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“You’re Pakistani. You can wait.”

I lived in the Middle East for 12 years, in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. I have never experienced more racism in my life than I had living in Saudi Arabia.

Saudis and Arabs have inflated egos and Israel serves as a good humbling experience for them.
Just wait. It's peak oil now and their wells will dry up in a couple of decades. The House of Saud will then come crumbling down and the arrogant playboy Saudis will come rushing to Pakistan, India and BD in droves, begging for jobs and meal tickets.

Then it would be our turn to say, “You’re Saudi. You can wait.”!
Just wait. It's peak oil now and their wells will dry up in a couple of decades. The House of Saud will then come crumbling down and the arrogant playboy Saudis will come rushing to Pakistan, India and BD in droves, begging for jobs and meal tickets.

Then it would be our turn to say, “You’re Saudi. You can wait.”!

The person I am dealing with in Dubai used to tell us stories of the late 80's when they would come to karachi for work. He speaks fluent urdu and farsi. Now I have to pay him half of what I do just to hear his stories.
oil wealth doesn't and cannot explain saudi's abuse and mistreatment of fellow muslims. they are just bad people.

i blame this on the monarchy, which didn't teach its people anything better than to live either as (anglo-american-zionist) slaves or masters (over other muslims).

but with the removal of the government (and heads of the saudis royals and royalists), saudis will rejoin the family of arabs and muslims with greater humility.

jews steal and plunder and murder and do so because it is in their blood. that is the big difference between the racial tensions in israel and in saudi arabia.
Just wait. It's peak oil now and their wells will dry up in a couple of decades. The House of Saud will then come crumbling down and the arrogant playboy Saudis will come rushing to Pakistan, India and BD in droves, begging for jobs and meal tickets.

Then it would be our turn to say, “You’re Saudi. You can wait.”!
Don't hold your breath!

oil wealth doesn't and cannot explain saudi's abuse and mistreatment of fellow muslims. they are just bad people.

i blame this on the monarchy, which didn't teach its people anything better than to live either as (anglo-american-zionist) slaves or masters (over other muslims).

but with the removal of the government (and heads of the saudis royals and royalists), saudis will rejoin the family of arabs and muslims with greater humility.

jews steal and plunder and murder and do so because it is in their blood. that is the big difference between the racial tensions in israel and in saudi arabia.
The more outsiders call for their removal the more people hold on to them.
Another stereotype. There are good and bad people everywhere.
There are good Jews and bad Jews. Good Muslims and Bad Muslims. Good Hindus and Bad Hindus.

oil wealth doesn't and cannot explain saudi's abuse and mistreatment of fellow muslims. they are just bad people.

i blame this on the monarchy, which didn't teach its people anything better than to live either as (anglo-american-zionist) slaves or masters (over other muslims).

but with the removal of the government (and heads of the saudis royals and royalists), saudis will rejoin the family of arabs and muslims with greater humility.

jews steal and plunder and murder and do so because it is in their blood. that is the big difference between the racial tensions in israel and in saudi arabia.
we have good, bad n v bad ppl every where but tat doesnt count wat counts is wat ur govt does whome u have voted 4

Israel Kills muslims almost on a daily bases

Saudi Arabia feed millions of muslims daily May Allah Bless Saudi a , and millions of muslilms sply Pakistanis are ready to protoct The arab land That is why The King of Saudia calls Pakistan his second Home!!!!:pakistan:

Racist ppl will burn in Hell weather u r muslim,jew,or any go dam alien.
Israelis are more Professional. That's the crux. It's good at their part. But again it does not abolishes the fact that they have Occupied Palestinian land and on western backing are oppressing Palestinians. We Pakistanis are all for peace in between the two. If Israel shows little reasonability to solve the Palestinian issue, we have absolutely nothing against them.
I wont comment on any political aspect of the Israeli-Palestinian problem but i sure can comment on a personal level. During my undergrad years, i was in regular contact with both Palestinians and Israelis.

