only with the smartest, wealthiest, and most sensitive individuals Pakistan produced. Realizing that the 1982-2012 generation is massively prejudiced and mis-educated has been an education in itself.

At the same time, certain common characteristics have remained, the best one being high intelligence and the worst one being the lack of civic courage, the willingness of Pakistanis individuals to stand up and challenge groups of your fellow Pakistanis as to the common good. As all majority opinions start with a minority, this attitude has retarded Pakistani political and cultural development for many decades.

and yet you keep posting here :laugh:

by the way, im neither sensitive nor rich!

but i will tell you is that you want Pakistanis to be at all out war with eachother. We dont. We only want those who pose an immediate threat to our country to be crushed.

and proof of that is 2009, when the whole nation erupted in anger when TTP was terrorizing the people of Swat (after a FAILED ''peace deal'' with TeNSM which was affiliated with TTP) and backed the Army Operation Rah-e-Rast - in Swat and surrounding areas

i'd love to see you muster the COURAGE to go to Pakistan's insurgency-hit northwestern region and see it for yourself; hell - i'd love to see you even go to Lahore (which is safer than many American cities)....

but that's like asking a rich white boy to drive a new BMW in Anacostia DC at 3 AM:lol:
That's not true at all, in fact in Switzerland it is MANDATORY that every male and household have a gun, and not just any gun, but a military assault rifle. Which is why if you look back in history Switzerland has been spared in every major war, Hitler didn't invade it despite all of Western Europe was conquered by his armies, the Soviets didn't invade it either when they took over all of Eastern Europe after the fall of NAZI Germany, because during time of war every Swiss Man, Woman, and even child would turn into a soldier.
Wrong, it was not invaded because Switzerland was always the center for banks. One doesn't harm their own money!
Mr. Bond....this is a PAKISTAN DEFENCE FORUM

we dont celebrate when indians die at least.....whereas in your bharat rakshak forums they openly glee when Pakistani civlians (forget army) are killed in terror/targeted/insurgent attacks

so maybe you should talk to your own people first because there is much more hatred in them than there is in us

OK, if other forums are the criteria then there are enough Pakistani forums I can point you to who curse and literally use worst of the abuses for Indians.. Now am I am supposed to hold you responsible for them?

Or who knows many of you are already members there ...
That is only because we have genuine Pakistani members in this site who are willing to contribute while not all Indian members are willing to contribute.. some of them just join to troll... so the percentage is higher if you see in that perspective :D
Percentage is also higher because India generally has more population than Pakistan...

So more trolls obviously.. :)

If there could be anyother name to defence.pk it would be defence.in.. Just what I think
Mr. Bond....this is a PAKISTAN DEFENCE FORUM

we dont celebrate when indians die at least.....whereas in your bharat rakshak forums they openly glee when Pakistani civlians (forget army) are killed in terror/targeted/insurgent attacks

so maybe you should talk to your own people first because there is much more hatred in them than there is in us

Aside from this the ignorant comments these indians type about Pakistanis and Pakistan in EVERY news article posted about Pakistan. From Washington Post, BBC, CNN any news agency there are indians trolling there.
Percentage is also higher because India generally has more population than Pakistan...

So more trolls obviously.. :)

If there could be anyother name to defence.pk it would be defence.in.. Just what I think
More people does not equate to a great percentage, just a greater number
Every couple of months, a thread like this pops up and all the haters gather around and circle-jerk (all nationalities). All I'll say is this - 90% of us here are hyper patriots who love our respective countries and think we're doing some sort of service by defending it on here. This is why I think that defence forums are by and large unique in the sense that you usually only find opinions from the extreme end of the spectrum. The outside world is very different.

If it's any help, don't alter your opinions or try to predict world affairs based on just the opinions you read here.

wrong, germans respect swiss for their swiss army beer openers.
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