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“You’re Pakistani. You can wait.”

Brother, I know foreigners here, have bad reputation of robbery, encouraging prostitution, swindling, infanticide, attacks with acid, and many other crimes that is new to this society. Nevertheless, I refuse to generalize. Just yesterday, I had a talk with a saudi about south Asian expatriates in KSA, and he told me that his elder brother went to one of those countries to hire workers, yet, they planned to hijack him and free him for money, one of his loyal workers disclosed the plot, as a result he got away and the guy who disclosed the plot got killed as a punishment. That was ten years ago.

Brother its unfortunate that this happened

On a side note, even though I was born and raised in the US, as someone majoring in Petroleum Engineering I would prefer to work in the middle east once I finish my course

That's a misleading article.

If the situation were reversed and a hardcore Zionist turned Palestinian supporter visited Arab areas, he would also be greeted with open arms and given the red carpet treatment. In fact, many Jewish activists are greeted just like that.

As for the necessarily stereotypical statements about Israelis, I have known a LOT of Israelis over the years -- been best buddies with IDF lieutenants and dated a few Israeli Jewish girls. I have also known many American and Iranian Jews. In my personal experience, the Israelis/Iranians tend to be much more friendly and open than the American Jews. I have never been mistreated by the Israelis, but I have been back-stabbed a number of times by the American Jews when they found out I was a Pakistani Muslim. For some reason, the most extreme Zionists tend to be not from Israel, but from New York and Florida.
Just wait. It's peak oil now and their wells will dry up in a couple of decades. The House of Saud will then come crumbling down and the arrogant playboy Saudis will come rushing to Pakistan, India and BD in droves, begging for jobs and meal tickets.

Then it would be our turn to say, “You’re Saudi. You can wait.”!

Till that time South Asians will continue to flock to GCC nations for opportunities. Lets show some humility, no point in imitating those whom we chide.
That's a misleading article.

If the situation were reversed and a hardcore Zionist turned Palestinian supporter visited Arab areas, he would also be greeted with open arms and given the red carpet treatment. In fact, many Jewish activists are greeted just like that.

As for the necessarily stereotypical statements about Israelis, I have known a LOT of Israelis over the years -- been best buddies with IDF lieutenants and dated a few Israeli Jewish girls. I have also known many American and Iranian Jews. In my personal experience, the Israelis/Iranians tend to be much more friendly and open than the American Jews. I have never been mistreated by the Israelis, but I have been back-stabbed a number of times by the American Jews when they found out I was a Pakistani Muslim. For some reason, the most extreme Zionists tend to be not from Israel, but from New York and Florida.

The Pakistani boy was not an Israeli supporter when he landed in Israel , he became one after his experience in Israel . The treatment by Israelis given to him was thus without any prejudice and/or ulterior motives .
as egyptian alot of egyptians coming back from saudi have been saying the same but if anyone think they could be treated better in isreal they are wrong they are attacking black jews imagine what will they do to a muslim
I lived in the Middle East for 12 years, in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

I have never experienced more racism in my life than I had living in Saudi Arabia.

Saudis and Arabs have inflated egos and Israel serves as a good humbling experience for them.

I must say I have mixed experience
some are obnoxious but some are very good too.
one of my relatives has been to Israel few times and he is very appreciative of them.

since 9-11 every country is paranoid of the walking bombs and Israel has more reasons to be so.
I always wanted to visit Israel but I guess it might not be possible under current political climate.
The Pakistani boy was not an Israeli supporter when he landed in Israel , he became one after his experience in Israel . The treatment by Israelis given to him was thus without any prejudice and/or ulterior motives .

He had read Dershowitz's book and was looking for 'Arabs Only' signs. However, it is true that Israelis will generally be very accommodating to Muslims who are genuinely curious. I have not visited Israel but I am told that they will not stamp your passport if you ask them, in case you are a dual-national Pakistani, for example.
We have to learn to separate state from society.
israel is the chosen land for the chosen people --- and don't anybody forget it ------ or else.....
I love how Saudi haters automatically become 100% with Israel if it is against Saudi Arabia... Pure amazing. Gives me more confident in my country and its policy.
Unfortunately no, but I know the member Imran Khan in two popular Arab forums, he was being treated favorably by mods as well as members. I even sometimes got jealous. Just imagine that five Arab members were permanently banned just for making fun of his poor Arab writing.

That means many were mocking him and one good person ban them. I short there are racists out there, offcourse blended with good people.
That means many were mocking him and one good person ban them. I short there are racists out there, offcourse blended with good people.

considering there were more than 30 people in that topic which went for a good 32 pages which was about JF-17 I think. Yeah many right?? In the other hand compare the way i get treated here and mocked ridiculed and insulted and the mods here only giving them more and more support to carry on.

Yeah it is very easy here to see who is the racist one.
considering there were more than 30 people in that topic which went for a good 32 pages which was about JF-17 I think. Yeah many right?? In the other hand compare the way i get treated here and mocked ridiculed and insulted and the mods here only giving them more and more support to carry on.

Yeah it is very easy here to see who is the racist one.

They are free to think of us as they want, they must realize that we don't need them in anything, and they can't help in anything. We just care about them and look at them as brothers. Offer help when needed. That's it. Few are trying to ruin even that.
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