My experience with Israelis was far more positive than my experience with Palestinians. I found Israelis to be much more friendlier, helpful and most importantly accepting regardless of my faith and nationality. They all knew that i was a Pakistani but were very welcoming and open. They would always invite me to their gatherings and would always give me food to take home since they knew that i didn't know how to cook.

On the other hand, my experience with Palestinians could not have been any worse. They were rude, arrogant and had this sense of superiority that they were Arab Muslims and i was a Pakistani Muslim. I usually kept my distance from them and would only interact with them regarding school work. A couple of them had indulged in robbery and one was even caught. I still remember a couple of Palestinians were teasing a couple of Pakistani girls, it was only after a severe beating from my fellow Pakistanis that they were straightened out.

Anyways i have said enough and what i have said clearly reflects my own personal experience.
I wont comment on any political aspect of the Israeli-Palestinian problem but i sure can comment on a personal level. During my undergrad years, i was in regular contact with both Palestinians and Israelis.

My experience with Israelis was far more positive than my experience with Palestinians. I found Israelis to be much more friendlier, helpful and most importantly accepting regardless of my faith and nationality. They all knew that i was a Pakistani but were very welcoming and open. They would always invite me to their gatherings and would always give me food to take home since they knew that i didn't know how to cook.

On the other hand, my experience with Palestinians could not have been any worse. They were rude, arrogant and had this sense of superiority that they were Arab Muslims and i was a Pakistani Muslim. I usually kept my distance from them and would only interact with them regarding school work. A couple of them had indulged in robbery and one was even caught. I still remember a couple of Palestinians were teasing a couple of Pakistani girls, it was only after a severe beating from my fellow Pakistanis that they were straightened out.

Anyways i have said enough and what i have said clearly reflects my own personal experience.

Damn, where was this? England?
I lived in the Middle East for 12 years, in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

I have never experienced more racism in my life than I had living in Saudi Arabia.

Saudis and Arabs have inflated egos and Israel serves as a good humbling experience for them.

Honestly- it depends upon how you carry yourself-
I am living in Saudia for 24 years i have never experienced any targeted racism-
One off incidents do happen every where-
Heck i have felt more racism in United Kingdom in the 5 years i have spent there than my whole life in Saudi Arabia-
I wont comment on any political aspect of the Israeli-Palestinian problem but i sure can comment on a personal level. During my undergrad years, i was in regular contact with both Palestinians and Israelis.

My experience with Israelis was far more positive than my experience with Palestinians. I found Israelis to be much more friendlier, helpful and most importantly accepting regardless of my faith and nationality. They all knew that i was a Pakistani but were very welcoming and open. They would always invite me to their gatherings and would always give me food to take home since they knew that i didn't know how to cook.

On the other hand, my experience with Palestinians could not have been any worse. They were rude, arrogant and had this sense of superiority that they were Arab Muslims and i was a Pakistani Muslim. I usually kept my distance from them and would only interact with them regarding school work. A couple of them had indulged in robbery and one was even caught. I still remember a couple of Palestinians were teasing a couple of Pakistani girls, it was only after a severe beating from my fellow Pakistanis that they were straightened out.

Anyways i have said enough and what i have said clearly reflects my own personal experience.

i couldn't agree more-
The Palestinians are naturally born jacka55es-
and yes we can understand the situation of their country- the oppression- the every day deaths have made them all extra aggressive towards life-

There is another lot who came from that situation- The Israelis- They are animals-
On the other hand, my experience with Palestinians could not have been any worse. They were rude, arrogant and had this sense of superiority that they were Arab Muslims and i was a Pakistani Muslim.
Since the Arabs care two hoots for Pakistanis, why then does Pakistan consider itself part of the Arab culture? For example, for postcolonial nations, national languages play an important role in creating a sense of the nation especially through literary artifacts. However this important role has been deeply contested in case of Urdu by insertion of a foreign and "sacred" language - Arabic.

For Pakistan, enhancing the study of Urdu and Urdu literature would help instead of aligning your politics and emotions with a mythical Muslim-Arab past.

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