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Yom Kippur War 1973: The Egyptian Revenge

I want an honest answer if you know and I will accept it.
Did king Hussien flow to Israel and inform them about the war time? if yes why?
noting that Jordan participated effectively in the war against Israel.
Accounts vary, but according to official and widely endorsed account, Sinai was re-conquered by Israel during the time of ceasefire.

Little known is the fact that Israel contemplated the use of nuclear weapons at the worst point of the war in 1973.
No, whole Siani was captured in 1967. Egypt captured 194 KM accross the Canal, 12 to 15 KM deep inside Sinai during the first 4 days of the war. Egypt didn't lose them till today. Everybody agrees on that, even all Israeli sources.

I want an honest answer if you know and I will accept it.
Did king Hussien flow to Israel and inform them about the war time? if yes why?
noting that Jordan participated effectively in the war against Israel.
Egypt's former foreign minister Abu Elgeit denied such reports in an interview with Youm7 news agency about 2 or 3 years ago :-).
No, whole Siani was captured in 1967. Egypt captured 194 KM accross the Canal, 12 to 15 KM deep inside Sinai during the first 4 days of the war. Egypt didn't lose them till today. Everybody agrees on that, even all Israeli sources.

I was talking of the status at the time of ceasefire. It is true that whole Sinai was captured by Egypt at the beginning, but was re-conquered by Israel with 3rd army trapped, at the time of ceasefire.

Egypt regained Sinai through peace agreement, which is why I said Political Victory was achieved by Egypt.
No, whole Siani was captured in 1967. Egypt captured 194 KM accross the Canal, 12 to 15 KM deep inside Sinai during the first 4 days of the war. Egypt didn't lose them till today. Everybody agrees on that, even all Israeli sources.

Egypt's former foreign minister Abu Elgeit denied such reports in an interview with Youm7 news agency about 2 or 3 years ago :-).
LOVE YOU :smitten:

Can you give me a source or a link?
I was talking of the status at the time of ceasefire. It is true that whole Sinai was captured by Egypt at the beginning, but was re-conquered by Israel with 3rd army trapped, at the time of ceasefire.

Egypt regained Sinai through peace agreement, which is why I said Political Victory was achieved by Egypt.
Egypt never recaptured whole Sinai during the war. It is impossible to do so with Israel huge advantage when it comes to their air force... At the time of the cease fire, Egypt had control over 194 KM across the Suez canal, 12 to 15 KM deep inside Sinai. Israel penetrated a 5KM gap between the Second and the Third and crossed the Canal and cut the support lines to the Third Army. They failed to enter Suez or Ismaelia and had huge losses trying to do so. The Third army didn't surrender or stop fighting thu. The Israeli forces in the West bank of the Canal was surrounded by Egyptian and Arab forces too. Right after the cease fire, the two parties had an agreement(first disengagement agreement) that would allow the the Israeli forces to go back to the Eastern side of the Canal. It also limited the presence of the Egyptian forces in Sinai, but didn't give up any lands that Egypt recaptured during the war. Also, i woulldn't call returning Sinai a political victory, since it left the Palestinians alone with the Israeli criminals. If Egypt was to have peace with Israel, they should have helped in securing peace for the Palestinians too. It was card that Egypt should have used more. I think Sadat should have been more patient. Now if we are honest, we can say that Egypt abondeded its historic role which was defending the regions countries, and fighting for Islamic cause.
Egypt never recaptured whole Sinai during the war. It is impossible to do so with Israel huge advantage when it comes to their air force... At the time of the cease fire, Egypt had control over 194 KM across the Suez canal, 12 to 15 KM deep inside Sinai. Israel penetrated a 5KM gap between the Second and the Third and crossed the Canal and cut the support lines to the Third Army. They failed to enter Suez or Ismaelia and had huge losses trying to do so. The Third army didn't surrender or stop fighting thu. The Israeli forces in the West bank of the Canal was surrounded by Egyptian and Arab forces too. Right after the cease fire, the two parties had an agreement(first disengagement agreement) that would allow the the Israeli forces to go back to the Eastern side of the Canal. It also limited the presence of the Egyptian forces in Sinai, but didn't give up any lands that Egypt recaptured during the war.

