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Yogi Adityanath To Be New Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister

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And both of these attitudes have resulted in nothing but destruction for whoever has tried to employ them. Remember the days when sane Muslims used to try and argue with violent Salafist Jihadists? It was like talking to a bloody brick wall. Nobody can get through to them. This thing in India will keep gaining strength until it plays itself out. This will take a generation, but it is definitely headed in that direction. The appointment of this nutcase is a statement of intention by Modi. He is letting the Muslims of India know what is coming for them.


Thats why I wrote in my earlier post, India is going down the drains. Very very hard times ahead for the minorities of India.
No issue with him being religious but that should not be the criteria for being the CM.
UP needs someone who can energize the state to attract investment , improve infra in cities, reduce poverty, redyce illitracy, etc.
For religious matters we have enough babas and sadhus.

I don't have a issue even if you have a problem with him being religious. That is your personal choice.

Why do you claim that Yogi Adityanath cannot attract investment, improve infra all over, reduce poverty, reduce illiteracy etc ?

What is your proof that he cannot do all of this ? while Akhilesh with Zero experience in politics can or a Mayawati can ?

What is your criteria for deciding the capability of someone ?
Taliban = Muslim Religious fanatics.
Hindu Taliban (Modi and co.) = Hindu Religious fanatics

Sharia = Hardcore implementation of Muslim law,

Hindu Sharia = Hardcore implementation of Hindu law.

Hindu law? Could you please elaborate on these Hindu laws and where can one read more about them?

Unbelievable. Just look at the faces of all the men standing in that propaganda photo op. Just look closely. What do you see? Do you think we are stupid? This kind of crap fools no one but gullible Hindu peasants. This man declared that it was perfectly moral and ethical to rape that muslim women if she was dead. This kind of attitude is what led to the Two Nation theory. India can go to hell.
Why don't you consult with Hindu Talibans Modi / Yogi?

They will enlighten you in the presence of oxygen-exhaling cows.
I don't hear them talk about Hindu Law, it's you who brought it up. So why don't you enlighten us with your knowledge of Hindu Law.
I don't hear them talk about Hindu Law, it's you who brought it up. So why don't you enlighten us with your knowledge of Hindu Law.

Call it Hindu law, Hindu code, Hindu culture, Hindu whatever.

Hindu Talibans like Modi and Yogi can explain that far better who want its strict implementation in India. I have no 'beef' with you. :pleasantry:
Wokay, ladies and gentleman. I opened my computer today to see about a 100 alerts. I don't have time to go through them all today as I have some work to do , unlike you lazy people wasting your whole day and night on the forum...so here are some answers I wanted to do individually, but will do in bulk.

1. "Yogi "MAY" do development work , prove that he won't" - ans, when you employ someone you look at their resume. So far yogis resume has been pure and simple rabble rousing. If he had any interest in development , we would have seen it in his constituency. So far a big zero. Cannot compare to Modi, who had 11% growth in his state. This is like employing an accountant who has never kept books on the premise that there is no evidence that he cannot do the job!

2." Mind your business - this is UP people's mandate". All well, if only what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Unfortunately in my home state we host a rag tag army of people escaping the wonders of electoral politics of Bihar and West Bengal and to some extent UP and the eastern states. Our tax money goes to subsidize the very people who tell us it's none of our business. All the world wide lists that have India at the bottom are entirely due to some of these eastern states, they pull everyone down with them...so yes, this is our business too.

3. "This is democracy, the party chose" - in a democracy people get to chose their leaders "people's wish" . If the party had been so sure of the people s wish, they would have campaigned with yogi as the face but instead they campaigned with Modi as the face and switched from development to Hindutva . So basically they were mis- using the rules of parliamentary democracy. Technically within the letter of the law but not the spirit. I think in a country like India we need electoral reform. What worked on a tiny homogeneous island like Britain, is not working for us .

4. For all those (Pakistanis mainly) whining on and on about "beef". Show me where it says in your books that you HAVE to eat beef to be a Muslim? Eating beef is purely a personal choice is it not? Your main interest in beef seems to stem from your interest in annoying Hindus not because it is your only source of protein. No infringement of your right to practice religion has occurred. So please shut up about it already! It is mainly because of some Muslims attitude of "my way or the highway" and total inability to get along with other people that we now have these kind of hardliners all around the world. If you guys took on a more adaptive attitude, people like yogi would not have become popular on the first place.

5. And about that stupid picture of yogi giving a gift to a woman in burka - my only response would be this is exactly like that famous racist politician in the US who once said "BUT I have black friends and I even let them use my bathroom! ". Pfft ....secular my @ss.
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do listen the gems of masood akhtar .. congress MLA from saharnapur.
Why not post it here so that everyone can listen and see.

Yogi.. the Sanyasi:p:

The people behind must be waiting for her to die so that they can rape her.

Dude, stop this futile exercise, he is a true Hindu "nationalist". Why try to make him look "sickular":undecided:

Let the liberal @sses burn:yahoo:
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