Yes, the thing is, Israel recognised that Egypt has the capability to give it a bloody nose through this war. That is why Sinai was given back to Egypt for peace, while Israel builds up its defence and military industry for the future war with Egypt and all Arabs.
Yes, the thing is, Israel recognised that Egypt has the capability to give it a bloody nose through this war. That is why Sinai was given back to Egypt for peace, while Israel builds up its defence and military industry for the future war with Egypt and all Arabs.
I agree with you 100%
Moshe dayan before and after the war :-). Now i don't think anybody can even argue that Israel was going to give Egypt Sinai if it wasn't for Yom Kippur war. Hence we call it an Egyptian victory. He actually says that we don't want peace with Egypt, and we won't even give them their land for peace.
Here Golda Meir before the war saying that she won't give an inc of the lands they occupied in 1967.
Both changed their mind after Yom Kippur/October war because they won the war ??? Come on people, we are not that stupid!
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Israel would have been occupied by Egypt if not for American help.
For god's sake. Egyptians captured some 2% of Sinai if first day and did not make any gains since then. US aid started to arrive only 8 days later, and very little portion of it was unpacked and used during the war itself.

Egypt recaptured 194 KM accross the Suez Canal, 12-15 deep inside Sinai after 4 days of fighting. Egypt intial plan was completed after 4 days, until the end of the war they never gave back the land they retook from Israel.
Egypt captured 1200 km2 in Sinai, while Israel captured 1600 km2 in Africa. More over, half teritory captured by Egypt was encyrcled and doomed to fail in days.

They did surround the Third army, but the Third army didn't surrender, or stop fighting.
Because superpowers forced Israel to cease fire the same day enyrclemend was completed.
Egypt captured 1200 km2 in Sinai, while Israel captured 1600 km2 in Africa. More over, half teritory captured by Egypt was encyrcled and doomed to fail in days.

Because superpowers forced Israel to cease fire the same day enyrclemend was completed.
It is not even possible that the small portion of your army that crossed the Canal, and only could go South toward Suez and the behind the Third army can occupy 1600 Km2. The Land that Egypt recaptured had to be close to double what Israel captured hence your forces was only begind half of Egypts army.

Kissenger threatened Sadat the US would intervine if Egypt attacks the Israeli forces West of the Canal after Egypt got resupplies from the Arab world amd organizing their positions and withdrawing some forces from the Second army that wasn't engaged in any fighting.
It is not even possible that the small portion of your army that crossed the Canal, and only could go South toward Suez and the behind the Third army can occupy 1600 Km2. The Land that Egypt recaptured had to be close to double what Israel captured hence your forces was only begind half of Egypts army.

Kissenger threatened Sadat the US would intervine if Egypt attacks the Israeli forces West of the Canal after Egypt got resupplies from the Arab world amd organizing their positions and withdrawing some forces from the Second army that wasn't engaged in any fighting.
Small portion? :) Three Israeli armir divisions crossed the canal.

Small portion? :) Three Israeli armir divisions crossed the canal.

Come On, you are a smart man, you should know better... In the map you posted, the Israeli forces are spread far away from cities, they are just wondering in the desert, does that even make sense ??? The cities are by the Canal, it doesn't make sense to go in the desert were nobody is around you, and where its hard to move, and where you would be far from your supply lines.
our plan was to make a foothold in sainai within our air defence range and force the isreals to attack us on land becouse we didnt have moble air defence and look at we have done
1 the bar lev line which take more than 6 years to build we took it in 6 hours
2 the isreal counter attack which was a complete fail
3 we know as long the battle goes you become weaker your econmy and the whole life in isreal stops imagne if we countinue the war for 2 mounth you will be broke
4 the forces who croosed the suez canal couldnt take suez or ismailia
5 the thierd army could have attacked anyway like i said we can take losses but you cant
6 after your heavy losses our commandos can strike even deeper in sainai or can reach tel aviv
7 we had reserves do you know that every one enters the army 3 years at the time we could have called the older reserves
8 about the chineese farm dont say you won again i saw a docmuntry made by isreals themselfs admitting there loss
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